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Rush and Lusk

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Everything posted by Rush and Lusk

  1. Fabulous detailing and learning ideas for the rest of us - very well done.
  2. Beautiful Modelling Irishswissernie, Aspirational from a rookie perspective, but so much learning for folks like me - all the A's look great on your layout.
  3. Thank you WRENNEIRE.
  4. Very Attractive sale offers - Thanks Fran, I have already succumbed ! Regards, R&L
  5. Hi seagoebox, Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to supply this comprehensive information - great references and suggestion there. The Railway Junction Diagram of Dublin from 1912 is fascinating. You are clearly most knowledgeable and I greatly appreciate your sharing and advice. Regards, R&L
  6. Hello Wexford70, This is a great site by the Government of Ireland - easy to get lost in it looking at all kinds of content outside of railways (I enjoyed looking at sites and property of several folks I know ) - relatively easy to use too. Many Thanks, R&L
  7. Hi jc_014, Thanks very much for this excellent and fascinating interactive tool - it captures so much information in an attractive graphic manner. I would certainly recommend it to other curious souls . Much appreciated John. Regards, George
  8. Hi Irishswissernie, Thats a beautifully composed and evocative picture of 1960 Dun Laoghaire - reflecting both happy and sad experiences for many Irish people. Anyway, on the picture itself, the colour balance appears very realistic to me - by way of contrast, the picture of A42 is heavily influenced by a blue cast, not at all uncommon in various slide films of the day. Difficult to say, but in my humble opinion, when corrected for more true colour balance, I would suggest it may actually darken the green in that image. Regards, R&L
  9. Thanks so much Galteemore - That looks very promising - Regards, R&L
  10. Hello, Any advice on obtaining a map/illustration of the Irish railway network at its most populated/developed period. I have located a rather small (A4 size) map produced by the Viceregal Commission on Irish Railways in 1906, but not expandable to facilitate easy and leisurely reading - the detail is just too small !. Thank you in advance.
  11. Thanks Warbonnet, Delighted to get a second opportunity - I just added A46 and 036 to my earlier A purchases, plus picked up some previously out of stock wagons - a nice, but expensive, morning !
  12. Absolutely wonderful Patrick - I feel transported back to a more relaxed time in 1967. I am fortunate to have acquired 3 of these superb "A's" - I did however miss out on the lined green A46 (?) and have been seriously considering A42 - it looks really striking on your layout. Well done.
  13. Hello "thewanderer", As a newbi to the hobby, I have found your site to be wonderfully informative and educational - not only on the current, and recent past, state and operation of Irish railways, but also a broader consequential observation of Irish society - people, activity, infrastructure etc. Great work and images - well done.
  14. Wonderful atmospheric layout - I love the subtle detailing and weathering everywhere - very well done.
  15. Fergalm1 - beautiful images, and of course, your truly lovely layout. I love the fine details - various tractors, the Bedford lorry and the MG (?). I see from the tread that this is your first layout - amazing achievement. I'm just a rookie, currently accumulating stock and learning so much from the many talented people on this forum.
  16. Inspirational layout and images, especially for this rookie ! - lovely
  17. Hi declan64,

    I want to compliment you on this and all your previous videos - excellent and so informative .

    I'm a Covid "returner" to this wonderful hobby - just commenced in March and have been busy learning and building up my stock of Locomotives, coaches and wagons. I have used your review videos extensively as part of my learning - went ahead and purchased 3 MM 121's (brilliant), now 3 A's from IRM, (just missed that lovely A46, but I'll probably now buy the lighter green version.

    I know those Bachmann coaches are well before my modelling time, but do you have any advice on how I might purchase a couple ?

    Thank you.

    1. Ironroad
    2. Rush and Lusk

      Rush and Lusk

      Many thanks Ironroad - much appreciated. 

    3. Ironroad


      Attention moderators, this thread seems to be incorrectly set up, it is not appearing in the consecutive postings in Activity ??

  18. What a great "story board" of this important arrival - against the backdrop of your wonderful layout, full of inspirational details.
  19. Many thanks for the welcome NIRCLASS80 - much appreciated. I completely agree, I'm amazed and excited with all the options for Irish modellers. 

  20. Many thanks for the welcome ttc0169. I really enjoyed our chat and advice. I've been catching up on many of the video and picture posts of your magical layout - much to learn from, and to attempt to emulate some of the smaller details.  

    1. ttc0169


      Hi Rush & Lusk,

      it was great to meet you and I am looking forward to seeing your progress,

      If you need any further advice or help,don’t hesitate to contact me here,

      All the best for now. 



  21. Many thanks for the welcome jhb171achill - much appreciated. 

  22. Many thanks for the welcome LARNE CABIN - much appreciated. 

  23. Many thanks for the welcome Garfield - much appreciated. 

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