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Rush and Lusk

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Everything posted by Rush and Lusk

  1. Is that Skerries Galteemore ? - great pictures. After my super Midlander trip, I couldn't make the Trip today - even worse, I missed out on the Wexford trip, all sold out ! (only wanted 1 this time), however, I'm delighted for RPSI that these trips are so popular - I think there may be a Kilkenny trip sometime in the future ?
  2. Hi Anders112, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and viewing this thread - fascinating learning of the multiple activity, uses, and evolution around Drogheda Mac Bride Station. I wish you well and look forward to metaphorically joining on this journey.
  3. Hello Stoby, I am also a relative newcomer to the world of model railways (Covid stimulus !) and can thoroughly endorse the help, advice and entertainment value of this excellent community. A few quick suggestions - (1) consider starting with a small railway based diorama on an IKEA shelf, great to experiment and learn a range of skills on a very small scale - (2) start with PECO Setrack, easy to use & widely available - (3) consider not electrifying point motors initially, use the "hand of God" method - (3) temper your ambitions, much less track than you might initially envisage/desire, less is more, (be prepared to stop and rip things up, I have done so a couple of times ! - (4) source your buildings from Metcalfe, inexpensive self build card structures which are fun and satisfying to construct - (5) go to model railway shows, you will lean so much from the displays and the mostly great folks you meet there - (6) purchase fabulous models from IRM, game changers for everyone interested in Irish railway modelling (also the good folks at Marks Models). (6) Have fun. George
  4. Many thanks Abhann na Suire
  5. Hello All, Just participated in another fantastic trip by the wonderful folks at the RPSI - the "Midlander" trip from Connolly to Maynooth and return, superbly well organised, tremendous compliments to all involved. Two short video clips: - (1) 131 arriving Connolly, & (2) run around reconnection at Maynooth. Regards, George IMG_7401.MOV IMG_7408 2.MOV
  6. A truly wonderful film, capturing a complex fading rural world of hope and sadness, amongst many memorable lines - "will you come in to the field Bridie ?"
  7. Fabulous staging, editing and sound - very well done. Actually brings back warm memories of Clogerhead from a little later time - great nights in the Aishling Ballroom in the early 80's ! (probably long since renamed and repurposed ?)
  8. Super video with fabulous drone sequences - excellent progress, do you know the planned official opening date ?
  9. Super tantalising glimpses of the lovely sligo landscape on this spring day.
  10. Super - love those buses !
  11. This whole project is fabulous - well done
  12. Thants a great collection of classic Ford's on the railway bridge Noel - Mark 1 & Mark 2 Escorts, a Mark 1 Capri (another one just visible on the decline), Mark 2 Capri, a Mark 1 Cortina, and most special of all, an Escort XR3 the quintessential "hot hatch" of it's generation (along with the golf GTI of course) - lovely memories from my youth. Layout is fantastic as always. George
  13. Outstanding pictures Jonathan - reminds me to revisit the Museum, and of the tremendous contribution you make to it's success and the enrichment of this forum. Well done, George
  14. Fabulous photographs ! The images are an excellent capture of evolution and change. While we all embrace the migration to renewable energy sources, there is nonetheless a definite air of melancholy about the abandoned and decaying locomotives, rolling stock and rails, as nature reclaims and absorbs them. The night sky picture is superb (I'm assuming a time lapse sequence - how long was the shutter open ?). Excellent work, George
  15. Very interesting Branchline121, The article refers to 8 trainset's in the tender - is that sufficient to provide regular services in both directions including some reserve capacity in the event of failures etc. ?. I took that return journey just last week, the quality of the rolling stock (1st class) is still very good, as were the staff, the 201 class locomotive was fine but showing signs of hard work. The journey time was delayed by flooding around Drogheda and by considerable speed restrictions from Malahide in to Connolly, none of which bothered me at all. However, it reinforces a major question of realistic operational capacity in the coming years when the expanded DART fleet, suburban units plus regional trains and Enterprise compete for the same track space ?
  16. Hi Folks, Just checking if there is a WMRC exhibition this October ? - I have a date in my diary for October 8th, but have not seen any related material, plus recognising the SDMRC in Blackrock at end October, have assumed there is no October show in Wexford - I just want to be sure as I'd hate to miss the truly lovely show in Wexford. Unfortunately I'll miss the Blackrock show due to overseas travel commitments. Thanks, George
  17. Fabulous project, amazing vision, dedication and work by all concerned. The drone images are amazing, breathtaking setting and surrounding scenery - it must have been magical to travel on that line in it's operational heyday, although I guess most passengers were more concerned with the various normal activities of their daily lives, than perhaps contemplating the stunning landscape.
  18. Hi N Scale and DJD, I did explore "Sculptamould" availability - quite a few on line sources quoted on Amazon & eBay, none in Ireland however, but I didn't ultimately go down that road as yet. For my current project (unsurprisingly to all modellers, progressing rather slowly as various other outdoor aspects of life get in the way - more focus now for the on-coming winter), Ive used a combination of Woodland Scenics Plaster Cloth as base material, then a combination of Woodland Scenics Lightweight Hydrocal Plaster (Marks Models), which has been great and some simple Polycell Multi Purpose Polyfilla (Woodies). Hope this helps. George
  19. Hi Sleeper, Perhaps this may be relevant/useful. I try to "localise" the standard card kits, mostly Metcalfe, plus a couple from Superquick. I search on Google for the desired image/brand, select the best quality I can identify & extract, print to my home printer (will have to experiment with sizing), cut to size and stick on the building. Below are a couple of images from the Coaching Inn kit by Metcalfe (OO), with signage for my local pub, Gleesons of Booterstown (this is definitely not my best work, and it doesn't really look like this, but there are sufficient similarities to satisfy me and pass the 2 metre viewing distance rule ). George
  20. I attended on the beautifully sunny Sunday in the South East - what a magnificent show: wonderful layouts across several scales, subject matter and complexity, warm welcoming folks everywhere, interesting and relevant traders, great open and spacious venue, lovely tea and cakes. definitely my favourite Irish model railway event - congratulations to all involved, but especially the lovely people of the Wexford Model Railway Club.
  21. Really lovely Noel - I look forward to seeing it in Wexford
  22. You are very welcome Patrick - thanks also to everyone else who responded - a great occasion. Another short bonus video 131 rolling up beside 074 in Dundalk, plus resting in Connolly after her exertions ! IMG_4158.mov
  23. I had the pleasure of being aboard the superb trip by the RPSI from Dublin to Dundalk yesterday, behind locomotive 071 diesel No. 074, to meet the wonderfully restored Q Class loco 131 in Dundalk, then coupled to the RPSI Cravens and return to Dublin under magnificent steam. A superb day out, impeccably organised by the RPSI (met lots of nice people plus lovely pints in the bar car). The weather wasn't great, particularly during coupling and departure time in Dundalk, but didn't dampen anyone's spirits. A few very short video clips showing (a) 131 arriving in Dundalk, (b) coupling to the Cravens & (c) pulling away under steam. George IMG_4150.mov IMG_4151.mov IMG_4155.mov
  24. I got two different board sets from Dave - great product and service. George
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