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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. I always thought that 3d printing technology would be the job for making custom size platforms.
  2. You’re right Ernie. That clonakilty junction photo is pretty significant.
  3. You’d probobly need to put on a much larger search to find much
  4. Most importantly in 1862 the kinsale Branchline was still under construction somone should do an 1862 map of the rail network
  5. Go back almost 100 years and pullmans were going via nenagh into limerick
  6. Oil is still dispensed from a depot in roughly the same location in Bantry
  7. Hello lads. We are now taking bookings for tables. If you have some stuff to sell. There is no better place
  8. Now that you mention it. The roof at Kent could do with a paint and a clean!
  9. i don’t think I have a problem with any of the Termini in the Republic. Once all those upgrades to limerick Galway Waterford and Cork anyways (well Rosslare is a bit lacking but to be honest, money should be spent elewhere on that line!)
  10. simular ish ones in the WCMRV in clonakilty
  11. Something like this was used as a “portable water tank” there was one down in courtmac during the beet season. Biggest problem is….there was two seperate square tanks as a pose to one large one
  12. The Burma shunter at cork was litterally a 1960s tractor so it could be worse…. St mologa and argideen also spring to mind. Is there any other CIE locos with only a name and no number?
  13. Most stations have a “fire exit plan” on the wall somewhere. Depending on the station you wanted you could just travel to that station and take a picture of said plan
  14. As JHB pointed out. mr Good has given to me a copy from his long list of invaluable documents the first time each C class ran in west cork (all of them having visited west cork by the end of 1959) meaning any C class could work your layout. I however would hold out on a silverfox C class because I have a feeling an IRM one will avarice in the midium term. As for the AEC railcar. I found them to be not good enough. The plastic very fiddly and falling apart. Hence I sold mine @jhb171achill a C class in green in 1966! also CIE Had a Peckett! In original as deleivered Peckett Green but it was very very weathered so you could hardly make out it was green. It was withdrawn in 1950 but you could “work around that” I would probobly get GSWR no.90 if funds allowed too.
  15. Yes we can do a 90 which fits into the old horny terrier chassis a bandon tank that fits onto a Horby b12 and old terrier chassis (looks ok ish!) the Adams radial tank - Irish ish. It would have been even better if I chopped of the outside cylinders. There was a CBSC quote simular to the 4-4-2 I made. Many other of this type had circle windows and other defining features
  16. The green ones looked very nice. It’s a shame a few more didn’t escape in that guise
  17. Yes the metrovic plate in my “my local area” has a layer of orange paint on it
  18. Tell you what, wouldn’t mind if they made these as well and an EMD version. Reckon they would be a nice way to raise some cash
  19. I suggest you look in this thread for some inspiration @Metrovik
  20. Look earlier in the thread! It seems you can hard glue in new couplings
  21. From Shane creed on Facebook.
  22. I think this is literally the “Irish Hornby Railroad” some have been crying out for. Sure the UTA it not everyone’s cup of tea but if your on a budget sometimes you don’t have a choice! An Irish steam engine for €99.99 will have a few downsides inevitably. But most working on the cheap won’t be needing Kadee couplings!
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