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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Received my two blue packs a couple of days ago, and all I can say is I must get the other three blue packs, they are and look that good, really impressed with this livery, once again great job and thanks guys.
  2. Ordered, look's to be another winner for you both, keep them coming lads. Regards John.
  3. To be honest, that's a pretty spectacular layout and hobby room to have, thanks for sharing with us.
  4. It was my spur of the moment purchase at the Wexford show, because as murphaph said above, There's something about that Green, it does look the business, another lovely addition to the A class fleet, well done lads.
  5. This is a really lovely layout, it just oozes details and charm. Like the posts above the photos really do it justice, I'm very impressed with your skills. Very well done.
  6. Fab layout, Fab photos.
  7. Fran how could you do this to me , I'm weak as it is. Man it's a lovely livery. Resistance has broke down.
  8. They look fantastic, I am soooo tempted by the Caledonian green livery, just something about it, well done lads. Resistance is Futile, I will cave in.
  9. Result, postman just arrived with the rest of my orders and I was home alone, no explaining three large boxes to herself, bolted up two flights of stairs with one box at a time, couldn't have luck nearly torpedoed down the stairs on top of the third box, close call , just had a quick look at locos , man they are something else, I can only echo all the other comments, superb quality and Thank you all so much for this loco.
  10. Wouldn't exactly call my sitting on the fence a whinge, regarding A46 it's not my era , but after seeing the photos of it I thought it looked smashing so wanted one to go with the previous eleven A classes I have bought, tried to prioritize what funds I had left and all that. Hope this doesn't come across as a whinge.
  11. I really do hope the lads find some spare A46s behind the sofa, I sat on the fence a bit too long and when I saw the above photos, though they looked smashing,said I'll get one, then gone, Any help anyone, thanks.
  12. A wee bit of craic, love it just love it, reminds me of my days growing up in Belfast, all the sayings I can relate to and still use today, the story was excellent, thanks for posting this.
  13. Congratulations and Thoroughly deserved. The KUA is an outstanding wagon ( I had to get one ) and we all know you have been manufacturer of the year since you started both IRM / Accurascale and no I am not biased, I don't think, anyway very well done lads.
  14. Your doing the very best you can lads, these delays with covid and train strikes are totally beyond your control. When they arrive they arrive, for me anyway, they are a serious looking piece of work. Thank you.
  15. Have to say, really enjoy this great layout and the videos, it's something I would aspire to create if I had the talent to do so, thanks for sharing a joy to watch.
  16. Just wondering, is this in the first or second run it looks great, ( I'll see meself out ).
  17. This Loco goes beyond the wow factor. If I was to leave Tralee now could I meet the train somewhere, it doesn't matter where and get my As from them.
  18. Rob, This is the level of workmanship we would love to achieve in our own layouts, absolutely top class, very well done.
  19. What attention to detail, this layout just looks so realistic, both sets of photos with and without rolling stock really draw your attention to the care and thought that has gone into this project. Very well done Rob, it's class looking.
  20. Stunning, that's all I can say, can't wait to get my paws on this one as well. Great job lads.
  21. These are seriously impressive looking, something about the dayglo panel on the tippex livery just looks cool, but then again every livery so far has looked great.
  22. Glad I ordered A12 it looks stunning, simple but effective.
  23. They really do look the business. Just my opinion but I think from seeing the Silver version posted above these and the two green versions will look something special when seen in the flesh. Of course they are all looking great, can't wait, well done Lads.
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