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Everything posted by irishmail

  1. Athearn GP35 CP Rail DCC ready €50 Athearn GP35 Canadian Pacific DCC ready €50 Bachmann RS3 CP Rail DCC sound €85 All three for €180
  2. Roundhouse GP50 Norfolk & Southern DCC ready €50 Atlas Dash 8 Norfolk & Southern DCC sound €120 Bachmann F7A Norfolk & Southern DCC sound €85 Priced each or all three for €250
  3. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Thats all I got when I checked mine. Try Screwfix.ie for the wheel. Stuff comes from UK, via DPD but not had any customs issues with items I have ordered
  4. Thought this may be of interest!
  5. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    My package finally arrived today after sitting in Dublin for 11 days.
  6. The IE livery sits well on the class 60.
  7. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Are you on commison Dave? Lol.
  8. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Still waiting for mine. Anpost have had the item since 30th August, paid customs 3rd September and still not delivered. Contacted anpost customer services yesterday and was told it is still in customs!!!!
  9. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Still no delivery today, just been onto Anpost and they say it can take 3- 5 days before customs release items!! Two weeks today since letter posted!
  10. Strangely enough I had a delivery from MSL lippe in Germany by GLS last week. Tracking originally said out for delivery for Thursday, then later that night got email from them saying sorry we were unable to deliver your parcel, but no reason given, the next day exactly the same thing happened, and it was eventually delivered on Saturday afternoon. Have found GLS can be hit and miss, depending on who the delivery driver is, some knock at the door and hand over the parcel, some just leave it.
  11. I have only delt with them a few times. Last time I ordered online from them it took about three days before they done the order. I did get an email when the order was posted, but no tracking info. You should of heard from them by now, so maybe a quick call to them.
  12. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Think Anpost should be renamed 'Failpost' My order from Railtec was posted 23rd August, Anpost received item on 30th , got notification for customs charge on Tues 3rd Sept which I paid and then told item will be delivered. Now two days later still no delivery. Hopefully will arrive tomorrow!??
  13. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Not easy for some items though that are not available here in Ireland or elsewhere in the EU.
  14. irishmail

    Customs & VAT

    Just had VAT demand from Anpost customs for my latest Railtec transfer order. First time this has happed with Railtec, but can't complain as VAT is deducted when ordering. One issue to be aware of is Anpost is increasing its admin fee to €4.95 from 9th September!!
  15. €50.00 including postage within Ireland.
  16. €50.00 posted within Ireland.
  17. €50.00 posted.
  18. €85.00 including post within Ireland.
  19. €120.00 posted.
  20. €70.00 posted.
  21. €85.00 posted
  22. €45.00 posted
  23. Class 08 - Gronk Class 14 - Teddy Bear Class 20 - Chopper/Mini-Whistler Class 22 - Baby Warship Class 23 - Baby Deltic Class 24/25/26/27 - Rat/MacRat Class 28 - Co-Bo Class 31 - Ped/Gargoyle/Skinheads Class 33 - Bagpipes/Slim Jim/Crompton Class 35 - Hymek Class 37 - Tractor/Syphon/Growler/Slugs Class 40 - Whistler/Bucket Class 42 - Warship Class 43 HSTs - Trams Class 44/45/46 - Peak Class 47 - Duff/Spoon/Brush Class 50 - Hoover Class 52 - Western/Wizzo Class 55 - Deltic/Boats Class 56 - Grid Class 57 - Zombie/Bodysnatcher Class 58 - Bone/Egg-timer Class 59 - Super-shed Class 60 - Tug/Super-tug/Politicians/Donuts Class 66 - Shed/Ying-yings Class 67 - Skip/Cyclops Class 70 - Betty/Bone Mk2 Class 73 - EDs Class 76/77 - Tommys Class 81-85 - Roarers Class 89 - Badger Class 90 - Skoda Class 91 - Electra Class 92 - Dyson
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