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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Looks like a challenging build, I'll watch this one with interest.
  2. Gave some of my MPD's a test run on the DC layout before converting to DCC. I had hoped I was coming near the end of the build but the test run threw up lots of faults I had not seen so it's back to the work bench.
  3. Great to see your stable of MPD's continuing to grow. Tidy work as usual.
  4. Excellent work, more pictures please
  5. Thanks D, "Old Reliable"
  6. Still can't find out who's exhibiting and what traders are attending.
  7. Great start and envy at the ability to undertake such a project.
  8. Any details on the MIRS Exhibition, Raheny, October yet?
  9. I see you have been busy while I was away, you must have the fleet of Class 80's nearly complete at your current work rate!
  10. Great result Ivor, well done.
  11. Superb modelling right down to the fine chains used. One to be rightly proud off.
  12. I had hoped to have these finished before going on holidays but that's not going to happen. Must push to get this project concluded when I get back.
  13. Yes,I did a rake from Virgin Voyager coaches quite a few years ago now.
  14. Excellent Richie, love the way you got a very fine red line at the cantrail denoting the Dining Coach.
  15. Thanks Anthony, nice....
  16. Thanks Andy, never say anything like this before You have a unique model there.
  17. Missed this when you first posted. Railway history reproduced. Love the little details like the mobile compressor but that 'beast' is something else. Have you any photographs of the real thing?
  18. Excellent work Dave.
  19. Just arrived at the weekend Weed Spraying Train courtesy of Glenderg Models. Now to build the Weed Spraying Coach.
  20. Excellent John, maintaining the standard.
  21. Tidy Eamonn, love your cement rake. Good luck on your Vintage Day outing.
  22. This should be an interesting project.
  23. Thanks for the pointer
  24. Many thanks josefstadt, very helpful information
  25. That would explain it Richie. Great photographs, there seems to be two types, some with the traversing cranes in the middle of the wagon and the others, like the 3 at Adelaide, with cranes at the side of the wagons. I only have Doyle & Hirsch 2nd Edition, and it shows the 24224-40 Rail Trucks without cranes. Maybe they were a later addition. In 'Traction & Travel' 4th Edition they list under Departmental Stock, 5 Flat Wagons No's 654A-658A but no description, another type of bogie flat? Thanks also to GM 171 kk, great Time and Motion video.
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