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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Looking forward to seeing the production line moving again.
  2. I hear one of the tour guides is a wealth of information and very informative and could be someone who posts on this site!
  3. Thanks for the pictures, nice to see some new layouts
  4. What would be beneficial to me is to hear your views on them having tried them out on a layout giving the pros and cons. That would convince me into trying them more than any video or instructions. With your practical experience and giving a positive recommendation would be a deciding factor.
  5. Excellent work Mike and thanks for the detailed commentary on what you did and the materials used. I believe getting the roof right is key to a successful build. Lots of useful information.
  6. I replaced my Lima chassis with a Bachmann Class 66 one. Only minor alterations were required and the smooth running made it well worth the effort. I know the Murphy Lima's are not a patch on his new models but I have kept all my Lima ones if only for sentimental reasons.
  7. Have a look at Phoenix Paints, they used to supply all the paints for MIR and still have some on their Web Site. http://www.phoenix-paints.co.uk/precision-paints/railway-colours/irish-railway-colours-1/p881-c-i-e-golden-brown-14ml-tinlet-dull-11.html
  8. [Less of the old, K !!! Thanks Dave for posting. I thought one of the meanings of old was "showing the understanding, wisdom, or behaviour that results from long experience of life" ....so maybe you are right!
  9. Sad news indeed, I was speaking to him briefly after he came out of hospital but he never indicated just how ill he was
  10. To go along with my MPD sets I wanted to model a Buffet Car so I looked to Worsley Works who do brass sides of the NCC North Atlantic Express Diner which was later converted by the UTA to run with the MPD's. I used Comet's underframe and roof. I got a lot of help from Colm Flannagan, 33lima and Dhu Varren on roof and interior detail and am grateful for their impute. I spent a bit of time on the interior as the windows are large and the inside is quite visible. I used PP Kirtley Green as recommended by Colm Flannigan as the nearest to the "UTA Green".
  11. My Spoil Wagon Kit arrived from Leslie this morning. Could not resist unpacking it to see what the build entails. At first glance there's little to it but then you notice all the fiddly bits and a book of instructions 6 pages long. They are the most comprehensive kit instructions I've ever seen and even tells you what paint to use and how to mix it. Well done to your Model Builder Leslie. Sadly I've had to pack it away as I've to much to complete before starting yet another project so it goes to the back of the list (well maybe).
  12. Very very impressive. This is going to be GOOD!
  13. Thanks guys for the good advice, hope to have it finished shortly and on my Workbench.
  14. I'm working on a model of the North Atlantic Diner, UTA No. 549 to run with my MPD's. Colm Flanagan, 33lima and Dhu Varren have been of great help in providing details of the roof and interior. It was great help to get drawings and an interior picture. The carriage was finished in mahogany with blue linoleum and rugs on the floor. The colour of the curtains was not specified but appear to be lighter than the dark brunswick green colour on the outside of the carriage. My interior designer suggested a gold colour for of the curtains but I tried a mock-up and don't think they would have used that colour combination. Anyone any suggestions please?
  15. Thank you for the Drawings, the last one is just what I was looking for. Ivor had pointed out the original seating was changed from 26 to 32 but he was not sure of the new layout, your drawing has answered that question.
  16. Yes please, would be very interested in seeing these. As Ivor says, can you put them up on Site or do you want an email address?
  17. I enjoy your imputes, not only for the modelling but also the detailed information you supply. I'm learning every time.
  18. Love the Round House in the last picture.
  19. I see you had your work cut out on the C Class but you have come through on the "silver" livery. The detailing kit has done the job, looking good.
  20. If only the Kit Manufacturer would send the instructions I would not have to guess on what way things should go!
  21. As some light relief away from the MPD's I made a start on Glenderg's Weed Spraying Carriage Kit. A straight forward build so far, just waiting on some parts and instructions to complete.
  22. Slowly, slowly the MPD's are coming to a finish. Just to paint No 65 and finish UTA Diner Car and ALL that's left is all the fiddly bits like decals, glazing, wipers, horns etc etc. Interiors may go on the back burner until the winter. Here are No 36 & No 46 doing trials after decoders were fitted.
  23. Have a look at Comet Models Site, http://www.cometmodels.co.uk/ , Downloads: CONVERTING RTR COACHES USING COMET MODELS SIDES. The PDF file gives detailed information on how to do it.
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