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Everything posted by murrayec

  1. Hi Peter I'm still bogged down with the printer guy for getting the colour right- it's on going, but slowly. The motor bogie is been worked on, I reckon I have it mastered! if you look at the Walker thread in Irish Models- its the same bogie system but slightly bigger for the Walker. This should have it's first test run at the weekend. Eoin
  2. Springs On! Made up little .4mm NS coil springs for the suspension on the bogie sides. Lying a bit sideways at the moment! These are the components for the bogie front with the guard iron brackets and chain hooks. Fitted up and ready for soldering, three .4mm NS wire bars will be soldered across the brackets. and now that a set of sides are complete it's time to test fit to the bogie?? As suspected earlier, the hornblocks stick out further than intended and the pre-cut axles stick out only a smidge- not enough to get the crank weights on, the weights are .6mm laminates which means the axles need another 1.2mm. New axles will have to be cut, or, but its time to decide to proceed on this way or go back to cutting revised parts. There are other other issues that new cut parts would resolve... It's a cute little mechanism though and loads of fun doing! Eoin
  3. I built one of the bogie frame sides as a test of the cut-out parts, some mods will be required as things did not work out as expected from the drawing, mainly allowing tolerance for the fold lines- the drawing will be adjusted! This is the main frame, horn blocks, spring hanger brackets and sand box folded up ready for soldering. All soldered, the hornblocks have worked out a bit fat, because of the reverse fold line, I calculated the tolerance for the bend the wrong way round! The sand box has a little 4mm scale steel valve rivet soldered in for the cap, and the leaf springs cleaned up ready for soldering. Leaf springs soldered on, a 1mm brass tube is soldered to the end of the springs to create the bracket connection to the hanger rods, these rods are removable to install the lower coil springs- thats next... One can see the hornblocks protrude out beyond the springs and the lower bracket, they should be flush with the spring! I will complete out the other side and assemble the frames on the bogie and see how these work out, it will push out the crank weights n rods a little bit but it may not be a problem with the overall appearance. Eoin
  4. Looks great John, I like the inside valve gear. Eoin
  5. I have been working on the bogoies over the last few days, the cnc half cut folding lines in the parts were not deep enough and this caused a few problems folding and getting things straight! Here are a few photos of progress;- Axles and drive shaft were cut and sized from 1.5mm piano wire, and a pair of chassis jigs were made to get the crank weights and rods to line up. Folding, jigging, and soldering up both bogie frames required some fettling as mentioned above, but eventually they came together. This is the motor bogie with it's running parts, the axles are sleeved with brass tube to bring them up to 2mm dia for the Tenshodo gear set. and this is the first test assembly, everything worked out OK, except for the gear meshing- it's just a tad loose and will need a bit of adjustment, I reckon it will run but there is a chance the plastic gears could be stripped so I will de-solder the drive shaft bearings and adjust the holes to get it just right. It's a nice little unit and I'm looking forward to giving it a test run..... Eoin
  6. Hi Guys Don't forget the Fair this coming Sunday. Eoin
  7. Hi Colin R That's sad to hear, I thought something was wrong all right, I got no reply from my follow-up emails... so left him alone. Eoin
  8. So you thought I'd forgotten the Walker! No word back from the supplier on bogie parts since March?? so I decided to fabricate my own- based on the rubber band drive idea I'm working on for the N 141..... The drawing was completed for the bogie frames, bogie bolsters, motor system, fuel tanks, bogie sides, cranks, and crank counter weights- all to be cnc cut from .3mm NS sheet;- A close up of the parts, all the cutting worked out fine with a 1mm end mill and the half cut done with an 45deg engraving tool for the fold lines;- The chassis plate was cut out of .7mm PCB board with engraved lines to position the fuel tanks and bogie bolsters when soldering on, one of those D shapes will be pressed out for the motor pulley drive to go through to drive the bogie ;- All the parts removed from the sheet and on the right is the motor bogie frame cleaned up and about to be folded, soldered and wheeled- though need to make a few long axles as we have outside cranks. There are 110 parts to make up the wheeled motor bogie with side-frame details, I have only cut out parts for one set of side-frames, if all goes together OK! I will be making moulds from these for casting white metal sides;- So a bit of processing over the week end........ Eoin
  9. Hi David Very nice write-up on your creation in the Gauge O Guild Gazette this month, and thumbs up on plugging IRM forum to Eoin
  10. Hi tommy These chaps may be able to help in sourcing drawings, they hold a lot of drawings for Irish, not sure if they have much NCC stuff but worth a try;- http://www.irrs.ie/ These chaps have a lot of narrow gauge drawings in published booklets and in an archive, you may have to be a member to purchase? but you can view the lists on the site , they cover a lot of Irish Narrow Gauge Lines and may have what your looking for;- https://www.7mmnga.org.uk/ Worsley Works do a few stock kits;- http://www.worsleyworks.co.uk/NG/NG_Irish_BL_BC.htm and another link that may help;- https://www.facebook.com/Ballymena-and-Larne-Railway-Society-1086502761360581/ Good luck Eoin
  11. Here is a pic of a Worsley Works 6 wheeler lav;-
  12. Total agree with John I have reclaimed a fair few brass and white metal kits for people- the Flying Scot on my work bench is one example (though the first attempt by the owner was with super-glue which made the de-construction a bit easier) I have two J15 brass kits and a white metal 121 being reclaimed at the moment- well when time allows! SSM kit's are superb, I would recommend if your starting to do brass kits for the first time- first have a go at SSM's telephone kiosk, then a Wickham Inspection Van, and then on to what you want- S or V! Brass kits do need a bit of working out, they do not go together like an modern Airfix model- check 6 times & solder once! and get a copy of Ian Rice's book 'Etched Loco Construction' Wild Swan Publications, or George Dent's Modelling books- Kit Building Vol 1 & 2- Loco Construction, and Rolling Stock Construction- both have a healthy serving of brass kit building and more. Noel;- here is a spanner! what happens if your sat nav battery runs out? a good navigator would know the workings of a sextant! I believe the modeller should apply the same rule..... Eoin
  13. ......and here is Macha with body back on, ready to go back to its crew for painting and finishing.
  14. Completed the second set of valve gear for Macha...... This is the gear coming together, a small brass tube was used to remove the wobble in the steam valve rod, two were made to tighten up the mechanism so that the combination lever would miss the cross head- it worked! Nearly all the gear ready to go on Front steam rod housing installed in steam chest and combining link had a little kink added for more clearance Counter-sunk screws installed in chassis detail parts...... and it's complete! Now the test run with both sides erected?? Excellent it runs fine, all the gear does what it's supposed! but we have a wobbly wheel at the back end causing a bit of a stutter- the whole assembly will be coming apart again for painting so hopefully the wheel can be sorted then. Job is complete When I get the body back on I'll post a few photos Eoin
  15. oops lads! sorry about that- cant be adding a percentage to a ratio, my convoluted calculation needed another step- 1 / .864 = 1.157 then 43.5 x 1.157 = 50.3 = 1:50 But jhb stick with Ken's maths, it's simpler and I just had to much chocolate cake after dinner...... Eoin
  16. It's easy jhb Track = 32mm divide by 37mm (Irish Scale Gauge O Track) = .864 so add .86 to 43.5 (UK Gauge O Scale) = 1:44.3 = Irish Gauge O Model scale..... Eoin
  17. Hi jhb ...so then I reckon 1:44.3 would be your model scale? Eoin
  18. Hi jhb You'll have to make the track! Best to look at David Holman's threads on Gauge O layouts in spot-on Irish gauge, also he could advise on best approach.... Eoin
  19. Hi Broithe Yes filing cabinets are the one;- Lidl A4 plastic filing cabinet for €10.00 built into a plywood frame on wheels, stores plastic sheet in drawers with slots on top for styrene section and scanner. Wheels in under the bench. This one is again an A4 document storage unit used for tools and modelling stock, these are expensive to buy new but can be found second-hand at better rate. This is Lidl again, deeper A4 drawers, is metal and is on wheels, comes in at around €40.00, I use it for tools and modelling stock also. I worked out the size of the cabinet I will require if I put all the tins and glues in trays- 1m tall with 16 trays! .....well 6 made another 10 to go! Eoin
  20. Paint Tinlet, Jar, glue, and other things storage trays;- In a small workshop like mine as the tins & jars mount up it gets rather difficult to store them and the worst is to access them if in boxes, inevitably the tin your looking for is at the bottom which means all the others have to come out first! These trays made in 3.2mm mdf make the job a breeze, cut to take all sizes, all I do is select the right tray, pop the lid & I'm off painting, the tin stays in the tray so nice and stable, cant be knocked over. Trays can be assigned the most used paints or by colour range, their stackable so handy to store away and I plan to make a container to store the stack.... thats for another day! Eoin
  21. Looking good jhb I would support an extension to this layout, but no address to submit 'Comments & Observations' has been given for the Chief Domestic Officer so therefore I argue that planning permission should be granted by default! Eoin
  22. Nice David I like the display height, it's looking at trains at the right height- side on, and not down onto roofs!! I hope you will consider supplying a small step ladder for the younger viewer? - there was a chap who came to the shows here, he brought his grandchild and a step ladder under arm, when they came to a layout to view the ladder was erected and the boy elevated to view, best bit was- the ladder was placed a safe distance from the layout- out of arms reach! I've not seen him recently, reckon the kid has grown up and now has extended legs! Eoin
  23. Hi jhb Their from Des in SSM In fairness to the chap who recommended Humbrol 27 said it was the starting point he would then weather & dirty it up. We plan to do the same to the J10..... I have been practising;- Eoin
  24. Hi FFT The above text is a cut n paste job from the original discussion on another forum- if you click on the link in the text, the context of the '3 foot GM' will be revealed Eoin
  25. Hi Guys A chap on here in the J10 thread advised to use Humbrol 27 'Matt Sea Grey' Eoin
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