Workbench still busy.
Ballast Wagon
I had a Dapol chassis left over from an old project so I added a ballast wagon body, scratch built from plasticard.
Waiting on hand wheels to finish and to find a hopper for underneath. I know I have one from when I built did a rake of wagons but as yet I can't find it.
Weedspraying Coach
Finally got to finish Glenderg's coach kit. I added a piece of Evergreen strip to cover the gap between the body and roof which is pro typical.
A straight forward kit to build and the (unfinished) instructions were excellent. If I was building another one I would block all gaps (windows covered by the plastic etch) as the styrene is very thin and 'melts' into the window gaps leaving slight indents. I'm not sure if the etch could be slightly thicker and that may solve the issue. When painted you don't see them unless the light is strong enough to cause shadows.
The windows are included in the kit as well as the cameras, another Glenderg triumph.
NIR CAF 4000
Started at last on my CAF 4000. I picked up a Class 170 set in the Spring but only now have I got round to it.
First job is to strip the body shells as much as possible, remove some roof 'furniture', fill in the gaps left and then add roof strips. I also took out the existing light fittings as I am replacing them with ones from Express Models.
Masking finished and ready for undercoating.