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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. No, the same source as Warbonnet I would think.
  2. Happy New Year to everyone. I received a message saying that the 121 will appear in 2016. There is nothing on the Murphy Models website though.
  3. I tracked down some instructions for dismantling this model. Using a tiny screwdriver and the blade of a knife, prise off the "boot" cover. This is a plastic part located by two pins inserted into the main casting and secured by dabs of glue. It came off quite easily revealing the screw beneath. At the front, there is a similar panel forming part of the windscreen moulding. Gently prise it off from the bottom. Be careful as it may fly off. It has been known to crack up the middle but may not break completely. Clearly, great care is needed with this part. Once these two panels are off and the screws behind them are undone, the chassis and seats fall out. The side windows are held in place by the seats so can now be pushed inwards and removed. The back window is a little more tricky as the four clips holding it place all need to be loosened at the same time. The ceiling panel is plastic so needs removing before using paint stripper. IT is possible to get the end of a tiny screwdriver under it about halfway along and prise it off. It is located at three points along its length and secured with dabs of glue. The headlights and tail lights have clear plastic lenses located by pins into the main casting. Clean them off on the inside then gently prise them off from the outside.
  4. Happy Christmas
  5. Pufferwillies seems to have it http://pufferwillies.co.uk/uk2ecommerce/product/britbus_ae-06b_oo_scale_aec_regent_iii_park_royal_c_i_e/
  6. I am surprised to see that your foam underlay has lasted 20 years. Mine started to disintegrate after about 15 years.
  7. Placed my order today and considering more (if there are any left).
  8. It certainly is but the photos are not too clear.
  9. CIE had a large number of Royal Tiger coaches in the fleet but not with that style of bodywork.
  10. Goo win
  11. The Phoenix Park tunnel is in no way an alternative to DART underground. It's the same as the Bus Rapid Transit to Swords being proposed in place of Metro North. These downgraded proposals are just putting sticking plasters on the traffic problems.
  12. I'm sure IR are in favour but I fear that our Government will chicken out.
  13. The EFE blurb is wrong. It seems they were confused by the York Road legal address on the coach, required for cross border journies.
  14. They do show up on ebay at times. AE-05A is listed at present http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BRITBUS-AE-05A-OO-SCALE-AEC-REGENT-III-GNR-N-IRE-DUNDALK-/290862266048?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item43b8bdf6c0
  15. They all seemed to take it in their stride.
  16. Yes, I saw that on MRE Mag.com yesterday. He had a good innings, as they say, and contributed a lot to our hobby.
  17. I thought this looked funny and the price seems reasonable. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/OO-gauge-irish-cow-racing-men-hedge-grass-diorama-for-Hornby-train-layout-/231602875059?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item35ec9b6ab3
  18. This happens at the model railway exhibitions too. I presume the organiser allows them to sell in sterling otherwise the traders wouldn't attend? It doesn't alter the fact that it's illegal though.
  19. Thanks for the insight about Paddy's problems with his Chinese factory. I presume he had paid in advance and so could not send the coaches back when found to be incorrect. It is a terrible situation for him to be in especially when the errors are laid at his door. It just shows that no one should criticise unless they know the full facts.
  20. Yes, the banks are closed but it is not a public holiday.
  21. I stopped buying from Rails for the same lack of transparency on postage rates issue. However, anything I did buy was delivered.
  22. It ain't over until it's over.
  23. I was happy to complete the survey as presented.
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