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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Do show how you develop the irish livery......a few of us will take notes for when we do ours!
  2. Better late then never! The IRM A class will be in a different league altogether but we have to commend silverfox for giving us an A class option
  3. I know, twas only shoving a bachmann/MM coach onto a hattons 6 wheel chassis. @Mike 84C has a much better example of what such a coach would look like. Its an interesting one as many who wish for flying snail laminates and park royals would be more then happy to accept these into layouts. I'd buy 3 or 4 for a bandon tank! Im just observing that if these 2 companies are battling out in the 6 wheelers. And more liveries are introduced to sell more of each tooling. Maybe.....just maybe we will see a CIE option. And if not then theyll be re painted into CIE green anyway! My west cork bud has ordered some of the southern varients for this purpose.
  4. What I will say is if 2 manufacturers are making 3 wheelers surely one will make one of these (albiet mine is a frankenstein and a pain to look at for too long, it took like 2 minutes to make anyway!) Hattons have already announced what three wheelers will be in there 3rd round....maybe if there is a forth round or god knows hornby announce this Im sure people would want to have one on the layout or weathered in a siding. And mean coaching stock is abailble for steam locos and C Class locos if any were to be produced in the future....
  5. Ill be honest the ethics of what hornby are doing doesn't look great. They didn't like rails using "their model" and then proceeded to copy Hattons genesis coaches. The 88 DS is looking to be a good model. But even though they have made consistently good models and I will probably still buy a few in the future. I can't agree with that kind of Craic. If i buy the generic coaches for conversion to CIE ones ill will be going Hattons
  6. Wow t does look like it dosent it. Ill have to ask my father where the hell it came from. I suppose it must be local. My grandfather did purchase a few sleepers of CIE from ballinhassig in 1964.
  7. I have a big peice off of something made by cowans and sheldon. Big heavy cast circle thing about 3/4 of a meter in diameter....again no clue what it came from, despite the fact its within 50 meters of what used to be a railway station. makes for a fine heavy animal feeder!
  8. Hoping she will steam again in the near future. Small engine with a lot of character. Not to mention thats its called cork, kerry, down and galway home over its almost 150 years!
  9. 4 leg pick ups, horse manure weathering, very interesting sound....and it doesn't need rails Not to mention it has a flying snail....im sold
  10. Was Gort one of the last stations to retain its GSR sign?
  11. I Mean This is as far as two seconds in office lense got me. Might do something like this for with a but of Sprucening of the images for my layouts in the future or of course buy SSM signs
  12. Interesting strategy! Again can't be underestimated this announcement. Fair play to paddy murphy for re releasing some of these coaches and the 201s. One of the biggest complaints about irish modeling was ebay prices for existing models. 150 euro for 1 peice of rolling stock and 300-450 for some locos!
  13. How do you do pre-orders for something without a price yet? Also my hope is that 226 River Suir is put out in new IE livery.....alas ill just have to wait and see
  14. Yes thats true and i do think the new IE logo looks nicer on the 201s then the previous intercity decals. Great to see locos currently on the mainline being moddeled
  15. Oh f*ck....i pray for the people that bought them.....chances are theyll still try sell them for 150 even when the new ones are on sale.... Its nice that the 201s were getting are the more modern variants of each livery. As has been said there is a lack of current day irish locos for people coming into the hobby. But intercity 201s are a familiar site to even those outside the irish railway circle upon showing a picture of one to my non railway freind he calls it the "high speed train" i mean at least he has the spirit
  16. Ill look for any scraps of my communion money left over!
  17. Brilliant! Its a huge announcement considering some of us thought there were "no future plans" for MM. Im excited to see every single one of these re-hit store shelves I'm not certain but is this the first time an irish loco has been re-run?
  18. Interesting how it says that alright, hence why this is such a big shock. Considering that marks models and IRM have confirmed it which makes me beleive that this isnt the usual hoaxes you get from Facebook sometimes Besides its much easier to update a facebook page then to update a website I think
  19. I suppose the success of this run will be monitered closely as we dont get re-runs to often..... and maybe more in the future if this one goes well. there 50 years past my era and the intercity 201.... I might just get one anyway besides for the intercity, enteprise and badger liveries this is only the second run! It would make sense to see 60s coaching stock return to shelves on the eve of the A class and 121s. Shame there is nothing with a flying snail for them to pull...yet
  20. Well deserved return for intercity green 201, bridges the gap between old and new very well
  21. To be fair the lima 201 was the biggest step up in irish railway modeling. The MM 141 was also a big step up but not as big a step as the lima 201.
  22. Aye I just saw them there, good rescource for whenever i do get no.90 and maybe some more justification for great northern stock!
  23. Irelands terrier. The old lady was a staple of rocksavage works. Even though the D class diesel had arrived and she was 75 years old at that point! Delightful photo
  24. https://www.marksmodels.com/?cid=51 Wow.......surely these will be of interest to people....brand new NCC jinties, flying snail moguls and flying snail coaching stock Interesting that everyone seems to be clearing the warehouse now!
  25. I must also agree that (not biased) that the cork shots were awesome. Some of the V class shots were great too
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