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Everything posted by ttc0169

  1. Morning lads, Bus Eireann Scania irizar SP101 broke down while passing over the bridge at Tara junction earlier while operating the Galway-Cork expressway service, Help arrived in the shape of the new Bus Eireann ford transit service vehicle and the passengers were asked to get off as a replacement in the form of SP102 arrived
  2. ttc0169

    Barls Workbench

    Excellent work there Barl-well done,you have really captured the look of a 2700,both in looks and livery.....
  3. I bought a MM 071 sound chip earlier today off Mr Graham and I've fitted it to loco 085, First impression is that its a good sounding chip with lots of useful functions, The engine sounds a lot like the refurbished engine that was fitted (and still is) to loco 076 and 112 as when the loco is idling its in a high rev, One of the functions-F4 is used for shunting at slow speed but with a high engine rev-which I like, Also when idling a compressor noise can be heard every so often which in my opinion is not quite right but i can live with it, I would give it 9/10. 086,085 and 077.
  4. Great photos there Tom,it's nice to see Waterford from a different vantage point.
  5. Evening lads, As its the time of year for the annual weed spraying train to tour if the IE system mine was given a brake test yesterday and was put out behind loco 083 tonight, The prototype train is in Claremorris this evening and its loco-083 went back light engine to Portlaoise this morning, I also seen that the 20'brown storage container on the rear of the real train has the end of the container painted yellow,so after a brief visit to Tara Junctions paint shop my train has received the same treatment.... 083 hauls the Weedspray train on its first spraying run,it would cover all four lines over the course of the evening-(a video is on YouTube showing some of the operations earlier) Two red tail lamps are now on the rear of the train along with the yellow painted container end.
  6. Definatly agree with you there Kieran and Stephen-a top class railcar in model form which looks even better on Kirley Junction,, Let us know how you get on fitting a sound chip to it please Stephen.
  7. Nice one Kieran-well done.,
  8. Hi HF-The lower half from the marker lights down is the original,while above that is all newly rebuilt cabs,doors and side panels...
  9. Correct Fran-same reason for the refurbished 071 locos.
  10. Yes Sean-at the moment 071 will work the laden timber train to Waterford,so get your camera out.
  11. Health and safety dictated that those steps had to be plated over on the IE locos for the simple reason it was deemed too"dangerous"for maintenance staff at outlying depots to work on those steps when replacing headlight bulbs or windscreen wipers-a new type of platform is in use now at those depots now to perform any maintenance duties.
  12. Wow brilliant photos there Stephen,thanks very much for posting,I had often wondered what condition 125 was in after being removed by the steam cranes.
  13. Evening lads-some engineering works took place over the weekend at the junction,this was to install a new crossover to provide more flexibility when overtaking other trains on the four track section, The previous left hand point wasn't a success as some trains were derailing when passing over it,so this time I installed a right hand point to connect with the other point which has worked well so far-here are a few photos of the engineering work.... Ballasting taking place with the excavator and tamper 751 starting work. Welding and tightening of the new crossover is taking place. The Perway gangs are hard at work. A 5 mph TSR is in place as loco 088 hauls a set of Cravens slowly past the worksite while the 29000 railcar awaits departure back to Central station.
  14. Not too far out....it was Bellco and its located about three miles to the south of Ballina alongside the Ballina-Manulla line.
  15. Loco 125 ran away down the hill into Roscommon station while working the 19:15 Ballina-Northwall goods train and was diverted into the long up siding at the Athlone end of the station where the loco nosedived into the stream after demolishing the buffer stop.
  16. A photo taken of 072 shortly after arriving at Ballymote station with the 14:00 Sligo-Connolly RPSI Cravens rail-tour this afternoon.
  17. Glad you got it Anthony well done.
  18. Sure did Anthony-after shunting the liner to the through road to make way for 081 on the DFDS CPW liner and 230 on the second IWT liner' date='071 was uncoupled and conveniently placed across from the station platform for more photos...
  19. 92-60-0117-071-7 worked the Northwall-Ballina IWT liner for the first time today, Seen here after arrival in Ballina.
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