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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I could always bring my airbrush next time I'm over that way
  2. Anybody any photos yet of her sitting outside.
  3. David would paint decals etc be supplied with the assembled kits?
  4. As everyone has said K you don't have to put the resistor on the long leg of the LED any one will do. You've probably got the polarity wrong.
  5. Been a while since I did any videos and Boskonay and a few others have been asking for some more. A few changes to the layout as you will see. Enjoy #
  6. Their MM stuff ain't that much of a bargain the RPSI set is £99 and the Mk2 egv is £99.50 for one coach https://railsofsheffield.com/mm5602-irish-railways-ie-mk2-generator-van-5602-mm5602-ob-JJJA16228.aspx
  7. Dave organised plenty of those in his day The green A Class looks good
  8. It's 3 days sitting at the side of the road with loads and loads of beer
  9. The first 2 stages will be in the North of the country and the 3rd is Armagh to to Dublin before returning back to Italy.
  10. Really enjoyable video some nice action there
  11. So far all I've heard is that it's starting in Belfast and then heading south. Official press release is tomorrow (Thursday). I know where I'll be next May cant wait.
  12. Some great shots there thanks for sharing Pat
  13. Nice find Bro you'll have to call up soon and give her a run
  14. When you get your backside in gear and call up to me I might show you one or two other little tricks to do with your CV settings. Glad you got it sorted you will find that as time goes on or if the loco is in storage or not used for a couple of months you might have to tweak the settings a little bit on the Hornby motor/Bachmann decoder combo. My advice to you is to wright down what CV settings you have entered on your locos so you can go back and look them up. The only downside to the Bachmann decoders is they have a habit of setting themselves back to default. Other than that they are a good wee decoder for the money.
  15. Here you go mate a pack of 10 of these just stick them on and away you go http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SPRINGSIDE-MODERN-TAIL-LAMPS-WHITE-SPDA99-10-NEW-SPARES-/310230614340?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item483b2f8144
  16. Yes mate I have fluorescent lights around the layout the 4' ones from B&Q. As for starting layout detailing at the minute I haven't time to bless myself with the amount of orders I have I'm putting in 12 hour days just weathering,painting and building for all you guys, but I will try and sort something out for you
  17. Taken with my iPhone 5 that's it nothing else. No fancy photo shopping or lighting just point and click Stephen.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/cycling/21512205
  19. Just an observation but why is it when Northman puts something up for sale you always have something negative to say. http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1134-Bachmann-2700-DMU-Larnrod-Eireann-for-sale If your not interested in buying from him fair enough but he can ask whatever price he wants for his equipment.
  20. Check what settings I put in your class 80 Seamus as its the same motor and decoder. If you've any probs give me a phone and I'll talk you through it.
  21. They do work fine Fran in the Hornby Railroad chassis but they ain't plug and play you have to do a little work to get them to work the way you want.
  22. As I said in post number 6 Seamus.
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