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Everything posted by spudfan

  1. Well we know what E = mc2 means but for the life of me I cannot figure out how,Qatar and the World Cup are compatable. Some mysteries are just not meant to be solved
  2. That brings back memories. Freight yard Heuston, R.I.P.
  3. Funding deal clears the way for Germany’s €49 monthly ticket | News | Railway Gazette International
  4. This is wonderful news. Considering the energy and materials than went in to producing these models, let alone the packaging, it would be criminal to bin them. Living in Donegal I cannot attend the shows so hopefully I will be able to secure a rake when they are announced on the website. My fear is that someone will block buy these and put them on EBAY. Whatever little faults they have will not be noticeable when running around behind an 071 or an "A" class. Other manufacturers have sold wagons with bigger "compromises" than this little fault for full price for years on end. I hope this policy is continued by IRM with other stock like locomotives. If a batch arrives with a fault or are not up to their usual Himalayan standard, don't bin them but sell them on with the issue clearly listed.
  5. You complain to An Post and someone low down will get it in the neck because someone higher up is looking after his patch. Complain to a courier company and you will have an easier time talking to the occupants of the International Space Station using semaphore.
  6. Looks like that Rembrandt I have on the kitchen wall will be going on EBAY....
  7. I remember the barges and the workshops. My aunt lived in Fatima Mansions so I spent time there. I remember the barge repair area well. It was possible to spend time with the kids I new from Fatima Mansions at the canal, the barge sheds then nip down to catch the Guinness express going between various parts of the St James's Gate complex not far from Pimlico. We were easily amused but I have fond memories of the time and the place.
  8. Just an aside to the above. When the design of the proposed ore wagons, whether to replace or compliment, the existing fleet is announced, I wonder if it would be possible for a model railway manufacturer to get access to the proposed plans and then issue models of the new wagons to coincide with the release into traffic of the real life stock?
  9. Which would explain "including a sub-fleet of up to 30 ore wagons, ". But I thought that the wagons on the Tara mines block trains were owned by Tara mines.
  10. Iarnród Éireann plans to award wagon supply framework contract Iarnród Éireann plans to award wagon supply framework contract | News | Railway Gazette International
  11. Sometime ago the Green party were proposing that people who wished to concrete or tarmac their drive way would need planning permission. They said all of these concrete/tarmac driveways were causing too much run off of rain water as the water was not able to soak into the ground. Yet they have no problem putting a hard, non porous surface for miles/kms on cycle lanes. Not much soakage there. As for digging up hillsides/bogland to put in windmills....What is that doing for soakage/runoff?
  12. Strange to think that this little railway will soon go the way of the Guinness railway that used to run through the cobbled streets of Dublin 8. Still get a smile when I remember it.
  13. And update. To fuel power stations in China To produce solar panels and parts for electric cars among other things..The Green Party don't want us burning coal in our fireplaces yet will push the solar panel and EV thing. Do they not know how they are made and how the energy is produced that the factories use? Mongolian heavy haul coal railway opens | News | Railway Gazette International
  14. Used to do this with the father in law (now sadly deceased). He would cut and I would "hole", This meant he would cut the turf two wide with the "slane" and I would grab the aforementioned turf and sling them out. Then there was the footing. Did it for years. On the subject of the windmills etc I think it is ironic that with the push for electric cars we are being warned of a shortage of..electricity this year and perhaps into the future. We are told that data centres have a back up system that they can use if they have to go off grid, namely diesel generators. We might have hosepipe bans yet data centres will continue to use water as they need. That is why they are here, we have water. China builds new railroad into Mongolia to extract coal to fuel power stations to produce goods we buy including parts for our "green" electric cars. We are against nuclear power generated in Ireland yet it is O.K. to let someone else generate it so that we can import it via an interconnector. I am so glad we have people in power who understand all of this because I don't. I could not sleep last night as I felt guilty that the tree house I built for the girls many years ago has not been registered with the RTB.
  15. Rails of Sheffield have 121 and 135 in silver for £119.50 each. Murphy Models – Rails of Sheffield
  16. It will be dispatched on 1st April me thinks..
  17. Live long and prosper...
  18. Judging by the cut throat shennanigans going on over there between Truss and Sunak, "loyalty" does not seem to be a concept that people are familiar with.
  19. Like I said before you crowd in your Dundrum headquarters are really no benefit in the EU/UK spat at the moment. Now we will have accusations of "see how the EU continue to surrepticiously creep over our borders and give us great value. " Would you crowd ever leave off for a bit.
  20. Send him up!!
  21. Limerick to Foynes railway reopening plan | News | Railway Gazette International
  22. A bit of info on the DART. Powers sought for Dublin’s DART+ electrification project | News | Railway Gazette International Cabinet backs Dublin automated metro business case | Metro Report International | Railway Gazette International
  23. I remember Guinness boats. I seem to recall them panted blue and had girls names. Then again I remember the Guinness train system with the tracks embedded in the cobble stones. You never knew when one would appear. Probably would not be allowed to have a system on public roads like that now.
  24. I think part of the delay has been caused by Paddy Murphy wanting to model 224 in it's present incarnation as above. He is trying to get the damage right....
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