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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I think its looks well a bit of a modern touch
  2. 25 years ago mate and I remember it like it was yesterday and he is still only one of two men ever to win the Tour of Italy/Tour De France/and World Championships in the one year the other been the Great Eddy Merckx. I raced against Kelly and Roche in a one day pro/am once and boy did I get a hiding I remember coming home with my father in the car and him laughing saying to me " That opened your eyes son I haven't seen you suffer like that in a long time"
  3. I would love to see Bradly Wiggins win the tour but to be honest I don't think he has that killer instinct that a Grand tour winner needs. My money will be on one of the Schleck Bros or Evans. I know Bradly won the Critérium du Dauphiné, Tour of Romandy and Paris-Nice. But the Tour is 3 weeks of hell on earth one bad day and its all over. He has the team and he can time trial but the papers are putting him in the same league as Eddy Merckx and Jaques Anquetil and in my eyes he wouldn't be fit to clean their bikes and I would say he would agree with me on that one. I do hope he wins the Tour and Cavendish the green jersey it will be great for British cycling, but as I said all top amateurs and pro cyclists have that killer instinct but a Grand Tour winner has that little bit more and I haven't seen that in Wiggins yet. I hope the guy proves me wrong we will all know in a few weeks.
  4. Its a long time since I was called a junior infant
  5. Not bad for a first attempt you will get better with time
  6. I don't follow football and have no interest in it, but even I know that's a tall order.
  7. 3-1 does this mean Ireland are now out of the tournament all we need is England to do the same and we can all get back to normal. God I hate football
  8. I thought you'd be looking forward to TDF 2012 instead of crappy football
  9. The 47 is fitted with a Trainsave decoder and the Bachmann Tornado is fitted with a TCS DP2X-UK (about the only decoder that would make the bloody thing run as smooth as I wanted hard to beat the super detailed Hornby steamers for smooth running RANT OVER) Fran all I had to do was adjust CV2 and CV5 on Tornado to match the 47 that was it and they both paired up nicely. We will have to organise a day soon down with Bren and I will bring down Tornado
  10. Some great videos there Fran I love the LMS and the Duchess of Sutherland well what can I say. I would have loved to have seen her in her original livery. I see some of the rail tour operators in the UK are now starting to convert guard standards into genny vans a bit like the old Enterprise Mk2's
  11. I think its something to do with Hand S on the railtours in the Uk in case the preserved loco lies down. That why I love modelling the rail-tours in the UK because any thing goes including double heading with a loco slung on the rear or even triple heading. Its also not uncommon to see Mk1/Mk2/Mk3's all in the same rake and liveries covering the last 40/50 years. Some rail tours for you This has to be my favourite Tornado/Mallard and Prince William I'm sure Fran will be along with some more
  12. Another month or so and you will be flying:-bd
  13. This ones for Baby GM and any of the rest of you guys that can remember the 1980's. ENJOY [video=youtube;5IeL9eZ-q28]
  14. Check out the video for some of my UK locos http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/384-Tornado-and-Class-55-Deltic-on-WCR-Railtour
  15. Boskonay you need to get busy with your camera and take some pictures from Connelly looking out over the city
  16. A very steady hand and a brush you can completely destroy a paint job if you get it wrong so be careful
  17. Glad you guys like the video
  18. No I got it from Mr Sound Guy its the new Zimo decoder he does
  19. Yes Mate Sheffield special that whole rake cost me about £25 not all of them were bought in Rails of Sheffield. Hopefully some day when I get a bit of time I will get them painted into WCR livery
  20. Oooooooooo I can't wait looking forward to this
  21. As requested by 201bhoy and BabyGM. @ Baby GM I will dig the cravens out over the week end and do a video for you. ENJOY LADS:-bd
  22. Great pictures Kieran, thanks for sharing I hope you had a good time
  23. Stephen I cast and make them myself. They cost £4 each if you are interested.
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