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Rush and Lusk

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Everything posted by Rush and Lusk

  1. Amongst the folks out there with direct experience of railway operations - any thoughts on what might be the likely cause of this sad accident ?
  2. Thats great news - Richard is one of my favourite YouTube participants - always interesting content, carefully and simply explained, presented in his trademark warm, easy style - really enjoying his latest New Junction series. A mutual win for Accurascale & Richard. George
  3. Agree with virtually all on the "current" dark green livery - truly awful. It intrigues me as to how this livery was pitched, evaluated and decided upon within Irish Rail ? - brightly/invitingly coloured vehicles, create a warmer and more positive response from travellers, consciously and unconsciously - these miserable things are just so negative. Urgently need a repaint/wrap
  4. Outstanding !
  5. I am in awe at all this recent work by you and the volunteer colleagues - this is truly magnificent - everyone must be heartily congratulated. Excellent pictures also. I'm constantly drawn to that beautifully restored signal box, just so much to admire. George
  6. Looks Superb - a great addition to your extensive fleet, doesn't appear out of place at all, particularly on that amazingly long straight track run !
  7. This is a fascinating post Mayner - great to get a glimpse in to another local railway system and associated political, user and stock repurposing experiences - all at the other end of the world. Thanks, George
  8. Oh, Thank You Adrian & Gabhal Luimnigh - much appreciated
  9. Absolutely beautiful - atmospheric Donegal and its amazing "rail vehicles" - well done Andy & thank you Leslie.
  10. Absolutely fabulous Adrian - whilst my modelling is not of this standard, I found the recent posts informative, entertaining and inspirational. Well done, George
  11. I'm really disappointed that I didn't spot this - sounds like an excellent evening Jonathan (Gibney's or Duffy's ). Might this be repeated at a later date ?. Regards, George
  12. Very interesting and encouraging - plus great value added knowledge from all you knowledgeable contributors - (every day is a learning day)
  13. Most enjoyable story board incident Noel - it looks like you have a LR Discovery Garda vehicle from the Brian Collins 3 piece Garda Siochana set (I also love the simplicity of the Cortina and Escort liveries from that set). George
  14. Thanks so much Noel for the always helpful information. Regards, George
  15. Excellent as always Noel - Love the orange P&T van, my family have strong connections with the Post Office - were they ever a RTR model or customised from other models ?
  16. Another fantastic (frosty) Friday posting !
  17. Thanks Broithe - this is fascinating, a very interesting and unexpected aspect of railways in Ireland ! George
  18. Hi Folks, I watched an excellent video of the Warley Show on YouTube, which I'd recommend - really well produced & shot, about 20 minutes long (a nice tea/coffee plus biscuit break !). If searching it's: "Warley National Model Railway Exhibition 2022" by "timsytanker" George
  19. A fabulous thread Larne Cabin - I was so taken with your project concept, modelling and creative storytelling that I went back to the beginning, read every post, thoroughly enjoyed and learned so much - congratulations and happy modelling. George
  20. Jonathan, just to say thanks for your most informative piece above, written with your usual in depth knowledge, readability and wit. Order already placed with Hattons. George
  21. Hi Derek, Flying Snail is correct, however the delivery timeline is very uncertain, it could be a year away ? You might try WRENNEIRE on here - "I know a man" - he was very helpful to me in acquiring two 181"s (as new, never run !). Like you, I'm relatively new to the hobby and missed the 141, 181, 201 models. George
  22. Great pictures enniscorthyman - really captures the atmosphere and wonderful venue - I recognise a number of friendly faces of Wexford MRC from attending your last three exhibition/open days.
  23. The weathering on A30 & A42 is spectacular.
  24. Great pictures from 40 milepost & GNRi1959 - lovely layouts and a spectacular setting - I really have to visit soon. Thank You.
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