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Flying Snail

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Everything posted by Flying Snail

  1. If they could be re-gauged to 21mm, IRM/AS would have stated it in the specification/common features for the loco. They haven't stated it, so I'd be highly surprised if its possible - especially with that valve gear. (if you take a look at the Hunslet on their web page you'll find confirmation that it can be re-gauged. No such confirmation for the 800)
  2. If they could be re-gauged to 21mm, IRM/AS would have stated it in the specification/common features for the loco. They haven't stated it, so I'd be highly surprised if its possible - especially with that valve gear. (if you take a look at the Hunslet on their web page you'll find confirmation that it can be re-gauged. No such confirmation for the 800)
  3. I'd say there's an opening now for some of the skilled CAD and 3D print enthusiasts here to produce GSR/early CIE/GSWR era rolling stock! Especially so as the prototypes were often produced in small numbers
  4. The FS stands for 'Flying Snail' ... some of the dark green CIE liveries don't have it, some do
  5. There were fancy cream crackers - octagon shaped, and cheese and various meats to go on them. And chicken goujons .. and plenty more besides
  6. Just back home from Malahide ..... all I can say is wow! Well done to the IRM lads on 10 years in business - what a model to celebrate! The sample looked well on the layout I have to say. Also, thanks to you, and all at the museum for hosting us - it was a really nice evening!!
  7. As @Mol_PMB says - RPSI coaches are out there, including IRM's own Mk 2s. Any chance of a train set like the LMR one Accurascale brought out?
  8. Another source of information is the ESB. Many of the bog railways were built to bring fuel to the power stations of the midlands. The ESB owned its own fleet of locos, a few of which have made their way to Stradbally - including their maid of all work Rusty
  9. Very creative!
  10. Its possible, but not straightforward As we know, there's lots of alphabets each with their own characters - Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic etc. There's far more possible characters out there than there is space on our keyboards. Computers get around this problem by using text encoding standards where each letter, digit, or symbol is assigned a unique code. One of these standards is called Unicode. Unicode uses a hexadecimal based code - its code for ḃ is IE03 and the code for ḋ is 1E0B. I've set up my computer keyboard so that I can use Unicode Hex Input - when I hold down the ALT key and enter the four digit Hex code I get the character represented by that code. Of course, you have to know the Unicode codes for each character you want to use ... and you have to first configure your computer's keyboard/input device. Without doing that you most likely won't see a ḃ when you type IE03. Of course, this is all even more awkward if you're using a phone/tablet instead of a computer with a keyboard. However as an alternative you can copy a word like Maeḋḃ from another source - say a web page or a Word document, and paste it into your post here - the ḋ and ḃ should display properly then
  11. Well, other manufacturers have done it ..... ... good use of the old grey cells @mphoey
  12. How can you forget Maeḋḃ's third livery ... the "preservation" livery of CIE lined green with GS lettering? There's been some very persuasive arguments for the 800s and J15s, and given the location I wouldn't be surprised by a GNR 4-4-0 ...... ..... but I'll stick with the jeep as my official guess! Now whats this about it in a red NCC livery??
  13. Well, Malahide is on the GNR's mainline ... maybe we'll get a dose of the Monday blues?
  14. Just saw the email pop into my inbox! Looking forward to this
  15. I love the weathering on the goods shed and the Esso silos!!
  16. oooohhh .... are any of those powered?
  17. https://irrs.ie/irrs-membership/ ... its all laid out there
  18. Actually there's still a few of the dark green flying snail liveries still available. Disinformation or wishful thinking? ... you decide (the 071s would look good in it)
  19. Nice pics @Irishrailwayman - looks like a good show! Model Rail Scotland have some videos from it too on Youtube here. I thought York (in your pictures above) was really eye catching with the cut away view into the station.
  20. The RPSI have both Cravens and baby GMs so you never know ... maybe one day! Hopefully when the time comes a 2600 set will find its way into preservation too
  21. Happy to put my name down for two etches too (two pairs of wagons).
  22. Exciting project, I hope you get the numbers. Is the request for expressions of interest a learning from the 22000 experience? I hope you crack the ' multiple units' nut ... would love to see more Irish DMUs in future
  23. HMRS in the UK have a large collection of Irish drawings: https://hmrs.org.uk/ Google Irish Rail for responses to Freedom of Information requests - lots of people request diagrams
  24. Your cottages and farm buildings are lovely models (as indeed are all the items you've shared with us here). The plans would be a great resource for anyone looking to create an Irish layout
  25. that would do nicely - especially if it was with "realistic chuffing and mooing sound" for all the sound aficionados
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