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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Well just to inform you that thanks to this thread SSM enterprises have horsed into a few outstanding actions. As a result we have some lovely new accessories in the pipeline for all you Park Royal, Laminate and 50's Bredin enthusiasts. More anon.
  2. Yup. Sweet.
  3. Shall do.
  4. And don't yee forget it! Now if I could only get around to painting my own ones (cough!).
  5. Weshty

    class 121

    That I seriously fine. I thought it was CGI photoshopped onto a workbench initially. The shadowing is very tasty. G class, num num.
  6. Thanks for the update post there lads. It gave me the opportunity to take out mine and give it a lustful stroke (the mk3 buffet Richie did for me that is, you evil minded toads!)
  7. I was querying the same thing yesterday and checked out the points at the Killarney end of Mallow. It was c.70m for the two points to allow transfer from one track to another, so each point is in or around 17".
  8. And that in a nutshell explains why SSM coach kits cost upwards of €80. All that peripheral detail adds up.
  9. Damn!! Nice job there. Really looks the business. Gotta get moving on those commonwealths....
  10. You get sides, ends and a floor and that's it. I'm giving serious consideration to providing a suitable casting pack to include bogies, gangways, battery box, torpedo vents, buffers to aid construction.
  11. Get yourself to Kiltemagh, they've two fine ones there and readily accessible, I've taken multiple measurements and photros for future reference. http://www.cs.vintagecarriagestrust.org/se/CarriageInfo.asp?Ref=4285 There are two Park Royals down in Clonakilty.
  12. NO. Just some reeeeeeeeeally big cartons of Marlboro cigarettes.
  13. To quote the old American express ad, "That...will do nicely Thanks Wrenner, just what I was looking for.
  14. +1. It's the real deal, and being enamel has a very deep texture
  15. Quote of the week.
  16. Don't underestimate the power of Thomas. Took the smalls to Mallow to see #4 stopping off in Mallow many moons ago. There is a plywood version of Thomas on the main platform that they drooled over whilst completely ignoring #4 right behind them. Kids eh?
  17. Just thinking lads, you could add a serial number on each of the boxes. "box 25 of first run" etc. a la White Album. Sure to add to the collectability factor.
  18. Great to meet you all, it was a mighty two days (as I made clear on the SSM Website front page). Well done to the organisers, it all ran very smoothly. Look forward to the next show in the next few months;)
  19. For those who may not know who Drew (who passed away in 1978) was you can read the attached. http://www.steamtrainsireland.com/FFT/FFT22.pdf Drew studied in the Methodist College Belfast and TCD, graduating with first class honours in classics, a gold medal and a Trinity Scholarship. He learnt Irish and broadcast on RTE and lectured in college and then taught in Omagh and Belfas from the 40's until his retirement in 1971. He is most remembered as a railway enthusiast, having published “Decade of Steam”, and having edited and wrote for the journal “Five Foot Three" He was an avid photographer, with much of his work appearing in books and articles relating to Irish Railways. He was a gifted modeller having started his main layout in college on which the main steam prototypes were represented. His layout was a popular draw to professional railwaymen and his models were exhibited in Belfast, Dublin and London.
  20. No minor exaggeration to say that for Irish RTR Freight this is akin to the launch of the 141 and the Craven. Bespoke RTR with an Irish focus. Roll on....
  21. Whats with the bogies? Those are MB4 (Craven types) whereas the MK3 coach uses MT10s.
  22. Lovely photos Popeye and well colour balanced. Culta is a great place, but the lightning is not the most user friendly for photographers. You managed to get a good selection and all nicely composed. Great to see them on the Forum. Great shot of the Inchicore Workshop, D17s included. I wonder is there any other way that Culta Management could present these? All those cracking models are kind of hidden away in it. Other than the lack of rear drivers, that BCDR is very like a Bandon Tank
  23. Sweet paint job Kirley!
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