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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Great to see the update Ivan. Really looking forward to seeing some more. Rich,
  2. Top class as usual George. The weathering on 101 looks very tasty. The Bus Kit's look great. Rich,
  3. You made the right choice with the bridge Kieran. I regularly have a look on your layout pages, especially the station. I love Clonmel Station myself. It's a beautiful building and your model of the buildings really captures that look. With the space available to you, you have done an amazing job. I wonder were the wagons built like that, or were the changes done by IE. Rich,
  4. Clonmel getting the track pimped. They certainly have done some great work on the buildings also, fitting new windows where a lot of them were boarded up. They have really tidied up the front of the one story building also. I can't say that I like the new road bridge at the Cahir side of the station. A lot less charming then the old one. I would also recommend the rest of the vids on youtube in that collection. Put on the Kettle and relax for a few hours watching them. Rich,
  5. Good man Richie, I was about to ask. Rich,
  6. The pics Richie has posted show the two different types Kieran. In pic one the body sides are flat between the ribs on the side and ends. In the second pic you can see a slant below the numbers to the ends.. I would say the hoods were indeed added after some trial and error due to spoil falling between the boxes and headstocks. Imagine a rake of 12 flats from SSM with spoil boxes behind a Silver Black 071 on the layout Kieran, empty or full. Now that would be sweet. Richie scratch built some excellent boxes and are in his workbench thread. Rich,
  7. One thing happens a lot with small runs for a small market is to produce a tooling that has a short shelf life and only so many runs can be produced before the tooling get's worn out. This doesn't happen with the bigger suppliers and they are able to re-use the tooling annually. I am not suggesting that MM have chosen that route, but other small manufacturers have. Rich,
  8. There are also two different builds within the spoil carriers. So be careful which numbers you choose. Rich,
  9. The modelling season is in full swing for you Eamonn. That's some fine work. Aren't the 121's a smashing looking loco. Rich,
  10. Looks great Dave. That livery really suits the Sulzers. I've always felt that there is a passing resemblance face on between them and the 071's. Rich,
  11. RedRich


    Correct Pat, I believe they were 151's parts. Rich,
  12. If you have a Peco large radius point you should place it next to the C10 in a pic to show the difference in size. I love the tie bars they look very neat. I'd say they were fiddly to put together and fit. Rich,
  13. RedRich


    Thank's for that UP6936. I assume that 113 could be fitted with the LED light's when she is next in for work. I remember when 112 was down South on Beet duties in the naughties and I have a fondness for it ever since then. I think the livery really suits them. Rich,
  14. RedRich


    So she has had them since July according to those pics. Anyone know if she is back in service yet. Rich,
  15. RedRich


    That's some good information Tony. Never knew that the 8 was added for signaling purposes. Rich,
  16. RedRich


    Anyone know when 8111 was fitted with the LED light clusters like 112. TIA, Rich,
  17. The thin black line separating the main colors looks very effective. They were always my favorite coaches. Rich,
  18. Dave, Eoin that is really taking shape and will be stunning. Rich,
  19. Cheers that's an ingenious method reusing the original gears on the new rod. What are using as a check rail gauge. The Scalefour stores don't seem to have them for 21mm. I was thinking I may have to use a digital caliper. The Jacobean dark oak dye seems to be producing a pleasing creosoted look on the sleepers. Nenagh is a fantastic location for a layout. The work so far is fantastic, I shall be looking in every day for updates, and will rely on your knowledge, so expect lot's of questions. Top quality, Rich,
  20. It looks fantastic and right when you see the 071 posing on it. Could it be the first 071 to have been re gauged. I'm very interested to hear how you did it. Rich,
  21. RedRich

    new bridge

    Smashing Bren, I can't wait to see it in situ. You can't go wrong with a twin track bridge. Rich,
  22. Wow Bren, great update. Things are really progressing. I love the 8F it looks like it is earning it's living. Rich,
  23. Truly excellent example of scratch building on the pallet cement. The SSM brake van is a top job also. Rich,
  24. Have a look in the track section here. colincraig4mm.co.uk Colin produces parts for flat bottom rail on wooden sleepers. It may not be 100% accurate, if you can live with that then it is worth a punt. I have a love for all things track myself. I lived in London for a time and I used Clapham Junction a lot, and that is the Mecca for all things per way for me. The junction would be an amazing project in 00 if space wasn't a problem. However it is a model and a condensed version will be great project. Rich,
  25. A couple of questions Junctionmad. Will the rails need to be all bullhead or a mix of bullhead and flat bottom rail. Are you going to use any ply and rivet sleepers in the build. Do you want exact representations of the crossings and switches, ie ABCD size 1-6 1-7 and so on. C&L point kits are a good place to start when wanting to put them together without any of the filing of track. Exactoscale point kits are on another level altogether and come with all the chairs, slide chairs, bridge chairs, and the special chairs for the crossings and vee's. Personally if you want the track to look right in appearance then go for the Exactoscale kits. Exactoscale and C&L also do sleeper bases of the concrete, and wooden type. The Exactoscale wooden sleeper bases have little pimples on the sleepers where the chairs sit on them as the chairs all have holes on the underside. Even with this system if you are thinking of using one of the wider gauges then get some track building gauges. Fran is spot on about re wheeling and compensating anything wider then EM gauge. The only advantage I could see you being able to achieve in 00 gauge is being able to use bullhead rail and having the correct sleeper spacing. If you are happy with using all flatbottom rail then Pete Harvey produces a nice tool for spacing the sleepers correctly in Peco track. Whatever the choice you make good luck. Rich,
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