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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Episode 1 Episode 1 of 3 DURATION: 1 HOUR From their beginnings as a primitive system of track-ways for coal carts in the early 18th century, railways quickly developed into the driving force behind the industrial revolution and the pivotal technology for modern Britain, and a connected world. Rapid industrial growth during the early 19th century, coupled with the prospect of vast profits, drove inventors and entrepreneurs to develop steam locomotives, metal tracks and an array of daring tunnels, cuttings and bridges that created a nationwide system of railways in just 30 years. George Stephenson's Liverpool and Manchester Railway became the model for future inter-city travel for the next century and his fast, reliable locomotive, The Rocket, began a quest for speed that has defined our modern world.
  2. The detail provided is immense and worthy to be included in the Resource Section of this Forum. To see it with accompanying pictures illustrating the different liveries would be a book I would be interested in and it would be great if it could include Coaching Stock as well. Well done jcb171achill. My only concern with all your extensive articles is will there be an exam at the end of them.. I haven’t been taking notes!
  3. Thanks Guys for the information, Anthony I sent you an email.
  4. I’m just finishing a rake of Mk 3 coaches in CIE Supertrain livery. I can’t find any photographs to guide me on the correct markings on the ends of these coaches. Should it be from the top: 1. Dayglow square 2. Number 3. Flash warning. Thanks in anticipation of the usual expert response.
  5. Kirley

    New Irish Lines

    Thanks for the update Garfield, it would be great to see the very early NIL's
  6. Thanks, order placed.
  7. Can you give a rough idea when they will be available to purchase?
  8. Thanks for the article; it makes me want to convert my MAK to DCC as she has not run since I changed layouts
  9. Des, I believe there is a keen interest in these wagons and of course any flats. Looking forward to a release date.
  10. Gareth, If you ever decide to do another batch, I'll place a definite order.
  11. Just shows you how lucky we are today to have main supplers like Murphy Models along with SSM and many other smaller but excellent providers of Irish Models
  12. Welcome to the Site, your layout sounds intriguing!
  13. As you can see in the pictures the current stage of the A Class. Now I have the Cattle Dock out of the way I'm working to complete it
  14. Very helpful data telling it as it was.
  15. I speak from experience – unless you want an out of scale A Class or C Class stay away from these MTK kits.
  16. I have them, they are sitting in the "to do box" for about 8 months.
  17. Cattle Dock for Kirley Junction I used a Ratio Cattle Dock kit + a part completed one from ebay which meant I had to make up the missing bits. I also used a Wills sheet of cobble stones which I bought from the Model Shop in Cork about 3 years ago. It just goes to show everything will come in useful someday in the modeller’s world. Now I have to merge it into the Kirley junction layout and I’ll put up more pictures once I have that section completed.
  18. A lovely piece of railway history, thanks for sharing
  19. 121 Class for sale, MIR kit, original whitemetal body http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=310554923026&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123
  20. "Windows - WD40 sprayed on a clear CD cover and cut with a fine saw." That's a good tip, thanks for sharing Richie.
  21. Kirley

    Barls Workbench

    Looking good
  22. Really like the way you did the two liveries of the Jintys, they make my one look like a toy in comparison
  23. It’s not really complicated, it’s just fiddly work, having ten resistors and a total of 20 wires running to them and the blue, yellow and white leads from the decoder. Patience they say is the ability to endure, amongst other things, provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties ---but I'm sure you have plenty of it. Good luck with your A Class.
  24. Good to have you back on line Anthony, great paint jobs, so that's why you were asking all those questions about livery! The town scene is really coming together, I like your backscene.
  25. Thanks Kevin
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