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Rush and Lusk

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Everything posted by Rush and Lusk

  1. I just want to compliment IRM on the wonderful quality of their ever expanding range - in the past week, I've received Fertiliser Wagons, Guinness Kegs & the CIE/Harp container wagons (managed to bag another last minute pack of these) - all wonderful, especially for relatively new modellers such as myself. Also expecting a couple of the Irizar Bus Eireann Expressway buses. Very well done to all concerned at IRM, plus all the great contributors on this forum, where I constantly learn and am regularly entertained. George
  2. Fabulous scenes again Noel - how about a short video on these 2600's ?. BTW - Which manufacturer supplies the track maintenance/engineering figures ? - always admired them on your layout. George
  3. Very illuminating bogie switching technology between Sweden and Finland - thanks Broithe
  4. As everyone else has already said Rob -tremendous modelling and superb atmospheric photographs. George
  5. Fabulously atmospheric - I can smell the oil, grease and metal shavings. Lovely
  6. My order of Fertiliser Wagons arrived this morning - fantastic model again. I was surprised by the reassuring weight of the wagon plus load - incredibly smooth running. Excellent job & well done IRM.
  7. Many Thanks Ray for the balanced and informative response to my question - Like you, I seem to like both !, already have some of each, and plan to accumulate more - looks like an expanded order on the way to IRM. Much Appreciated, George
  8. Thanks Noel - I've watched several related videos on YouTube - the train length was almost 2 kilometres long ! - fascinating and fantastic achievement, the Swiss are remarkable engineers, not just in railways.
  9. Hi Fran, Great to chat at the show today - congratulations again to all at IRM for the tremendous range and quality of products for modellers of all abilities. Very pleased that my ordered kegs, fertilisers & containers are imminent. A suggestion for all of us who missed the "dickies" (swallowed up by all the "January Sales" folks yesterday !), to help fair availability and control large accumulation by some, perhaps you might consider a max quantity per existing IRM customer in the Black Friday event ? - just a thought. Regards, George
  10. Fabulous layout, running session pictures and impressive stock ! - very well done "The Derry Road". A question for you: in the context of the new IRM Mark 2B/C coaches, I'm trying to decide whether to opt for the orange or black roofed variants - I am generally modelling in the broad orange and black period, have a number of 121s & 181 locomotives, plus quite a few of the lovely new IRM A Class's, any suggestions, particularly visual impact ?. Many thanks, George
  11. Another excellent show in Wexford yesterday - I particularly like the warm, welcoming and positive atmosphere amongst exhibitors and attendees. I began with a lovely cup of tea and cake in the Station Cafe after my drive from Dublin. I took some small video clips for my own reference, but thought I might share a few here - Old Farm, Carraigthomas, Rathmichael and Ballybeg. Well done to all involved. George IMG_3808.mov IMG_3810.mov IMG_3809 2.mov IMG_3813 2.mov
  12. Excellent and informative explanation ttc0169 - only added further interest to my journey Regards.
  13. While we read/hear about, and perhaps experience, various negative stories about the national rail transport system, there is much to be positive about, and I'd like to very briefly share my own immediate experience. Yesterday I took a DART from a Dublin suburban station to Connolly, walked straight on to the LUAS red Line, 15 minutes directly to Heuston, Main Line service to Westport - today I did the same journey in reverse. The experience was excellent, and very easily achievable with minimum planning. I fully accept that this experience is not available to all, but this is just to illustrate how an integrated service, across three different rail systems can work. Small footnote: we had to wait a while at Manulla Junction to facilitate a failed timber train (Locomotive 086 I think).
  14. Fantastic photographs Jonathan, not to mention the amazing skill of Mr Fry. For Bob229 - also lots of parking down around the Marina if full nearer the Museum and Castle park - unfortunately there are parking charges (as it seems almost everywhere now). Finally, there is always the train - the station is almost next door to the museum, very short walk.
  15. Excellent innovation BosKonay.
  16. I have thoroughly enjoyed the exchanges arising from this post - the wealth of knowledge is extraordinary including the witty observations. I have learned so much, especially from Jonathan. No doubt this map and topic will feature again as we inevitably muse on this complex subject. Thank you all. George
  17. Hi Folks, I picked this up in my Twitter Feed and feel it's worth sharing with the knowledgeable members of this forum. It builds upon the 1906 railway network map, assumes no closures and adds a variety of speculative/fantasy dimensions. For a wide variety of reasons, many of these lines would not have survived and/or not be built, but nonetheless it illustrates elements of what possibly might have been. The map can be expanded to read more easily when you click through the link. George https://theoditsek.files.wordpress.com/2020/02/ireland-crayon.png
  18. This is fabulous Paddy - very well done. I love your "railway room" - great pictures and excellent videos with the superimposed sounds - lots to learn from. George
  19. lovely modelling Jonathan - I particularly like the second picture from August 13th. George
  20. Great picture once again - now getting busy in the sky over Tara Junction, joining the Are Lingus 747 - a so much nicer livery than the rather anonymous current EI livery conforming to the corporate style of the wider IAG group.
  21. Lovely model - order already placed !
  22. I really like all the new initiatives - Congratulations BosKonay and all the IRM team
  23. Those ESB Anglia vans are delightful
  24. Great to see - nice video clip ttc0169 - moving at a fair pace there !
  25. Trains and cars - a glorious cocktail of youthful interests (irrespective of actual age !), of I suspect, quite a few on this forum - best of luck with this great project.
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