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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Great thread JHB…. keep it coming:tumbsup: Thanks Josefstadt for helping my neck strain with technical assistance;)
  2. Did you eventually solve this mystery? I didn't see a solution on the thread….
  3. If they are actually causing problems then I definitely would rewheel them, but if your threads are anything to judge by, you'd have done that already if they were, methinks…..
  4. Now, you'll definitely have to negotiate with the Ministry of the Interior for this one, but there is a bid on it, maybe by a club…. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/121501606087?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  5. These things are all a work in progress and the enjoyment is from the journey. Looking forward to the progress you'll make in 2015:D
  6. Very interesting. Think I got it and purchased some Bachmann donors. Thanks, John. Is it just me, Tom, or are there two different shades of 'Inchicore Special' orange on 160?
  7. Do the 201s fit? 7078 looks great!
  8. Actually I was wrong with this assumption. Except for the Fina three packs (possibly more) many of the Bachmann three packs come with two different tank wagons with cables ties, one with a wide filler port on the top of the tank and two with a smaller one. Been going back over the thread to try to figure out what was prototypical of the early wagons but if anyone can offer any comments to clarify this, that would be extremely helpful.
  9. Odd, it didn't sell, Item condition:Used “Cyril Fry's Rare/ lost ,Queen Mary bus - three foot six inch long - GSR 1938 Great Southern Railway ” ... Read more Ended: 25 Dec, 2014 17:39:22 GMT Starting bid:EUR 10,000.00 [ 0 bids ]
  10. Marion & Gator turned up in Texas!
  11. Nice layout there, Patrick. Memories of home. Merry Christmas!
  12. That's a good point, John. I was looking at the 33" and it didn't occur to me that that was actually the size of the prototypical wheel on the wagon. Which reminded me of something else, on another thread I seem to recall that there are different lengths for the axles, that is to say the width of the axle from tip to tip where it fits into the wagon. I think limas were a little shorter or longer than Hornby or Bachman. I'm going to search for that other thread too. EDIT: John & David had some input on the other thread here: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/3484-Old-Dapol-amp-Lima-CIE-Wagons-on-Peco-Code-75-track?p=54291&highlight=lima+axle#post54291 If rewheeling, it is worth remembering that Lima vehicles use a shorter, approx 24.5mm axle, as opposed to the normal approx 25.75mm axle that everyone else uses, although I believe some smaller manufacturers offer their wheels with different length axles. I personally just reuse the original Lima axles with new wheels, although it can sometimes be a challenge to remove the Lima wheels from the axles.
  13. That's what I thought, but I'm sure Dave will put up some photos at some point. Looks like this is from his 2010 photo bucket which might explain that. Notable, by its absence, is a generator van again. There was some chatter previously that these would come again in Supertrain which is my main modeling era.
  14. Not quite in time for Christmas for most of us but it looks like they're on the way! Dave, would you mind posting a photo or two in the next couple of days when you're sobered up from your festivities so we might see how they look? Merry Christmas to everyone from the Lone Star State!
  15. I did not know the history of this but I knew somebody on here would having asked the question about what these things are valued at before. I'm pretty sure it's not worth that. The interesting thing is, I think I saw it advertised for about £6000 before…. now suddenly it's £1 million! So the next question would be if you were to purchase this item would actually be yours….Assuming you had a spare on £1m or similar offer=))
  16. BARGAIN BUS!! http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/221643132783?_mwBanner=1
  17. GD, that's good value at under a dollar an axle. Like the fine thread idea, so the flange would be thinner (to avoid issues with electrofrog points) and not as high (to prevent riding on the sleepers)? Resell the old ones? People need OEM spares?... or was that a joke about Hornby/lima older wheel sets Sorry if we're getting a little off thread here
  18. That's what I thought. I just haven't been on this scene long enough to know if there were any opportunities to save a few shekels
  19. Just to update all of you on dealing with Hornby! I purchased several items in their Black Friday sale in November. Here we are on Christmas Eve and they have not replied to several emails nor are they contactable on their helpline. It's pretty obvious they are not working to make time on my order today (despite the nice email from "noreply@wereabigcompanyandyoudontreallymatter.com" to say they are working on it. When I called earlier they had all left for the day. Just as well none of it is a Christmas present for anyone (other than me)
  20. I was wondering if the model shops ever have sales after Christmas like other retailers? Is there anything to be picked up at these or just end of line products that they really want to get rid of?
  21. Pleasure doing business with you, Seamus! Unlikely, I was wishing for an A class;) Merry Christmas!!
  22. Yes, that's what I'm thinking. Good advice. If there are any problems I might try code 83. It may be a fair compromise between the two. Anything with plastic wheels (and there are some) would be re-wheeled anyway so I guess the replacements out there would be compatible with Code 75?
  23. Do I understand the comments on the thread correctly that the Bachmann early tankers with the cables round the filler are more prototypical than the Hornby design (which I still like)? I haven't come across any reasonably priced Fina donors but I think any Bachmann of this type would do as they differ only by livery as far as I can see e.g. Bachmann Burmah and Black Esso tankers seem to be the same wagon to me?
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