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Everything posted by leslie10646

  1. Dear John A CIE period one for me, please. After all, the Cavan branch had an end-on junction with the GN and from there it was a mere few hours puffing for one of these on a GAA special!!!! Thanks. Leslie
  2. I think I support this idea of a simple "behind the scenes" oval - make it removable as you're obviously short of space - OR MOVE INTO THE ATTIC! Personally, I thought your layout a clever idea. I've seen several similar layouts on the exhibition circuit over here - where the station is only modelled in part, but trains can "run" nonetheless. Usually they have a fiddle yard (which, of course could also be removable as another correspondent has said) - sometimes one at each end!!! The Southampton MRC has a brilliant layout based on a tiny part of one of the stations on the North Road / Millbay line to the docks at Plymouth. All you see is a shunting area and the ends of the platforms, just like Omagh North. The line loops around at each end to form an oval - which does, admittedly, have a series of loops to store stock (and a gang of guys to shuffle the trains - they put their attractive lady secretary out in front to run the station area - very clever to attract the punters in a male dominated hobby!). On this line, they run all manner of full length trains, including the famous Ocean Liner trains, goods, you name it and to keep people amused, there is always the shunting in the small yard. It's one of the best, small area, exhibition layouts I have ever seen. You could use cassettes as someone has suggested here to load / unload trains and so run a sequence of trains. A oval is useful for giving your locos a RUN! With your skills (and facilities) you could know up a removable oval in a weekend!!! Keep it up - puts me to shame. Leslie
  3. I have been building up stock for Bangor since Christmas and the Isle of Wight ferry has been busy shipping wagons to the Mainland. That said, I've had three orders for a dozen or more double beets and others, so the stock is going down. If I may be so bold, if you want to collect kits from me at Bangor, please let me know and I'll "put your name on it". Either by PM, lesliemcallister@aol.com or via my website. Thanks. Leslie
  4. The "U" class was also a common one on passenger trains from Derry through Omagh towards Enniskillen, though I don't think they'd have figured so much in the area after the 1957 closures. John I'm sure you're right that the U Class would not have seen too much use on the Derry Road after 1957, but I DID time No.201 on the 10.15 ex Derry on 6 August 1964. I only joined the train at Portadown, but usually the same engine worked right through from Derry. The 10.15's engine was usually the one which worked out on the previous day's 3pm ex Belfast to Derry. Still, One Swallow doesn't make a summer …….
  5. Actually, John, as I scan Lance King's slides, I was most impressed by the very clean appearance of a lot of the Dublin engines after dieselisation. I guess many were still getting some use on the Bray suburbans and to my amazement - I have scanned a slide of a MGWR "Cattle Engine" that looks as if it had rolled out of Broadstone Works the day before! Mind you, the photo was taken in 1959 - a couple of years later, they were looking very woebegone rusting in sidings!
  6. That is the Question … Friends (Romans, Countrymen) After being asked by half the population of Northern Ireland when I am going to produce a "Brown Van", I am about to act! But is there really a demand, I ask myself? So, before I waste money and effort, can I ask for expressions of interest, please? You folk will be aware that there were two types of the van - Class V7, built by the LMSNCC and Class V15 built by the UTA on a chassis produced by Harland and Wolff. My intent would be to do both. But I need to have an idea of the demand, so if you want one, now is the time to speak up. An idea of how many would be nice! If you know of others not on this forum who are interested, you can answer for them, if they are interested. I don't need to say that the van would be up to the standard Provincial Wagons has tried to maintain with a correct chassis, a decent level of detailing etc. Thanks. Leslie
  7. Just to wind you up, John. I noted No.49, after being outshopped, shunting at Belfast York on 31 January 1964 and a week later on 7 February, I actually footplated her banking the 8.05pm Derry Goods up to Ballyclare Jct. You bet she was gleaming with her new paintwork - the UTA black, lined livery suited her very well.
  8. At the risk of being pushy - The Transport Collector's Market at Chiswick Town Hall is this Saturday from 11am. I'm happily loading up a second car full off books - loads of IRISH ones! You'll find me on the Stage, so do call and say "Hi" if you can make it. Leslie
  9. Andy is, of course right! I have the colour slide collection of the late Lance King here - I'm digitising it for the IRRS. There are photos of half a dozen different engines on the C&L - Tralee and Blackrock included. NO Snails - usually they carried their number in pretty big numerals on the tank side. I haven't scanned the West Clare yet, but will report when I get that far!
  10. Tony The Class U and Class UG were announced, as Nelson says, about 14/15 months ago. Talking to Roderick, he WOULD consider add-on runs if there was the demand - I think the figure ten was mentioned. Now, I have already asked for a send UG and have been put on a waiting list - if you are interested then I suggest that you do the same and ask to be considered if it becomes available agin. I was surprised to find that he made less UG's (to fulfil a smaller demand) than Class U's. I would have thought it the more useful engine, but who can resist a BLUE 4-4-0? Tony, and the rest of you who may now be having second thoughts, if you want a UG and are not on the list already, maybe you'd PM me and I'll keep a tab of how many are wanted. Then I'll try and persuade Roderick to do another small batch. Regards Leslie PS must get mine off to have its chip put in!
  11. My dear John When I referred to the glaringly obvious error earlier in this thread (Post 11 to be precise) - I assumed that YOU of all people would have seen it. If one intended to keep it in UTA black lined livery, then it won't do, for it should be straw and red (crimson?) lining. Say what you like about the UTA (and we do!!!) their lined livery was a lovely example of the painter's art. As mine will, in time, get Great Northern'ived with a plain black livery, numbers and letters - honestly, I'm not too worried. But it's a shame that this error slipped through on what is a super little engine.
  12. Always a pleasure, David. I look forward to it.
  13. An update on the pricing front. Des and I have designed a mini sheet for the kit and although he is robbing me blind (only kidding - I "took him outside") - I will stick with the published price of £25, €30 for the kit and £110, €130 for a Five pack UNTIL THE DATE OF THE BANGOR SHOW. I'll review after that. Thanks to those of you who have already ordered. I've put "My Man" on unpaid overtime to cope. Leslie
  14. This market is run by the Irish Railway Record Society, London Area annually to assist funding our London Meetings. I attend with my "Syndicate" hat on and as a member of the Area committee. I sell bargain transport books, new and out of print Irish transport books and new books from Lightmoor Press at 15% off. Normally, I don't sell my wagon kits there, but if you have an order and can come and collect them (it'll cost you three quid to get in), but I save on postage and YOU will benefit. See - Richard McLachlan will have a stand selling his drawings from the Archive and there are many other good things on view - several guys sell photographs including Irish subjects. You can grab a coffee, or sit and watch videos. Something for everyone. Hope to see some of you exiles there! AND the Brits, Scots etc!!!! IF you do come, call by the Syndicate stand (usually on the stage - I use about four tables and a lot of space) and say "Hi". Leslie (Provincial Wagons)
  15. Andy Cundick uses a simple slide "On / off" switch to move his points of Castlederg et al. I've forgotten how he tensions it - but there is a nut / bolt associated somewhere at the control end of the wire.
  16. Kieran That's the best advert I've ever seen for Provincial Wagons - an entire train of my wagons behind your little UG! Seventeen and a van is longer than most layouts could manage. I have tested it with 24 and a van and it went fine. I must try it with thirty! Fine little loco. Leslie
  17. The clever ones among you will know that Des does transfers for the double beets - this old age pensioner had slept through that and I had no intention of providing transfers. However, the Man from the West and I are in debate and transfers will be included - the price may have to go up a little - there is a limit to my generosity to my fellow man (woman?) - it isn't a Great Northern wagon after all! Thanks for the comments, folks. Leslie
  18. Oh, it's at the planning stage - wait and see - maybe you'll hear by my birthday? Leslie
  19. Thanks, John. I should add that I will do FIVE kits at a slightly reduced price of £110 OR €130 Like my earlier Spoil Wagon you need a few to look like a proper train. Leslie
  20. As I said in another thread, my postman was busy this morning, staggering up the path in the rain (but still wearing shorts!) carrying a steam loco and two dozen wagons - a strong man? So, boxes two and three had these in them - The kit looks like this and you've seen photos of the finished job already - the kit label shows you anyway. I'm tempted to send one to Kieran, so that someone can time him building it. Half an hour, K? Not painted, off course - another ten minutes? On sale now at £25 each , post paid Or €30 to Euroland (the cost of postage has gone up again!). For those of you coming to Bangor, I'll be selling them there for a little less, as exhibition costs are a bit less than postage - if I sell enough. By the way, if you order more than one, the cost will come down, as I save on postage. Watch this space for two more wagons before Bangor! Leslie
  21. My postman was busy this morning, bringing me not one but three parcels. See another thread re the contents of the second and third parcels, but this was the first I opened - which was reverently taken upstairs, the layout switched to DC operation with my trusty Gaugemaster - And later posing with her big Sister - The well-educated among you will spot the glaring error on the loco, but it doesn't concern me too much. Needless to say, she ran straight out of the box and ran faultlessly at slow speed round my loft, traversing about half a dozen points without faltering - so this loco may not need a Stay-Alive? Then, being a hard task-master, I hung a dozen wagons from a certain modelling concern behind her and repeated the performance with equally good results. I kept hanging them on until she was moving 25 without too much strain - my 2 foot curves did cause a bit of slipping, but once she was happily under way, she just romped along. If someone will give me tuition in uploading video, you can have a (very bad) bit of her on twenty wagons at slow speed. Great piece of work and worth waiting for.
  22. Tony Not just the container but the two vans next to it are the subjects of my kits as well. There's no excuse for not having a full GNR(I) 1950s goods train. However, as for coaches for your passenger trains …….. Now, reference to the NCC vans asks the obvious question - do any of you want a few of those - I'm reticent to produce a kit that may not sell - not from the financial point of view but because my modeller's time is limited! Tony, your layout is growing at Warp Factor Ten - great stuff! Leslie
  23. Richard - a couple of us at least asked for one in plain black - in effect the GN livery, but my first one will be Good 'ol No.49 in UTA lined black, which as Patrick says, looks good. Like him, I hate to admit that ANYTHING the UTA did was good! As for you guys who didn't order, as Stevie says, they're sold out - BUT, I know from talking to Roderick himself the other day, he would do another batch if he gets about ten orders, so hopefully when you steam men get reports on the loco you'll get your name down. The UG was arguably a more useful loco than the U itself - just about capable of mile a minute on a passenger, but good for a decent length goods train - I've just brought a few dozen of my wagons out of store to see how many it can move!!! Reports next week, but by the sound of it, the first photos will be from Patrick!
  24. I understand that it'll arrive on Wednesday - sleepless nights until then? I'll post a pic when it arrives, although I bet I'm not the only one waiting? Leslie
  25. Peter You're getting good advice from these gents. I'm track laying at the moment and run more or less every combination of loco type, coaches, WAGONS through new points and track, fast and slowly - easier to fix things before ballasting (whatever that is!) etc. I don't think you need buy longer locos, except they're in your game plan - merely what you plan to use. So, in my case, BoBo diesels (dead easy!) 0-6-0s, 4-4-0s and 2-6-4 and 4-4-2 tanks. It is the latter which is giving me problems as it mysteriously loses traction after one of my points - almost certainly my terrible lack of track laying skills. Good luck. Leslie
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