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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. maybe keep the CIE version in mind of these are selling so fast then
  2. All of my orders could not be seen under the old website and I received two requests to reactivate, one of which did not have my name, just "Dear (blank)" Is my account split/duplicated?
  3. I hadn't noticed the white circle being offset to avoid the flying snail. It was white and not eau de nil, correct?
  4. Refueling an oil burner, different loco, same square tanks Another with taller tender and scarcely visible tanks and a pair
  5. I wouldn't mind seeing that either. It would have to be a shot from a bridge, I suppose ... or maybe the oil tank is bigger than I had envisaged and not cylindrical?
  6. Not going to happen unfortunately as all the engineers have gone to the 'good jobs' that were promised
  7. thats the email I have for him, must be ignoring me. Any vendors or friends have a number for Jim? Don't mind calling him from the US. I don't think he has a website...... hmmm, lets check that
  8. I hope ye're using this to subsidize the irish wagons, coaches, and locos!? WE don't want IRM drifting too far to the dark side now.....
  9. Class! better than unrecognizable modern (with black chassis, .... ssssshh! @jhb171achill might not have taken his blood pressure pills yet!) caked in dash. Very nice job, Richie!
  10. Anyone know if the Hibernian is going out this year?
  11. Anyone know how to get in contact with Jim? I have not received responses to any emails in the last several months. Thanks
  12. We'll wait for the model which will be excellent as always and hope they'll sit well with other things then.
  13. JHB getting rid of superfluous rolling stock?
  14. I didn't say anything about any major adjustment to the container, just checking to see if the container is compatible with existing models to let people know. Nobody wants to buy it for it to fall off when some minor adjustment, groove, channel or recess on the base would have allowed it to seat correctly.
  15. Yes, would take all of the above especially B&I. Perhaps dropping the container CAD/ model onto existing rtr CiE truck model to see if they would seat correctly? I think thus would apply to other items also even back to 50s era era coaching stock. ... some background on the significance of the model with some good photos of the prototype in use will greatly encourage interest. Let’s imagine Murphy Modeks had not produced the 141, well, you see the point . Nice looking model, even before painting. And I’d take some Bedford trucks too ( in CIE), or a cement truck to go with all those bubbles!
  16. Like Railer I’ll take the IR version but my order is not yet in. I would be good to know if there there was to be a CIE version which wound actually suit better especially if these are selling out so quickly!
  17. I'm not sure jhb. I can see rakes of high quality, proper length and more importantly proper width and shape, CIE built carriages being popular. Follow with a TPO, I'm not sure.
  18. Sorry to be coming to this thread so late @jhb171achill. It is very informative indeed. There is definitely more interest in the periods that you describe in the thread. I don't know how many modelers 'young' or old, though I suspect that the 'younger modelers' you refer to may be more familiar with the post Supertrain era and may not associate with the grey 'n' green era through nostalgic reminiscences or familiarity with the rolling stock of that time. perhaps the number of replies to the thread is indicative, I'm not sure. Sadly there is a paucity of models from the period that are readily available (yes, they can be modeled by those already familiar with the period). In contrast, the UK market still has a a strong showing in the pre-grouping era with many models of the rolling stock of the GWR, LMS etc. Possibly the long awaited early versions of the 121 class or the 'you never know' A classes might help instill a little more interest in the earlier eras, may with some rolling stock to follow. Fingers crossed, I suppose. Thanks again for the thread. Kevin
  19. And you can just keep adding duplicates to the rake instead of doing each slice of bread in its own toaster
  20. Milled peat won't actually work in the live steam version. It need to be cut using a left-handed sleán. Good modelling opportunity, actually. Does anyone know whether there is an opportunity to purchase a bundle of turn burners @Warbonnet or do I have to wait to get the discount code from the A class model @Glenderg first to avail of that?
  21. What's the difference between 42LP and 42LX flats?
  22. Yippee! Yippee and yippee! .... although i need the ferts too.
  23. Have IRM confirmed that they'll do the blue livery @Warbonnet and can I hold onto and use my ballast discount code for those? At the rate the present livery os pre-selling that should be possible, I would have thought. We only saw six unique orange bubbles so I'm hoping we'll see a complete set of Taras in the blue livery. I need to look in my ballast wagons. Was there one code per order or set or what?
  24. Incidentally, if you feel the need to order more than five packs the discount codes are additive. No additional savings on six packs but you can add the discount code for 5 pack then 2 packs for 7 etc.
  25. Thanks for that Jon. I guess I do mean the ventilators but am probably not old enough to remember anything older than a pair of sliding panes in the upper section of coach windows and the push down glass on the doors. I was surprised by how much they protruded fun the coach seen almost end on which I;d not noticed before.
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