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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Your talking to the fella who payed €300 for silverfox railcars that needed 2 hours of complete rebuilding to get running and slightly Doesn't regret it
  2. MM201 and next IRM loco (hopefully) will be under €199.99 otherwise I can forget about going to college
  3. Well to be fair it’s still on the website that the 201s are on the way. Granted mr murphy probobly didn’t anticipate the shipping issue we have at the moment back then unless…..a small announcement from IRM is an update on a model they aren’t making
  4. To be fair it took me a good 3 minutes to get it out of my box because the blister Plastic surrounding the loco is was so tightly sealed I didn’t want to put it under pressure as there was a 190 euro loco beneath
  5. A3R was considered a “small announcement The only other thing I remember IRM working on is the footbridge project. I’m sure we will get an update on that In one of the next, oh I don’t know …..15 announcements Just a reminder to everyone that MM might have 201s coming next year…… im going to have to stick to an era or I’ll be skint
  6. These are GSR no.479 (blurry) and 480. These 2 locos are of a set of many different 4-4-2 designs by Dübs and Nielsen for the CBSCR built in the 1890s all of these locos had been withdrawn in the 30s in GSR days. now I’m my head, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to extend the water tank and chop off the outside cylinder on an Adams radial to make GSR 479 or even make this a fictional class, another one of the many versions of the 4-4-2 locos provided by dübs (you can see above the difference between 480 and 479 is considerable) anyways I’ll give it a go. Another fictional class to go alongside my fictional coaches!
  7. Everyone is guilty of that the odd time. Even one of my favourites EUVIRAIL mixed up the A and the C class in term of having an NIR livery. I’ll watch a sams trains video the odd time. Particularly the 3d modelling serious he is doing right now, granted some of the models he makes are shocking but some of them warrant grabbing ideas from
  8. Current order of likelyness in my head “speculations mode on” C class 80 class AEC railcar 22k sulzer Rtr steam re-run of currently existing loco
  9. Idk what transfers those are but ids say it’s not worth the hassle of trying to make them work aside from a sketchy pack of snails I got from eBay, I haven’t had too much trouble with transfers
  10. I heard tommorow were getting Albert quay caravan coach, listowel and ballybunion cattle van, Clayton railcars and models of both dick the horse of fiontona and paddy of Shannonvale. Value pack 2 horses for only €20 (Dcc Ready)
  11. That’s more then 1 announcement per month! what planet are we living on is there any announcement coming this side of Christmas?
  12. FullSizeRender.mov Finnally got to run my A class in today, and hence was able to use my new fictional coaching stock and bulleid wagons glad to confirm that the A is in fact by far the most reliable locomotive ever run on my layout, even beating the extremely long wheelbase on my railcars. FullSizeRender.mov My track is knackered from years of that LNER B12 thrashing it and never been cleaned. The A rounded it like it was floating on air FullSizeRender.mov for comparison b121 stalled on the first 3 attempts I had on trying to move off. And C212 is running like a crossely in spirit, loud and spluttering all over the place and needing a burst of power in order to not stay with the heavy enough rake (not to mention half of it had plastic wheels!) FullSizeRender.mov FullSizeRender.mov
  13. I (think) these were given a trial on thecourtmacsherry line However these locos were always more suited to cork city railway work
  14. Railways in Cork In between 1931-35 were an utterly miserable kinsale branch closed CMLR closed CBPR closed Macroom line closed for passenger services Cork-bandon commuter service cut On the plus side, the bulletproof Clayton railcars were introduced
  15. Does that make me, the young fella who eats up steam era stuff the exception or the majority…..asking for a friend Silver really was the perfect primer for CIE oil black livery
  16. I head that we might have to wait on the C class due to the issue of fitting all the high quality stuff the A class set in standerds C201 (silver special edition) C227 (silver) C212 (unlined green) C231 (lined green) id buy all 4 of them even if they were 200 a pop
  17. This video popped into my recommendations today and I’m so glad it did. Very well put together for somone with no previous knowledge of the crash. (Ignore LNER teak coaches and GWR loco for the simulation!)
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  18. I love that these locos somehow survived the cutters torch and are just chilling out by kilkea. I really need to visit
  19. There is weirdly an pile of West cork steam stuff in 7mm with J30, argadeen, st molaga, GSWR F6, Bandon tank along with MGWR coaching stock and I think they used to do CBSCR bogey coaches.
  20. Unbelievable lads
  21. Finnally it’s my turn to dazzled by the A class and Dazzled I was! Postman chucked it at me this morning as he was in a rush, no damage done thankfully The only A class variant that got verifiably got on to west cork rails. The silver A class in 1956, 57 and 62 (cork city railway) albeit probably more dirty then the one before me While I don’t have a silverfox A, I do have a silverfox C (hopefully C212 can also get an upgrade in the coming years) just for comparison putting the two together to see the leap we have made in terms of Metro-vics! cant wait to give it a run later, no doubt it will be out of the park thank you to all at IRM
  22. He also offers weathering….I think it’s free of charge too. I just like my stuff clean rather then dirty
  23. If memory serves there was a halt around the barnsmore gap somewhere. I wonder how possible it would be to have a line between Donegal town and barnsmore all theoretical of course, I’ve only been to Donegal once and never checked the present state of trackbed
  24. Those wagons had it coming! (Another horrendous take from iPhone autocorrect)
  25. With IRM (I Think) confirming my A class this morning, A30 in silver will compliment my new bullied wagons well All that’s missing is a JM designs brakevan (which to be fair I was far to slow to get one) and you would have a small early beet train going. These wagons are about on par with silverfox in detail they also weigh a lot for an open wagon. However RTR and built to your requirements (tarps, colour, etc) and price make it well convenient for a teenager living of scraps, and is scared sh*tless of building kits…..thus far anyway!
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