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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Westcorkrailway


    Behold, the real C202! coincidentally in Silver livery at Ballinhassig in November 1960 with empties. Taken by john langford. hope this helps.
  2. apologies I'm new here, I don't know what done to death and what isint!
  3. so it would take A Bachmann collaboration for a 141/181 re release? while the 071 would be a lot easier. It would be nice if even one of the two had a second run as its impossible to get your hands on some of those locos, and the ones that do pop up are incredibly expensive.
  4. Id be happy enough if the 121 class was the final Murphy Models model if that meant Re-run of the 141 and 071 class in the near future.
  5. Its not a P class as the wheels are much different to the ones seen in the number 90 model, although if you wanted to you deffinttly could use a p class chassis although a terrier would be much cheaper. i just looked at the terrier chassis and the wheels seem to be the same.
  6. must be a terrier chassis, hornby have released re tools recently enough so i reckon there the chassis from the last generation of terriers
  7. These are a few photos from the cork blackrock and passage railway facebook group, these are the two models mark dunlea has produced thus far, they will cost 80 euro for the shell whenever he decides to start selling it.
  8. I see alright there might be a problem with size but as i have the chassis with years, and the model on the way its worth a try. especially as ive heard from 2 people now that they found the chassis the hardest part of the model by quite a margin. if it does come to a stage where i will have to assemble the chassis (likely). I am sure the Loco box you have recommended will help make the job more bearable. certainly will look into it if i do assemble the chassis, its 1 of two model kits i intend doing so might be worth a read or a reference
  9. Just ordered a Bandon tank from studio scale models...however not the full kit with the wheels, gearbox, coupling rods ect. i want to try use an old hornby B12 4-6-0 Chassis and try incorporate it rather then assembling the chassis of the model as from what i heard from another beginner is the hardest part by far as the there is not room for error. its a bit big and a bit long but no point not trying! if not then ill try putting the kit together as its meant to! ill find out in the coming months.
  10. C212, the first irish locomotive of my collection, im very pleased with it and hopefully more to come!
  11. i emailed them too! over potential CIE variant of the genesis coach. 6 wheeler's to my knowledge were plentiful in west cork being used to the very end even in railcar sets! so it would be a good idea especially with hattons great record when it comes to models
  12. Thank you so much for this information. deffinetly going to be late 1950s with my Green C212 in the post. what im trying to do is mix realism in with inexperience. for instance i will probobly end up getting the Silver fox sets before the studio scale kits because of "inexperience" for fecks sake i dont even have a soldering iron! mark dunlea has just done a 3d print of Number 90 and is offering it for 80 (minus the paint and the chassis of course) and that might be an easier way to get started. i looked at corogated beet wagons and due to the cost i might just pop down to my local antique store, buy some second hand dapol wagons, spray them light gray and stick a flying snail decal on the back and happy days. again due to my "inexperience" coaching stock is a problem. studio scale do the most prototypical stock but i cant even fathem putting it together. i might be tempted by a 6 wheeler i saw hattons were producing the other day. as they have a good reputation for there production of models i might just try convert it into a CIE coach via paint...or something. if i ever was to try start with a brass studio scale models to start with it would be a brakevan of some sort!
  13. They have done a fantastic job. the pictures of the railcars gave me confidence in them (although the roof may need a respray!) unfortunatly i wont go near any brass kits (yet) as ive no experience. but by god they did a good job on the detailing
  14. i would but (of all the things) im to young to join! roger joanes, micheal patterson and brian baker have all helped with my facebook page and there photos do help an awful lot!
  15. I will stick with 00 guage anyway as i have a few old train sets in it and the silver fox c class is on the way, while i do have space i would prefer to keep it tidy and small focusing on quality rather in quality if you will (keep it to one station) although it is a tempting idea!
  16. yes I do have the ernie shepard book and another such book but there is no station layout for ballinhassig in those book which is the station im leaning towards. i have seen a few of the models, the silver fox aec railcar, the studio scale Bandon tank and J26. i think ive seen the saddletank but those were withdraw in the 40s a belive and i would like to keep it to 1950s spec. the same argument could be made for an adams radial tank where a simular tank to one was used but withdrawn well before the 50s. I didnt know of a number 90 3d print that might be a good shout. thank you for the advice i have seen this collection many times before, I run a facebook page about the former CBCSR And have seen many pictures. these are some of the creme of the crop and a fantanstic collection That i do often visit for a glimpse of the former life of the railway. geohive is good but i find that some of the station layouts were upgraded since the 1888 survey unfortunatly
  17. Hello all, I am very new to modeling and that so I require some help. i want to build a layout of one of 3 former CBSCR stations being Ballinhassig, crossbarry(kinsale junction) or upton. i have very basic track, borderline no rolling stock and a Silverfox C class on the way. my questions really are what radius track the curves would be for ballinhassig, how to go about making suitible buildings and terrain. please do advise on rolling stock and locos too
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