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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Hi, to be more explicit, I'll be there Sunday and Monday, but not Saturday. If anyone has interest in several 42's can they email me directly, so I can get an idea of volume and order extra etches if need be. The earlier I order, the earlier you get them!
  2. Oh yes please.
  3. And along with the launch of the Bogie Flat, there will be another surprise item for launching. See you there for details
  4. w00t? gamer tag exclamation of general contentment?
  5. Hi all, Mr. Postman and UPS have done their bit and I am delighted to report I am now formally launching the 42' Bogie Flat. The 42 Bogie flat is available at €30 each and will be on sale at the SSM Stand at the MRSI exhibition at St. Paul's on Sunday and Monday. It is a foldable and glueable brass kit with white metal detailing, wiring, wheels and decals (with 12 different numbers). See Glenderg's workbench for photos of the completed kit. I have also added extra detailing to allow easier connection using various methods such as Kadee, Bachman or shaped wire. The kit also has prototypical K33 bogie sides (Cast version with load sensing) and Sambre and Meuse buffers. I will also be taking orders for the Barrier Wagon (€45 each) which are now available as well. I will have built models available on the day, including some samples of the O gauge kits now available. Look forward to seeing you all there.
  6. See you all there on the Sunday and Monday. With new products in tow...
  7. Yup. Paint job looks sweet. Well done.
  8. I concur. The buses look the business. Particularly the decals and paint job. The sight of the beige one and I'm flash backing to a visit to dee'azoooo in the 80's. Who did the decals? Class job.
  9. German alright This box contains loco freight wagon curved track batterydevice (Gerat is a great word, equivalent to the hiberno-irish "yolk") (batteries not included)
  10. Ahammer? I thought it was a golf club.
  11. Nice work Kirley. Soldering is yer man alright.
  12. More than welcome Mike, good to see alternative approaches.
  13. Thanking you sir.
  14. How are you securing the chairs to the track, pins, glue etc.?
  15. 21mm points. Hardcore stuff. Looks very well, keep us updated
  16. Weshty

    new bridge

    To use the american expression..."now that's what I'm talking about!!" On the money Bren. On the Money!!
  17. Duuuuuuuuuude!!!! Love the proposed Amalgam of the the best of the past. I see where you're coming from on this, and given your archy background and previous form in station work ( malahide etc.) to quote the old Amstel ad...."this is going to be great!".
  18. Weshty

    new bridge

    Lovely work there Mallard. Please don't take a hammer to this one when you decide to redesign in a few years. Remember, a bridge is for life, and there's always ebay
  19. Sweet weathering! Go read up on the computer controlled gunnery system used by the B29. Simply put, it was an analogue computer that not just allowed the gunner to remotely control the weapons, but fed in altitude, air and B29 speed etc. to auto-correct the firing trajectory. And all this in 1944!! Astounding http://www.twinbeech.com/CFCsystem.htm
  20. Yup. The main challenge is to get the distinctive planking and strapping detail right, but without too much what we'd call in the technical world...fiddlyness. Need to just ruminate on a few photos for a while
  21. Ouch. Truly a gee-eyed purchase. Looks like someone put them in a big box and shook the bejayzus out of them....
  22. Drooling here Richie. Lovely job. A fine gradiated approach to the painting and gentle weathering
  23. My full sympathies to his family, as was stated already, we are in debt to his publishing prowess.
  24. That's probably where they got their inspiration from....
  25. What really gets me is the lack of thought in covering Heuston with a massive car park no natural light on the plaftorms no effective loco ventilation one curved access road to the carpark, can you imagine the congestion no rain cover in moving to the front of the building completely car-centric access and focus of the design. It is fair to say that the late 60's and 70's were a dreadful period for architecture, cheap and nasty with a near total rejection of the installed base. Truly God-awful.
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