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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. No, you can use superglue rather than solder. The build is reasonably straight forward, the tricky bits are the plough and the roof.
  2. Sorry to hear that, was looking forward to seeing your projects
  3. Starting to catch up on all the projects that were going on in the background while working on the MPD's. First one of the production line is SSM's K38 Ploughvan.
  4. That mat should be well cut up by now, how about some pictures please?
  5. Excellent standard as usual Ivor. It's a pity that the Railcar does not attract the interest it should in the history of Irish Railways especially as it's builders were way ahead of anything England was developing at this time.
  6. They look good Nelson, I think any colour of dirt with the underlying base colour will be right. Just waiting on my "loads" to dry out and I hope to put up my finished wagons soon.
  7. For anyone who has spent endless hours cutting plasticard I would recommend a Sylmasta Guillotine Multi-Angle, it speed up the cutting and provides, for me anyway, a more accurate cut every time. This is their Web Site: http://www.sylmasta.com/acatalog/Guillotine-Multi-Angle-977.html#SID=194
  8. MPD's enter service on Kirley Junction. Because there are so many Power Cars (with Black Beetle Motors) I have to use a Consist to run them together in a train. As promised a short video of them in action.
  9. I find it hard to believe that is was away back in May that I started this project of building 8 Railcars. After seeing Colm Flanagan's models I always wanted to get some MPD's and the only way to do that was to build them. I foolishly though that doing a large number at one time would be easier than building smaller batches but on reflection I would not build like that again. So here's the collection: No. 36 The first MPD built by the UTA. It had an usual corridor connection. It was built with Comet Sides and underframe. No.42 Again build with Comet Sides and underframe. No.46 For this model I used a Bachmann Mk.1 Suburban 57' coach on a Comet underframe. No. 549 Trailer Again I used a Bachmann Mk.1 Suburban 57' coach No. 59 & 60 Used a Comet underframe for No.59 Bodies from Lima Buffet / Restaurant Cars, cut & shut, windows by Glenderg Models. The last 3 MPD's built were 63,64 & 65 and rather than using existing coaching stock were built new on existing underframes with a Cab at both ends. No.63 Again build with Comet Sides and underframe. No. 65 Again build with Comet Sides and underframe. These 3 Railcars remained in operation into the early 1980's I used Black Beetle motors to power these 6 of these models and decoders were added to run on DCC. MPD collection. Because of the number of Power Cars your need to run them in "Consists", it's the first time I've had 6 motors in one Consist. Decals by Fox's & SSM. I hope to put up a video of them in action and I'll put it in my 'Kirley Junction' Layout Section. Finally thanks to Colm Flanagan for his initial advice, 73River Roe for his help in doing the brass coaches and 33lima for all his in depth knowledge of small but signifying details during this build.
  10. Fantastic finish to your MPD's Ivor, superb!
  11. Excellent work
  12. Just arrived from NZ, John's new coach sides and they arrived quicker than some Post in Ireland. The brass sides look even better than in the pictures. Another one added to the Things To Do List
  13. I got some kits from Leslie a while back and I finally got a window of time to have a go at them. The wagon is in 3 main pieces, chassis, front and hopper which is fairly straight forward but there is 16 supports along with brake shoes, hand wheel, vacuum cylinder, chains and hand rails that prevents this been a quick build. Time to paint, add the small extras plus decals before the models are finished.
  14. Thanks Rich for pointing out the difference in the wagons. Also I agree the strengthen bridge has not the same character as the original and that's why I modelled the old one on my layout.
  15. Great video GM171, a model makers dream, all of my questions answered along with pictures of Clonmel, a favourite Station of mine. Also thanks Richie for your work on the drawings. Looking forward to seeing the revised version.
  16. Thanks for the link to Heirflick's entry in 2012. I see some have hoods fitted at each end of the 42' spoil wagons while others have hoods between the two boxes on each wagon. Rich you mention there are two different builds, can you elaborate please?
  17. From the sounds of it you saw all the NIR rolling stock in one day!
  18. BBC N Ireland, Monday 13th October 7.30pm new programme. "In a new three-part series, Walk the Line, Barra Best sets out to uncover and explore some of Northern Ireland's lost railways"
  19. I’m looking for information on these modern Spoil Wagons. It seems they were built on Flat double bogie wagons by Irish Rail?, but I’ve no idea what their dimensions. Are they just used for haulage of spoil and how are they emptied? Redsppsh96 posted a video on YouTube of 074 pulling a rake on them in July past. I know IFM do models of them but I was wondering if there are any British RTR models that come close?
  20. But remember it's MTK and that can be a leap into the unknown.
  21. MTK Dart kit - scary or what! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MTK-dart-cie-irish-Dublin-2-car-german-type-emu-kit-etched-brass-whitemetal-/331338637471?ssPageName=ADME:SS:SS:GB:3160
  22. To run along with ballast wagons I made over a year ago I wanted a Ballast Plough Van to with them and when Weshty announced a brass kit of a Plough Van I had to have a go. His Kit is similar to his Brake Vans but the tricky bit (for me anyway) was the forming and attaching of the plough. Working on the MPD's has given me more confidence in soldering so that is the method I chose to build the kit. As you can see I've still a bit to learn on soldering but the beauty is if you made a mistake you can unsolder and re solder again. I'll need a strong contact adhesive to stick on the roof to ensure there are no gaps between it and the body. A bit of colour next and by then the decals should have arrived.
  23. Doing your own track is something I don't think I'll ever attempt but I am full of admiration at you taking on this daunting task. Well done so far looking forward to seeing this layout develop.
  24. A Class, Sulzer, Park Royal, Tin Van, could it get much better!
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