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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. It can't be stressed how important this work is. To have a member on this site that shares this kind of work with us will surely drive and inspire others to achieve similar results. I know Richie's focus is driven by a desire to achieve results that aren't always in the mainstream. The materials and practices that he uses is what makes the models so unique. Fantastic work again Richie. Rich,
  2. True I forgot to mention them. I also remember a Baby and bubbles going to Limerick with a Beet wagon or two for repair. I also think that a similar scene was captured on one of the Markle video's. In the opposite direction Campile would be nice and little room would be needed. Rich,
  3. I must get over there and take some pics myself and compare them to the ones I took in 2003. It really is depressing looking at it. Rich,
  4. Carrick On Suir in the 1990's to mid 2000's would make a smashing setting for a layout. Not a big station or platform lengths. A nice little signal box on the platform, the ITG building. The level crossing and signals are available from SSM. Plenty of rolling stock and consists that don't have to be huge. Cement (bagged and bulk) Beet, Timber, Guiness liners, all these would be passing through. Passenger trains of 2 Craven's GSV and a 141-181. The same could be said of Park Royal and Dutch van. As much as it hurts me to say it 2700 Railcars. You could have the odd Knock special or GAA special. Not big consists or large space needed and it is not to long ago. Rich,
  5. Very nice. These buildings do serve a purpose in the real world, so it nice to the model and give it some life. Rich,
  6. They are the old shorter length Hornby coaches. Rich,
  7. RedRich

    Irish Bogies

    Your ones are accurate Des, shouldn't that be the most important factor. The Baccy ones would be a tight fit even for EM or P4 gauge. Speaking of bogies Des I must fire you a pm regarding our conversation before Christmas. Rich,
  8. Good man Fran. Looking good, nice tidy soldering. Keep the updates coming. Rich,
  9. It's what comes off of the production line that matters and the finished wagon will look sweet Pat. Richies mat is R&D pre production, production, post production and finish all in one. No doubt yours will be the same soon Pat. The Dapol Deltic is looking good Richrua. Rich,
  10. You made the right choice with the background Stephen. Anything other than sky would detract from the magnificent viaduct and the rolling stock crossing it. Stick a few pics of the Enterprise set on it if you have time. I think it would make a nice avatar. Rich,
  11. Huge respect Nelson. Young folks your age are the future of the hobby, we are in safe hand's. That's an excellent example of weathering and what makes it more remarkable is the fact the wagon is scratch built. I really enjoy watching your workbench and you are a very modest young man to go with the talent. Rich,
  12. The layout was for the 150th Anniversary and was built by a few lad's working for IE. The other layout is a private layout and that's why it doesn't appear on here, on any other Railway Modelling groups, or in the print media or any other media. Rich,
  13. I can say that the owner of that layout did not post those pics on the Yuku group. It was probably one of the group owners many aliases even though he used the chaps name. I don't know if he knows those pics of his layout were put on that group. I don't think he would be to happy if he knew as he is a man that wouldn't want that kind of exposure about his work. Rich,
  14. I'll second that Pat. Very sad news a great actor. Rich,
  15. If a loco could talk it would say nah don't like it. Give it a livery it deserves, not something you would see on the walls of a junior infants class room. Rich,
  16. Nice pic Ben from a nice angle. Most pics are taken from above or at platform height so it is nice to see one from below track level. Rich,
  17. Lovely work Nelson. The Parkside wagons are great. There was a great piece in one of the recent Scalefour news mags about the company. There were lot's of photos of tooling and how the tooling is designed and built. Also the injection moulding process and how the finished piece looks. To think that the fire could have destroyed it all doesn't warrant thinking about. The wagons you have built are still the main kit built wagons to be seen on P4 layouts, and I think that is a great testament to their quality. Rich,
  18. The mans work as always is stunning. Also great to see an update Stephen. For an interior excluding the lever frames I'd have a look at the Ratio interior kit as a starter. Rich,
  19. Also should have said that Des is right, the junction signal looks spot on. Rich,
  20. She look's sweet Eamonn. The fumes from the super glue tend to cause the clouding on the glazing. A little tip I picked along the way was to dip the glazing in Johnson's Klear prior to gluing with Cyano. When the glazing is in place and the Cyano has cured, wipe the glazing again with clear and the cloudiness should disappear. Rich,
  21. I'm really looking forward to this. My great Grandfather was a driver on the line. Rich,
  22. I mentioned in post 47 that I had purchased 5 MM MK11 Aircons. I felt that as a buying customer I had an opinion. There are a couple of things to look at here. The 141-181 locos were manufactured by Bachmann for MM. This enabled PM to get a foot in the door and led to the first all new and newly branded MM product in the Craven coaches. There is no doubt that the 141-181 class locos and Craven coaches are at the very top end of market. I believe these models were produced in the same factory and the quality in both models show this. The 071 112 locos were also produced in the same factory and again the quality shows this. The 201's I believe were produced in a different factory by a different manufacturer. I firmly believe that if they were produced in the same factory as the previous models they would have had full flush glazed windows. There were also some mistakes with the underframe gear on the 201 models that would not have made it into production if they were produced by the same company as the earlier models. The MK11 Aircons have their faults as has been attested to in this thread. There are little clues that point to the MK11's being produced by a different factory from the earlier models also. The B4 Bogies are overscale by a good bit. Place a Craven or Bachmann B4 next to an Aircon MK11 and it is plain to see. If they were produced at the original factory they would have used the same bogie as the Cravens as they would not have had to develop a new one. Daves post is very valid as I am sure that PM must feel really let down over the quality issues. It begs the Question will he even produce any more MK11's in the later liveries, let alone any new loco models if they are to be manufactured with this company. I imagine that you would want a man on the floor in these factories on a regular if not daily basis to make sure everything is done right, and as we all know this is not possible. I wanted a MK11 Aircon at the same level of accuracy and finish as the Cravens, it hasn't happened. I can or will have to live with the window problem as there isn't much you can do about it. An 071 and Aircons even into the IE period was always one of my favorite trains and that's why I eventually decided to support MM with this model. It's a shame , but there you are. Rich,
  23. What Richie has done with the out of the box model has made a big improvement. It's the enjoyable part of the hobby to be able to add your own touches to a model. The man knows what I think of his work, so enough said. Rich,
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