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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. There is another thread relating to the problem you have. I understand that this may have been due to a faulty decoder as a replacement worked normally.
  2. Then there is, of course, THE proper Irish bus.
  3. Yes, the WV would be a good choice.
  4. Happy Christmas to veryone here.
  5. I'll make sure they sell well by placing my order.
  6. I was expecting a Railink bus model but thought it would be from someone else. Any more plans for bus models?
  7. What was the incident?
  8. An unusual occurance for a railway modelling item.
  9. Great surprise for a Good Friday.
  10. I'm afraid RTE in general have been ramping up the hystreria over the last week or so. I do not understand why they feel that they have to give air time to all the nonsense that is being spread about coronavirus.
  11. Which makes it surprising that no one has produced this type of coupling before.
  12. Plenty of Airfix kits there.
  13. Happy Christmas one and all.
  14. I also came across this Duple bodied OB.
  15. I don't know if you obtained any information on this over the weekend but CIE bought 6 Bedford OBs in 1949 for Dublin Airport services. They were numbered BP1-6 with Roberts bodies. The model you have is probably of a Duple bodied OB. Corgi produced a model of one as owned by Guinness. The real coach later passed to Lavery Coaches.
  16. What have we missed in the last week apart from the news and views?
  17. Unfortunately Merlin failed at Gorey and the train was recovered by 074. Merlin had to be left in the siding at Gorey.
  18. The CDR acquired them in 1965 from East Midland Motors.
  19. I see they are now listed on ebay. https://www.ebay.ie/itm/ooworks-J15-101-0-6-0-locomotive-Grey/113777122661?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 https://www.ebay.ie/itm/ooworks-J15-101-0-6-0-locomotive-Black/113777120342?hash=item1a7da51456:g:6K4AAOSwOPxc~Ruo
  20. They finished up yesterday in Derry but missed Tara Street station on their travels!
  21. Yes, they started from Rosslare Europort yesterday morning.
  22. Unfortunately that's not how it turned out.
  23. Well done, certainly deserved.
  24. It might grow on me. Look up it's Aer Lingus
  25. Tarabuses

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