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Everything posted by DiveController

  1. Absolutely agree
  2. Is an event planned this year? The Facebook site seems a little out of date
  3. Thanks, Lads. Starting at the complete opposite end of the country but you never know
  4. I will be in Ireland on this weekend and was wondering if there were any shows happening? I didn't see anything on the calendar..
  5. Thanks for that. That would make sense that it's much more recent
  6. Good shot of the wagon and the barytes wagons alongside. Not sure if that's barytes ore, looks more like ballast. Any idea of the year that was taken?
  7. He has been spirited on by the price his MK2 coaches made on eBay yesterday
  8. I think you're referring to these in 1992. Not sure why the usual Tara mines wagons were not being used and how these were unloaded at Arklow
  9. I was thinking of the earlier 20T 4w wagons from the '60s used to carry zinc and lead ore from SIlvermines to Foynes, that traffic would have stopped in the 1980s Were there other 4w wagons used to Arklow, for what purpose?
  10. hahaha
  11. The 50p tip was for the 'excellent service'.
  12. This even beats the 'leaves on the line'
  13. There's not a single one left on our street ..... (they're routed underground) Still it doesn't matter when lightning takes out the substation. After 6 days without power in the floods of Harvey last year my generator is on the way!
  14. Special weather to commemorate the 2 month anniversary?
  15. What is the purpose of this (nonsense)?
  16. There was on older wagon before the Taras for transporting zinc ore. Interesting odd shaped wagons that didn't have roofs either
  17. Yikes! Something g to do with e quality of the IRM model, she’s fully loaded!
  18. She'll look great with the CIE roundel on her!
  19. Love model. I have been looking forward to this above all else so far. Iconic and superb detail! True to your word. Thanks for posting Fran! @Warbonnet I had the same thought as soon as I saw the CAD or read your post. Would be great to have that extra details for lineneside loads, like the containers, instead of putting the loads aside. This is an interesting question following on the comment on another thread that the Taras were only ever half full so as not to exceed the IR axle weight. One presumes they were built sturdily enough to take loads in the center. The density of zinc ore and bagged (Portland) cement are not dissimilar (between 3.1 and 3.4 kg/cu meter, ore being slightly more dense but only half that of the purified metal). Perhaps the Taras were a little wider or the wagon itself more heavily built because of the raw ore rather than bagged and shaped cement powder?
  20. Are the ferts still due late Q2 2018? @Warbonnet I haven't heard much about them
  21. Very impressive. Thanks for posting
  22. Great news if the 650 can be released in 2018. These are time consuming projects and your efforts in time and the quality of the kit are appreciated. Kind regards
  23. Was just wondering whether amongst all the time that is consumed by so many things in our lives (at least, mine) whether there might be any progress to report on this kit or the full length/width CIE 'laminate' coaches, @MaynerJohn? These are little niche productions that I doubt will ever see light even from IRM due to the risk in having to take these to a larger production. Great little kits and I hope you find time to get get these to production at some point. Kind regards
  24. I hadn't seen it either. Thanks for resurrecting it
  25. This news just reaching the US now. I only had the pleasure of meeting him on a couple of occasions. I am sorry to hear this indeed. Sad news.
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