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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. RedRich

    class 121

    A fantastic piece of modelling Bren. I can only imagine the time and effort that went into the build. Rich,
  2. It was Ivan. I think they raised the bar for out door gigs on that tour. It was a multi media show as well as musical. I think Larry Mullen said you can go to a gig and watch tv at the same time, how bad. Rich,
  3. No they didn't do a 37 to the new specs. The Bachmann retooled 37 is a nice model and ticks all the boxes running wise. I also should have added the Hornby 08 class to the above list, it's a lovely little model. Rich,
  4. Class 50 was the first of the Hornby super detailed and new motorized models. They were followed by Class 31 Class 60 Class 56 HST Power cars Class 67. I would go as far as to say that the Class 60 hold's the title for best 4mm rtr diesel model on the market, especially in triple grey. Rich,
  5. I remember seeing U2 in Cork in 1993. They had about 6 Trabbies hanging off the stage and the headlamps were being used as spotlights. Rich,
  6. Great news Des they look great. It now allows us to model both variants of the wagon. Great to see the freight side of the hobby taking it's place deservedly along side the locos and passenger stock. Rich,
  7. That's good news Pat. Reaching as large an amount of customers as is possible can only be a good thing for IRM. Rich,
  8. The WW Park Royal and Laminate kit's are crying out for the parts you mention Des especially the bogies. The bogies are completely different to the UK equivalent being a rather cut down version of them. You are on a role at the moment yourself Des with the new kit's, the ammonia kit looks sweet in Richie's tutorial. I'll be contacting you for some more flats soon and I am not forgetting the bogie sub frames, up to my eyeballs with other things at the moment. Rich,
  9. Good man Richie some sound advice. Let me know when the fight in the car park is due to take place. I'll be your seconds man, and hold your coat. Rich,
  10. I agree with 1 it is an opinion which you are entitled to, never said anything less, we just don't agree with each others. As for 2 the less said the better. 4 This is a group, community, site, so you did in fact join a group, but we won't argue over that. A railway modeller is someone that is interested in model railways and playing with trains hence the name of the group Irishrailwaymodeller so you must be a closet modeller, come on admit it. Rich,
  11. Noel John Mayne of this parish has built some of the WW Laminates and Park Royal kit's in the past. They are sold as an aid to scratch building and they look really good when finished. Kirley has been working on some of the kit's himself and they look great. I am sure that there are some pics in Johns workbench thread. Rich,
  12. Noel I think snobbery is a bit to strong a word. It's a matter of expectations for a lot of us and less so for others. I've not experienced any snobbery from any of the exceptionally talented and experienced modellers on here like you might find in other areas where groups of hobbyists, or people that play sports for instance get together. Some people have a zeal for pushing the boat out a little further each time to test their own abilities just as there are those that want to enjoy the hobby for what it is to them, and neither can look down their noses at each other, nor should they. What's one mans lump of coal can be another persons gold, it's an opinion. Rich,
  13. Just to clarify a few things with this post. I personally would not consider these coaches as a mega standard, it's my opinion which I am entitled to have. Secondly it is out of order to be telling people to put up or shut up if their opinion doesn't meet with the criteria of one who see's them as fine. Especially when the shut up is done in caps as it can be taken as an aggressive comment. Paul you have claimed on here countless times that you don't even consider yourself a railway modeller, which kind of defeats the purpose of joining a group for railway modellers. I hope you can see where I am going with this, there are a lot of folk on here that do have high expectations, and can be a tad disappointed when a model doesn't have a certain wow factor. When this group was in it's infancy and in the days leading up to when the group went online it was the intention of the owner and the few of us (myself included) who wanted to start a new group, that everyone would be entitled to voice their opinion as long as it was not bordering on becoming insulting. It is still my opinion that the Park Royal and Laminate models are overpriced and lacking in areas of detail and quality irrespective of how small a run of them is produced. Personally I believe that the Worsley Works parts make a much finer representation of the prototype, and there are enough photos out there to prove that. Rich,
  14. I think if you take what Ed has said in context they are not in the same ball park as the MM Cravens in fact they are not even the same sport. The standard has been set high with the GM's and Cravens and I would not run them in the same rake myself. I wouldn't particularly class them as good news like I would the ballast wagon venture. However it is up to the individual. Rich,
  15. For a brass novice that's fine work Richie. It looks like a fantastic kit to build. Brass solder and stout, what more could you want. Rich,
  16. Excellent model Bren. It really captures the prototype, and the ship gives an indication of how big a structure it is. Rich,
  17. I ordered mine today, 12 wagons. Looking back through threads in the past regarding rtr freight wagons, the ballast hoppers and bubbles were high on most peoples lists. This is reflected in the choices that IRM Ltd have made. I trust the guys involved in this venture to get it right and will also be supporting the bubble model. Rich,
  18. I've seen them with 15 - 12 - 10 - 9. The longer rakes had two plough's and I did see a nine wagon set with one plough. Rich,
  19. Personally I love the new look. Rich,
  20. Congratulations Pat, Fran, Richie, and Stephen. This is superb news and the enthusiasm shown in all your posts shows you are looking forward to it as much as us. Dave Jones knows his stuff and is the right man to have on board. The wagon chosen is a great choice and an actual railway lovers favorite. There is lot's of detail beneath the hoppers. The bubble has me even more delighted. For the specs given the price is very reasonable. This is going to have a really positive affect on the hobby. I love the hobby and now it is going to get better. All the best luck in the world lad's, Rich,
  21. I remember seeing a MK11 set in Bray hauled by an 071, all in the IE livery. The consist was Loco-EGV-First-Restaurant- Composite- 3 Standards in that order. Rich,
  22. The MK111 Compo always ran behind the EGV with the first class end behind the EGV on the Dublin Waterford route. The first class end doors had the first class stickers, and the standard end doors had the IE logo. The roofs were painted grey also. Rich,
  23. Not going myself this year. It is a great show Leslie and you should have a great time. There are going to be some top layouts on display. Good luck on the sales front. Rich,
  24. The Limerick Rosslare train sometimes consisted of 3 Park Royals + Dutch Van. Rich,
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