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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. It seems in Kildare,however they want it to DOUBLE in size http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin%E2%80%93Cork_railway_line. look at the upgrading project
  2. Suir the race is on!
  3. Crazy more like!
  4. white lies my friend.i be thrilled if i was named after a train;)
  5. Achill. My sisters FIRST name is Maeve or Maedb!
  6. Thanks Island . This is a very helpful website
  7. so here is the manframe.dont know about the flowers:confused:just think of it as some "poetic" thing and not a glitch. Goodnight all
  8. Does anyone have any pics of the 800s and 500s at Kingsbridge?
  9. Achill im pretty sure only tailte got her single funnel back. i also believe their was minor improvments on the smokbox front.ie.smokebox door handle and extra hand railings
  10. Ohhhh...............shiny:drool:
  11. will the Irish modeller have more RTR stock in the future? I sure hope so;)
  12. I have a few of Tom Ferris books and have borrowed some of the DVDs from the local library.Really a mine of information with some great film. I enjoy these films very much.I noticed that the 800s seem to have had some minor changes in the mid 50s.Why did this happen? Does anyone know any more about these books or does anyone have more film or pics? anything to help would be greatly appreciated
  13. I am just guessing but possibly CIE laminate coaches?
  14. The drivers of the woolwich moguls 400s 500s and 800s must of had a hard time trying to get out of glanmire road! double and triple heading wasnt unheard of.this must have been very uneconomical. i think that must have made the 400s even more unrealiable. I know they had alot of trouble getting up.
  15. John. the woolwiches instead of the 500s would make sense as you said.The woolwich moguls could work on the Mullingar Athlone Dublin route which the larger engines probably couldnt ,because of their axeload.still wouldnt they have enough money to build the 500s if they scrapped the 400s?I think if CIE had named their expresses it would have made them more profitable and in larger demand.They could have learned alot from the GNR if they were not to busy closing some great lines.
  16. I know the 400s were very unrealiable before their rebuilding. Their rebuilding cost the GSR alot of money.They should have scrapped more of them and built more 500s.
  17. Thanks guys.Does anyone know how many of the 500 class 4-6-0s their were?
  18. Looking on the Web their seems to be very little on irish steam.Is this because their is not enough info and pictures?
  19. Baseboards to arrive next week or maybe a bit after so rearing to get to work!
  20. Thanks guys your support is great. i will have some pics up soon
  21. thanks, but i kinda already started im also very stubborn
  22. no . plastic ones are my thing. but i have the solder and vice etc
  23. Im a bit confused. how do you roll a boiler?
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