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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. Yes, containers on their own would be very useful.
  2. Soon, yes a lovely word that can mean so much (or nothing).
  3. An interesting topic for IRM. I have always been a supporter of Luas and use it as often as I can. There have been breakdowns this week and service on the Green line has become unreliable compared to how it was in previous years. Are the trams now ageing or just suffering from the more intensive use now being expected of them? I It does now seem that the northward extension through the city has caused significant problems for buses in particular. I don't think the plan was for an improved Luas to discommode other public transport users. Luas is not a bus but neither is it a train. The Green line was designed with heavy rail in mind from Charlemont south. This capability, together with an underground section in the CC, should have been implemented rather than the Luas extension. We need a Metro as it is now obvious that city roads cannot cope with the number of people travelling. However a light rail Metro is not the answer.
  4. They look the same. The PS reference seems to refer to Peters Spares who have had these replacements made in China. http://www.petersspares.com/peters-spares-ps65-hornby-replacement-carbon-brush-springs-pk10.ir
  5. Here's hoping for the Grand Slam next weekend although the achievent of the championship is great in itself.
  6. Brake fluid is often used to remove paint from diecasts but be careful that you remove any plastic parts which would probably melt. I haven't done this myself so take some advice before taking this option. George Heany of Sunrise Transfers produces an Irish range for bus models. He often posts on the facebook page mentioned earlier. His website is http://www.sunrisetransfers.com/ .
  7. Bus Eireann did have the Plaxton Paramount 3500 coach and EFE made a model ref 26608. Like all Irish bus models it would be nearly impossible to pick up the Bus Eireann version now. EFE models are not too difficult to take apart once you know what you are doing. It might be worth your while to put the question on the Irish Model Bus Collectors and Modellers facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/irishmodelbuses/
  8. Jim did tell me that he buys the paint in bulk and puts it in the small tins himself. I presume he only does this for current kits. It's a pity he could not help us with railway colours.
  9. Jim Poots already supplies small tins of CIE green and eau de nil for his bus models. I'm sure other colours could be produced if there was sufficient demand.
  10. I see that you have teamed up with Rails and NRM to produce a special pack.
  11. Very well done. You beat DJ Models, Realtrak, Peco and Heljan in Manufacurer of the Year which is great for a new name on the scene.
  12. Done and agreed
  13. I better follow the tactics then.
  14. Well, what can I say after that only Happy Christmas one and all.
  15. Surprise, surprise, my orange bubbles have just been delivered. My first impression is that they are every bit as good as the ivory wagons. All the above discussion has been very interesting, culminating in the photo posted by Garfield. They are here now, looking good and waiting for their first run on the layout.
  16. Ah yes, those adds were very prominent weren't they.
  17. So would I, Railer.
  18. Ah, yes, they look really good and will make another excellent addition to my railway
  19. Just received packs C and D today, thanks for sending them on. They were definetely worth the wait.
  20. I can't add anything to what has already been said but just wanted to say well done again.
  21. All this attention to detail will have us spoiled. How will we be able to buy models from other manufacturers in future? As if that is not enough you are flying them in too. I don't think we can thank you enough.
  22. And we don't have to wait months (years?) to get our hands on it.
  23. I don't think the show will be open at the times the 84n runs!
  24. Well, something like that!
  25. I see more differences than windows on the power cars.
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