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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Heh! I know this is a pet subject of yours, though I do find it quite fascinating myself. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/27474-gears-for-portescap-gearbox/ I have thought about it, but bevel gearing and all it entails is a brave new world to me. I also wonder if etching can delivery the goods. And finally, there is the question of if there is sufficient customer demand to warrant the r&d?
  2. Lough Erne, could you possibly get some photos of the 131 in general? Side elevation, front elevation, close up side elevation of the buffers, and anything at all of the tender? I'm only sorry I didn't snap the living bejayzus out of it when I had the chance back in '84-'86....
  3. Based on this thread, I bought an Escap off ebay. You'd be lucky to pick one up for under £70 nowadays. Lovely job, I can see why they are of benefit.
  4. Heh! so did I. I also checked out the General Assembly drawings on the Manchester site. Massive selection.
  5. If I get enough requests, I will!
  6. Best of luck Richie!
  7. It's true, a proper Paddy Murphy set of stock would have blown peoples' minds.
  8. All the best Richie, no fear of yah!
  9. Weshty

    A Class

    Has a business enterprise? See the brown ground under the green etc....
  10. I feel your pain, a great little offering and there is very little alternative out there. Whern I need a p&d, I will be right back here!
  11. Very Nice. But the "Grizzly Bear" selection? 101 locos??? Maybe for the Fry collection!
  12. Must. Try. And. Keep. Wallet. In . Pocket. Failing....... Seriously though, some lovely tools there.
  13. I have two, got from Trains, Boats and Planes in Cork in 1982, for the princely sum of Irl £4.50 each. Happy memories. Still have em, and still in their original boxes.
  14. Be the hokey. Rare but existing. I love that photostream, some great early colour shots there.
  15. Priceless. Sounds like that chip would fit well into Billy Connolly's Sadie...."at the third stroke" et al. I still get a buzz seeing those old MIR kits. They really did the job when they were the only game in town.
  16. Freight wagons generally used plain white stencilled roundals. What wagons are you thinking of?
  17. I can do a pack of CIEs orange roundals. Same price.
  18. Weshty

    North Kerry Book

    I'll be there tomorrow night, might see some of you there.
  19. I'm confussed. What exactly does yah need? Roundals or summat else?
  20. Eagle Eye action man? Clearly you got yours post '76 then Fab job on the A Class and I've had the pleasure of seeing the little honey in the flesh. I have no issue with the Silver Fox (particularly with some detailing added ..cough!!), but the Q-Kit version really does capture it on another level.
  21. Check out http://www.studio-scale-models.com: the transfers section under Locos, "roundals and snails", L10 €9
  22. Sorry Warbonnet, but I have to comment on Wrenn's photo. I'm frikkin' traumatised after it. Anyone got a good eyeball scrubber? Arrgh!!
  23. 30 hours to learn 3-D cad then? I feel a new year resolution coming on.....
  24. Yup. Nothing that 30-40 hours of work won't sort out though
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