Hi all,
Mr. Postman and UPS have done their bit and I am delighted to report I am now formally launching the 42' Bogie Flat.
The 42 Bogie flat is available at €30 each and will be on sale at the SSM Stand at the MRSI exhibition at St. Paul's on Sunday and Monday.
It is a foldable and glueable brass kit with white metal detailing, wiring, wheels and decals (with 12 different numbers). See Glenderg's workbench for photos of the completed kit. I have also added extra detailing to allow easier connection using various methods such as Kadee, Bachman or shaped wire.
The kit also has prototypical K33 bogie sides (Cast version with load sensing) and Sambre and Meuse buffers.
I will also be taking orders for the Barrier Wagon (€45 each) which are now available as well. I will have built models available on the day, including some samples of the O gauge kits now available.
Look forward to seeing you all there.