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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Messed around with sheet brass today…..results were interesting considering the lack of tools I have at my disposal. Due to those bloody running plate bumps using brass is not that easy and probobly won’t be the used method, to be fair these were only mock-ups anyway so at least I can leave brass to the kit builders
  2. It could be done, I would worry about the height of the water tank, the Adams radials cab means that pulling this off probably would not look the best. The tank extention I intend to do is the same height. Something more similar to that of 479 and other CBSC 4-4-2t’s
  3. For me it’s like a model of the turf burner. not something that should be mass produced, but it would be the attention puller of any layout it was on
  4. The Lanz Bulldog Tractor had an engine that could run both clockwise and anti-clockwise depending on which direction you wanted to go. It also had a 0 RPM engine (yes an engine can run at 0 RPM)
  5. I’m starting to agree. I think this photo makes the water tanks look far more at home on the loco, and make it look like 479!
  6. If By Canarian you mean Cahersiveenian!
  7. A few select people know where C202/C227 is but I believe we won’t be seeing it anytime soon Nor former CIE/NIR for the Craic, CSE locos are at whitehead, belturbet and Clonakilty model railway village. One was at halfway vintage club until 2018 with a bulleid open wagon and a 20t brakevan. All since moved somewhere else mysterious also the K class may not be in Ireland anymore but they are…..somewhere in the Far East and….wales There is also that load of English stuff (austerity tank engine, railbus ect) at carlingford brewery railway in the north. Not at all for this list but worth mentioning there there
  8. ~A55 at castlerea railway meuseum ~the various G class and E class locos at carrick, dunsandle and downpatrick ~ the sulzer at cultra as well ~C202/227 god only knows where
  9. With the “Laminate Coaches” completed its newer longer term project is a go. Trying to figure out how to deal with the water tank situation on my Adams radial. The current plan I think is to either make it out of plasticard or to 3d print it at the expense of loosing the finish. the humps you see here in the running plant are proving to be an issue hence why I’m leaning towards 3d printing if possible I made a Card mock-up with rough but sound enough dimensions it makes a massive difference to the locomotive and while it would require that dreaded re-spray. It may well be worth it for the water tank, which feels much more natural
  10. An exclusively SLNC 7mm layout, now that’s going to be a challenge. I look forward to seeing how this complex enough looking 4-4-0 turns out.
  11. As I said before, After the surgery it had to go though to get it working, I’m relatively happy with the railcars as they are (aside from the snails, as soon as I get the chance those transfers will be replaced with EDN ones) meanwhile on the laminate front, transfers are complete and the coaches are more or less finished…and I must stay I’m quite staggered by now they turned out. I Thought I would have to wait for park royals/laminates for some decent coaching stock. These pictures don’t do justice to how sharp they look behind a 121/A class The enamel paint adds some wait to it, obviously enamel makes to much colder to the touch too. The reflections give very realistic metal finish. Due the flatt glossy surface, transfers stick like a treat. I commend railtec for there transfers whom without, this project would not be possible, the only thing I’d ask is if they would flip some of the snails around and replace 4th,5th,6th,7th,8th,9th and 0th class with more 1st, 2nd and 3rd!! as we can see on my “fictional semi rosslare stock based coach” the transfers had a much harder time sticking due to the bumps, something for somone with more skill and equipment then me can do a far better job, but for me is beyond passable. The average price of 1 coach including the coach, paint, transfers and all the shipping for all that stuff was 23 euro, and that only goes down the more you make as the paint and transfers I have will easily make 2 more coaches.
  12. With the snails on, I decided to run the carriages in order to speed up drying of transfers. This is to insure I don’t accidentally mess up the transfers (one of my lines looked quite poor tanks to a misplaced finger!) A30 pulls through at 50 percent speed, a good comparison of the green to the railcar 2625 next door the mighty A class hauls them with my older stock. I have enough lining for at least 2 more small coaches. If the hattons gensisis coaches release I may put them in this livery IMG_1071.MOV A30 at a slightly more controlled speed with new “Laminate” coaches. Featuring all the mistakes made on my older stock! you may hear the clicking in the video and this is small bug my A suffers from. When it goes from a bend to a straight, pipes on the bogeys hit detail on the body, nothing major but I reckon after a while…..the pipe may fall off!
  13. Because of these coaches, I think they came out in the 70s? Somone can correct me on that my coaches are based on a Lima mk1 00 and those ones were based on lima H0. Identical but mine are better I like to think!!!!!
  14. I see there is a model out for that loco….it will set you back about 250 euro if not more thanks to customs though……..livery is fanstastic Back on topic, my Lima coaches have received there lining. They will receive snails later tonight as per laminate stock but I must say I get serious Lima HO vibes with these coaches
  15. I have an addiction to small locos in stunning livery, you’ll often see my LBSCR terrier in the backdrop to my “workbench” but other members include SE&CR P class and Caledonian Andrew Barclay. In the unlikely scenario where I didn’t use Irish locos, I’d have a layout of mixed small pre grouping UK locos
  16. I’m a bit of a novice when it comes to the C&L but is Nancy, the loco over in America and the one in cultra the same class of loco? Or are they different classes if you are a C&L enthusiast….what a choice of locos there is. The 3 locos mentioned above, dromod, (Half) a T&D loco….shame my favourite of the lot, the C&BPR locos weren’t preserved but you can’t have em all!
  17. I can’t wait until 134 is decked in 1961 spec livery, but I can’t say I won’t miss this livery when it goes. just to give people an idea of that the 121’s will be like once decked out in grey. I actually love the grey 121/Green coaching stock. CSX loco no.800 in the same grey preserved over in America a 121 at ballahagerdeen, I think this was an IRRS special hence all the photographers over at J15 in the shed Of course the RPSI picked there colours by simply removing a few layers of paint To find the original livery buried below!
  18. It took half an hour to paint them (2 coats) it will take about 10 minutes to put on the transfers, while it can’t be done within an hour due to waiting for paint to dry. hardest bit is finding the correct materials. It took me a while to find the paint I’m using right now for instance
  19. Most of the radials were built by either Breyer peacock or Dübs, 2 loco builders that dominated the west cork scene for a long time. I think the wheel arrangement, design and everything about it has made it a classic base for Irish prototypes. Maybe J15,GSR 800, no.4 and merlin have there english look alikes, you you can make a radial into anything with a bit of imagination
  20. Fantastic model, ids say hauling it down the Dugort line did some damage, but with all the rumours of closure to the line, it’s as if the lads from kingbridge don’t Care!
  21. A good next step would be scratch building a small peice onto an existing model…..say extending the water tank on an Adams radial…..
  22. Yep, cmon Inchicore give us all wierd livery/loco combos like Black and Tan 071, Galway A class…. Only enough I think one of the RPSI 141s (just one end) was temporarily put in IE Gray before, must find that picture
  23. One down, one to go on these 2ft rule CIE laminate (mk1) coaches. Funny as these coaches including the price of producing one of these coaches works out to be about 20 euro! Enough to temp any rough and ready modellers out there
  24. Holy sh*t that looks rough….imagine being the first person on site and having to inform inform the bossman
  25. I was thinking that. Anyone with those old conversions can get busy! same if anyone wants a “Galway livery” A class
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