1. How did you get interested in Railway Modelling?
I had a clockwork Hornby set as a small fellah. The Easons Hornby display in Cork in the late 70’s was heaven on earth, as was spending hours in Noonan’s Toyshop in Charleville. However, I got my first proper electric set in Dunnes Stores in 1980, an irish freight set no less!! I also made my own buildings using Linka but my interest in the hobby receeded as I got involved in the real thing, assisting in the GSRPI at Mallow station (A GNRI Q Class and Bredins galore). Music, rugby, gurrls and the Leaving put an end to this.
I got back into the hobby with a vengeance in ’06 when I found Steve Johnson’s Irish Railway Website and Model Irish Railways kits, and had great fun building these and scratchbuilding others. My interest took a turn in ’08 when I started designing decals and bought Studio Scale Models, and then also started designing my own range of brass kits. The impetous for this was that with a weak euro, scratch building 15 bubbles could save me a few hundred quid, so I started with the humble Cement Bubble Etch. It has gone on to take on a life of its own as I have expanded some other manufacturers’ ranges, and even got into O gauge.
2.What do you enjoy most about your hobby?
The interaction with the other lads and shooting the breeze and getting new ideas for inspiration. The sheer challenge and pleasure of designing new kits and trying to represent all aspects of the network, lighting & signalling as well as rolling stock. The buzz of research, whether on line, on the forum, or indeed lucky enough to photograph and measure it in real life. It’s a very addictive hobby.
3. Do you go to events and if so how often and where?
Yes, Cultra every two years and Dublin and Cork yearly. It’s a really great opportunity to meet up, chinwag and show the wares.
4.How much do you spend per annum on railway modelling?
Jayz, a sergeant wouldn’t ask me that question! A fraction of what I used to spend, as my interest is purely irish based stock, and I manufacture it more than buy it these days. But if Mr Murphy brings out something, Glenderg scratchbuilds it or Wrenneire has it 2nd hand, I’ll probably buy it.