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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. IFM do a 1429- and 1449 - series iirc. They will do then intermittently or maybe to order? Easy to put together but if you want to avoid spraying them and all that then maybe worth the extra money. Sometimes sells the on eBay (helix0_8). Look on Noels threads, he has some of his laminates iirc. I need some too as no-one else does them rtr as far as I know or I'b be buying a rake or three. I forgot that Silverfox do some rtr. this is their rendition of the 1356-71 series CIE built 61'6" Irish coaches of 1953/4 which sat on GSR type bogies. Not entirely sure how well this matches the prototype in length, definitely not width/shape but passes the duck test. Looks better in the B'n'T livery which would suit your era better. Not easy to find a shot on flickr for comparison. NLI is another resource but it's unlikely to the labelled as such. http://silverfoxmodels.co.uk/ir-ie-open-3rd-coach/ I came across a decent shot of one of the exGNR diners but not 402
  2. EDIT: DC kits used to do a 4-wheel heating van in CIE livery (I thought Noel had posted them at one point @Noel )which was not strictly accurate but good on a 2 foot rule. I don’t see it in the website on my mobile device. Link to DC kits https://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=155 JM designs used to have a brass kit of the 4w 'Hooded' Parcel Van and the 4w Heating Van but I doubt they are presently available unless you find one lying about in someone’s attic. @Mayner I think SSM have a BOGIE brake that might suit built earlier by the GSR but lasted into the 70s iirc but not sure that it would heave been on your train or nothttp://www.studio-scale-models.com/BredV.shtml @Weshty and Irish Freight Models intermittently build or have easy plastic kits for some ‘laminates’/brakes. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Irish-Freight-Models-1252098201500518/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1366603860049951&__xts__[0]=68.ARBL_xP4su1WI19LdrcfjOJ4490qOXWx0Fc2LyYlA76Mvd42UyUgSSlQUcwokPwtCcKxKaEA5-tQQfNkYERbwasge9c5CnC708eOXDHDG1fM3ECLDTsSDdmGlaJwPRYid55ojvJ0PuXX1017BEPqAaobqiQjKQ6BtwDSKYQswc3UXQVpoCnhCg&__tn__=-UC-R Ex-Northern don’t know. I’ll post s few links when I get home
  3. THat's the way mine is going right now, Dave. Have you been able to collect on it yet?
  4. Anybody have any news on whether there are any new Peco Bullhead points due for release?
  5. This is a GS&WR one which I believe to be genuine although the red oxide seems to be scarce underneath. However white lead was often used as a paint pigment/antioxidant agent in pain between the 1930s-1960s in particular. The GSWR precedes this but 'modern' pains have been around since the 1860s so who knows? The problem is that it initially looked like this and I stripped off what seems to be a much more current latex type white paint, an attempt to restore the sign no dount. The red, green and white stripped easily with a power washer (I got tired of the wire brush) to reveal a much tougher and more adherent white paint coat seeing the first photo above. I'm not sure if this is a color applied to the sign or a white lead undercoat which would likely bond chemically to the iron resulting in durability and conferring rust resistance. As @jhb171achill states above these were white on black background in the GW&WR era but I'm not sure how long the signs persisted before being replaced. Not likely in the GSR period, I would have thought, did they last through CIE days? And if so were they repainted at some point and into what colors? If there are any photos out there where these can been seen as line side features I'd love to see them
  6. Thanks for the prompt reply, Fran. I can completely understand that a retool could necessitate a price increase. I'm new to 21mm gauge and trying to work out how much work would be involved particularly for a larger layout. Surprised by how much additional work would have to go into re gauging the rolling stock. I expected this to be extensive with the older Limas but thought it would involve little work for newer rolling stock. I'm glad to see several 21mm modelers replied to the thread with great advice but I think it does highlight how difficult it is to model in the true Irish gauge. There has been intermittent criticism of Irish modelers for failing to properly represent their prototypical railways which is somewhat harsh given the challenges involved. I'm going to drop some P4 (or maybe even EM standard) wheel sets into the bubbles just to look at the clearances (if I can source them as John points pout above). @Brendan8056 I may PM you regarding wheel sets in a ballast wagon in case a retool proves not to be commercially feasible going forward. PS @WarbonnetFran, I won't be withdrawing my order for three plough sets and very appreciative of you guys doing the CIE plough in particular. Looking forward to the ferts though!! Ah come on, Jim's like the comic relief when it get all hot and fiery around here .... which isn't infrequent Good advice, and many thanks for the ballast photos, enormously helpful
  7. Knowing your era & focus, Tony, I think we all thought the same as soon as you mentioned 171. Still it'll add variety and I'm sure most of us have an occasional duckling on the shelf. I have one British sound loco (still an intended donor, ... maybe) and one Canadian diesel although everything else is Irish. Black CIE 141 and 181s do come round and if the mood take you you can always swap or or buy and sell on the 171. It is a decent price and you'll get that or more which will buy you a Black and Tan as the mood suits you.
  8. So the CIE ballasts will come with an identical chassis to the IE versions and require modification as above in Brendan's post above? I don't mind doing the CIE ploughs as it's only two vans but a long ballast rake to be modified a above is a whole different deal @Garfield
  9. That looks really well but a lot of work for a rake of 12 or more. Beautiful job, though. I'd plan on P4 wheel sets if I did this, I think to cut down on the time/labor. Thanks a lot for sharing this and the excellent pictures. That's been really helpful! @Brendan8056 The bubble conversion look easier thankfully. Again I have a rake of 12 orange bubbles to potentially convert and another 9 ivory livery to mix in with them for a later timeframe. The axle boxes certainly need a lot of thinning and P4 wheel sets may help make this easier and cut down on time even if it is a little costlier. Patrick, thanks for weighing in on the thread. That explanation was very helpful and important for people to understand why there are difficulties in created a truly 21mm compatible product. If I understand you correctly the proposed CIE ballasts, blue and bauxite Taras and other Project 42 wagons such as the fertilizer wagons should be compatible for drop in P4 wheel sets, correct? @Garfield I am planning on buying rakes of these
  10. Jeez! Really nice. Life is busier, that's for sure and not necessarily a good thing, I'm afraid. Lovely modeling. Irish steam is definitely underrepresented. Is the layout still extant?
  11. I was wondering if anybody has already converted the IRM ballast to 21mm and how easy it was to remove the collar and fit new 21 mm wheel sets? Where were they sourced and what was the final running quality? I haven't done this on my own ballasts as I am waiting to see if CIE ones will turn up so the the IE ones remain untouched in their boxes
  12. Not sure these are available on the US Amazon site, any recommendations for this side of the pond. I almost bought the multiples in a plastic box before seeing this thread
  13. Heard about about but not been on it. EDIT: Been on there and agree with Chris below. What's ailing you with the site , Popeye?
  14. yes, that's exactly what I was asking. Many thanks!
  15. I know these are on the fora somewhere but I failed to find them. Does anyone recall or have a list of these please? Thanks in advance
  16. There were about 7 major storms around the world last week including China, US east coast, Hawaii and others. As long as they're not being delivered by the typhoon that's probably a bonus
  17. Looks like he already reset it. Do you lose the sound file if reset? Can the MM values for motion be restored once reset?
  18. No, the Baby boomers in the 50s are dinosaurs now 2L is a nice little loco. It's an interesting thing that the brass kit can be disassembled and redone
  19. A well deserved rest after inserting the decoder chip. Well done the miniature guard and IRM!
  20. So the wire brush is out and we'll sees what's under this.. Many decades of smoke and soot removed yielded this ...... The base coat seems likely to be a 'red' (lead) oxide with the overlying black with white lettering. The paint for the latter seems more durable than the black
  21. John, if the kit is assembled in OO can it subsequently be converted to 21mm or once you've made a choice that's it?
  22. THat's a good point actually, Brian, although you;d probably not expect to pay UK VAT after Brexit but probably get stuck with importation taxes instead!
  23. Good morning John, Can we also include the 1339-50 Side Corridor Standard Coaches? They have an unusual door/window arrangements which adds a lot of appeal and were easily spotted on old CIE footage of the prototype? I'll commit to several of these and send you a PM. Some photos of your own below from the site to whet the appetites. K
  24. Looking very nice, John. I'll take her!
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