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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Great to see your progress and problem solving becoming an essential part of this build. Good luck on your endeavors.
  2. I recall a Model Group in England doing experiments on different type of ballast to get quiet running and their recommendation to to use Bostic instead of PVA as the rubber texture prevented the soundboard effect.
  3. CIE Laminates off the production line. I have added them to a rake of Park Royal, Craven coaches and a Dutch Van pulled by GM 142. A Sulzer under pressure pulling a rake of brass coaches also makes an appearance. [video=youtube;7X--l5D2POI] The Bullied Open Wagons after a bit of use have started to tone down a bit.
  4. John they are Worsley Works sides added to a donor RTR coach. The only item on your list that I don't have is the Tin Van but that's in its box waiting to be built.
  5. Just finished the CIE Standard and Brake Laminate Coaches.
  6. More pictures and information when this topic was discussed back in 2012 http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1122-CIE-35-ton-steam-crane?highlight=Steam+Crane
  7. This is where I'm at with some brown paint slapped on.
  8. The layout of this coach would suggest it's a Bredin Buffet coach, would the colour scheme be the same in the Laminates?
  9. Very detailed work Nelson.
  10. Did not take you long getting the hang of the video Raymond, really like the scene of the bogie cements going over the bridge, looks class.
  11. Many thanks John, that's very helpful.
  12. They are looking good Eamonn, I used brass strips as well, a lot easier than 2 staples.
  13. John, while you are on the topic of colour any suggestion for the colour scheme for the interior of these coaches? I've reached that stage on my Laminates build.
  14. I see Irish Freight Models have launched a new model - Standard Laminate Coach http://www.irishfreightmodels.com/
  15. Fast turnaround on the Fire Transits Eamon, got a bus from Jim Poots yesterday, thanks for the information.
  16. Well done to SDMRC for putting on an excellent show, had a very enjoyable day there and picked up lots of useful information.
  17. Very nice work
  18. Thanks for the offer Richie, I've now got drawings but good detailed photographs of Laminate Coaches are like Hens Teeth.
  19. A word of thanks to those members who helped me in my quest. The Laminates, Standard and Brake are nearing completion.
  20. Great to see motion on Rachelstown and well done for your first video. Looking forward to the 'lighting' of your signals.
  21. A video of the build and the VS in action. No Teak Coaches yet but I'm thinking about it.
  22. Tom, from memory the MIR recommended PHOENIX CEMENT WAGON BLUE DULL Code:MIR11) and the Revel Gloss blue for the curtains but as I'm sure you have seen after a short time they both faded as well as discolored. Looking forward to seeing your Park Royal finished.
  23. Looks good Richard. PS can you answer your PM please?
  24. My first GNR(I) locomotive on Kirley Junction, converted from a Hornby Schools Class. Will try and get a video up next week.
  25. That fits together well, nice atmosphere portrayed.
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