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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Lovely, particularly the ground signals.
  2. Rich, They do a 10" one, this would suffice for up to 62' coaches. I also have a set of rollbars for 7mm boilers, custom designed by the previous owner. Animal of a yoke, weighs about 2kg, 12" long, great for roof elipses. Must put up a photo...
  3. You mean this item of magnificence? The Maybach of tools. And here's the link to purchase the review in MRJ 103... http://britishrailwaybooks.co.uk/books/wildswan/modelrailwayjournal103.html
  4. What a haul! "Detail Matters", damn! I missed their stall, would have liked to have seen their range.
  5. A mighty day had. A lovely venue and a fine variety of stands and t'was great to see familiar and new faces. George played a blinder, very well run. Looking forward to next year.
  6. Oh my Lordy. That is a honey George. Very well done. Definitely a Father Dougal moment. ("these are small, those are far away...")
  7. Heh! Broithe, you're a Model maker, cake maker etc. So should your strapline read "My best work has been sprayed over many fields.."?
  8. Great to meet you all there (Wrenner, Eamon K, Eire trains himself, George, Paul R., Dave K and all the rest of you fine gentlemen) and a fine shooting of the breeze overall. It was a great venue as usual. The lego and 3 rail Hornby really stood out (though most viewing was on a cut and run basis). Got some mighty feedback on new ideas (and not so new ideas that just need a boot up the proverbial), well pumped and ready to move after it! I'll see you southern brothers next week at Cork in the Imperial.
  9. That pub is pure class, is it available yet?
  10. Lads Studio Scale Models will be there on the Monday only. Look forward to meeting yee there. I will be bringing some prototype goodies....
  11. ???? Yowza!!! Your feedback keeps us on our toes Richie, keep it up
  12. Weshty


    Liverbird. If it's the modern diesel era you need, Studio Scale Models do kits for: The Sulzer 101 Brake Van (GNRI and 30 ton CIE) 7 plank wagon Convertible wagons Conversion kits for MK2 and mk3 EGVs
  13. Weshty

    MK3 Scrapping

    # Feck it, you just made me laugh out loud in a public area!
  14. Weshty

    MK3 Scrapping

    Bless you sir!
  15. Looks great! Are the buffers a home design as well? Lots of good detail there.
  16. Weshty

    MK3 Scrapping

    Shem, That is an absolute honey of a shot. She looks fantastic, may I have permission to use on the site?
  17. Well on this orange and black livery, you can clearly see the inside of the windows.
  18. Heh! Thanks Richie. The day draweth closer!
  19. Happy birthday Seamus!! Class looking cake.
  20. Weshty

    Old CIE ads

    Yyyyyup. The story is he was quoted c.£1m for an enterprise website solution, the two lads who did it were leaving certs (one ended up studying dentistry), asked for £25k and he got them down to £17k. 'Nuf said.
  21. Malahide is well worth seeing as it is a classic working example of the glazed polychromatic brickwork used on this stretch of the old GNR(I). Other examples include Dundalk, Navan and Ardee. Our own Glenderg has also made some beautiful models of this design..
  22. Eamon, more than welcome! She really is fine lookin'.
  23. A D17 first Fran!
  24. 131? Crawling all over her I was, of many a Saturday afternoon, and me only a callow 16 year old. The old bird left a fierce impression on me.....
  25. Hi Richie, When was the Clonmel station bridge changed out? Safety? It was a bit hump-backed alright. The new one is a block-ish yoke by comparison, not much elegance to it. Great youtube clip though...
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