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Everything posted by murrayec

  1. murrayec

    D Bracken

    The Irish Train man

    © Eoin Murray

  2. murrayec

    D Bracken

    The Irish Stuff man

    © Eoin Murray

  3. until
  4. Hi All The next Fair is on June 17th;-
  5. Hi Jason, thanks I actually thought it was going to be more difficult than it was Eoin
  6. Hi All We haven't posted for a while, we've being doing things model railway related but not on the layout Today we did a bit of landscaping prep- trees! Woodland Scenic armatures, Heki Nature Trees and a bit of Heki scatter The armatures were bent n twisted and given a coat of grey primer Then they were given a coat of Chocolate Brown, a light coat to allow a bit of grey come through and then dashed with black n white here n there I cut the Nature Trees from their main stalks and worked with small bits sticking them to the armatures with cyano glue, the standard green ones were perfect and very easy to fill out a tree but the dark green/going to red was more difficult- it was more scrunched up in the box and fell into very small spindly sprigs. Tedious stuff..... First one The forest Very happy with these and not to difficult to do, 8 trees out of 12 armatures and the box of Nature Trees in about a days work- not going to use the autumn colour which would finish the pack of 12 armatures- the Greystones layout is spring/summer I did have a go at applying the Heki scatter but that didn't go well and I quickly removed it- colour was the problem. But as I proceeded I decided the scatter wasn't really required A misting of matt varnish will be done and then their ready for planting..... Eoin
  7. Hi MikeO Unfortunately they are for customers, I do have more of the body prints coming so I'll tag your name to one, I'm pretty sure I have your name down already on the list!! Eoin
  8. Thanks MikeO I have 4 two car set bodies together but still developing the chassis, I had planned to use generic Kato chassis but the jigs for making the bodies was based off the Tomix, the one above, and they don't fit the Kato! and I cant even get the Kato chassis now so no point in making the jigs again. So it's going to be my own design chassis like the idea for the N 141- this is also delayed as I'm experiencing printing problems and table levelling problems on the CNC machine...... Eoin
  9. Here is a completed 8100 Class DART in Gauge N for a customer, it's the first one from the workshop after several months of mould making and trial-n-error. This one is on a Tomix chassis but the next ones will be on my own chassis with more DART like under frame gubbins- though the Tomix aren't half bad- just hard to get..... Directional lights work by using fibre optic wires from the LEDs on the chassis The model has pretty much the same detail as my Gauge OO DART model- NS handrails, roof vents, screen wipers, horn...... Just a few small touch-ups required and it's ready to go into service Eoin
  10. Excellent Dave128 Looks like a good kit, loads of bits, should look smashing..... Eoin
  11. Hi Dave182 Good man you got stuck in, everything looks fine so far Show us a shot of more of the kit bits when you get a chance? Eoin
  12. Happy Birthday Broithe, your card is on the other thread! you can look now.... Eoin
  13. Hi Ken Yes I'd love a digital copy of the scans when your done I'll forward your enquiry on to an IRRS man and see if any drawings are available Eoin
  14. Hi Gortalainn A small 4-4-0 chassis like the Fowler 2P Class could be a starting point? but you need to consider the alterations you will have to make to the SSM kit to get anything to fit- Peters Spares do this chassis at around £45 or so! but take a look at it on their site and I think you'll find your into some serious mods to it and the kit!- https://www.petersspares.com/hornby-h132-railroad-fowler-2p-440-loco-drive-chassis.ir A new 4-4-0 model will cost anywhere from £90 to £140- second hand at a guess €50.00 and it's second hand! Someone on here might know one more suitable but my reckoning is you are far better off saving up the dosh and get the right stuff and minimise the headache trying to hack it together for not much less or maybe your into the challenge Model building is great fun Eoin
  15. Excellent Ken Nice bit of drawing work, I've just done the same on the 800 valve gear I'm building for a chaps 'Macha' in Gauge O. The chaps on here were very helpful in sourcing drawings... Your full drawings of the loco will be a very helpful resource on here Eoin
  16. These can be very expensive, mine cost more than the digital unit above so if one sees them as Borithe says- grab it! Imagination Noel! gauges are not just used to set height of masking tape, they do have other modelling applications;- This is the set-up for lining with a rapidograph pen, the pens come in several thickness and many colours of ink, if one sets it up on a glass plate with loco and guides, slide it along and you get a beautiful line...... This is the same with the paint brush I cant find my pencil attachment, but I think it's clear how that one is done The same thing can be done with the above digital unit and height adjustment is far easier......... Eoin
  17. Hi Noel There is a very handy tool for this- a height gauge;- Full engineering model at around €100.00 it's nice and compact at 150mm high Or the economic versions, on the right is a Draper rule with height gauge at €5.00 and on the left is a Hickeys sewing gauge at less than a €5.00- the Hickeys has a plastic height gauge which is good for model protection from scratches and you can measure your sewing stitches with it!! Eoin
  18. Hi JHB Some time back myself and Mr Tierney- refer back in this thread, made representation to the Minister, the custodians, the local authority and the friends of the Fry Model- all to no avail. In my submission in the planning process I again offered assistance- I reckon what happened in the past has made the custodians vary guarded and they feel we just want to take away their goodies! With the limited size of the proposed facility I reckon the complete Fry Collection just will not fit. The hall for a Gauge 0 layout is restrictive in size, so as you say a Gauge 00 layout would seem more appropriate, of course there could be a O track incorporated to allow Fry Models run on special occasions- maybe! This would be sad and disappointing, but for the patrons that visit the new facility- they would not know the difference! Eoin
  19. See here Noel The layout stock that ran in the Castle was more Mr Tadhg's than Fry, the majority of the Fry models were in the display cases and storage- some of his diesels ran on the layout until they wore out the WM wheels..... Eoin
  20. Hi Borithe Add 2 years to the 50- a French man in America flew his- well it actually looked like a boat, 2 years before the W Brothers. I reckon the record books didn't credit him because he wasn't true American- if there is such a thing (not including the Indians in that) Eoin
  21. Hi JHB I do stuff like that- drawings to cad, cut stuff out, make moulds to cast more, but time is the problem! A man gave me a box of kits to build n paint- I think you know him! so cannot look at anything major for years, but do pm me and let me know what you thinking..... Eoin
  22. Wow David Your elbow grease has done wonders Eoin
  23. Not to be opened until Wednesday morning What it could have been like if they stayed..... Eoin
  24. Ah aliens did play trains then,.... Michael Tsarian wrote a book about his theory on Newgrange;- the mound was a landing pad for the space ship that landed there and seeded earth civilisation from there many moons ago! It always puzzled me- who built the mound before the space ship landed? Oh hail the Messiah Let me see if I can whip out an early birthday card....... Eoin
  25. Hi Borithe Ah there you go, alien technology- it is a message in the hggle-de-biddly (alien spelling) paving on the platform Look out for sparks from the top of that, you know they used them for transmitting electricity and having telephone conversations with Orion!! Dam aliens leaving messages all over the place Hay! I wonder did they build trains? Eoin
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