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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. its a real shame that so few irish steam AND vintage diesel were preserved.their are only about 30 preserved irish locos while their is hundreds of english ones (even though ireland only ever had about 1000 locos altogether)
  2. Thats a shame, as the Bandon tank were the pefect large irish tank. handsome lines too
  3. Also I know they were very reluctant to use arignas coal. Did arigna have bad quility coal? i think i heard that they did before but i am not sure
  4. Well Warbonnet it might make a difference as because sliedh gullion was handed to the UTA it was insured a longer life which gave it a chance to be preserved. I believe if more locos had just managed to the late 60s they might have been given a chance due to RPSI railtours.Also at the end of the 70s it was recoarded that some locos had very low scrap value which would have made them much cheaper to purchase by the RPSI or UFTM
  5. What would have happened if coal was,for some reason plentiful?how much longer would steam last?would the "turf burner" never been built? would more steam engines have been preserved?
  6. GSR 800

    RIP Bob Symes

    He was a great man.I remember watching one of his videos in constructing a model railway.I tried to look for more vids but could not find them anywhere.he truly was at the heart of the hobby.
  7. i would love to see this great loco come to life in 00 and 21mm gauge
  8. Another story concerned a submerged Admiralty loco 'somewhere' on the bottom of Cork Harbour. These were not, by any chance the same guys who did this.......
  9. I cant see a reason why britain would put it on rails if it was of Bullied design. But wasnt it unrealiable?
  10. Bit strange that they didnt give her a belpaire firebox.Although knowing CIE they would want an excuse to replace her with a vickers C class as soon as they could. Typical CIE never thought of the beuty of such great engines just"close as many lines and ..scrap as many steamers as possible". And now a huge chunk of NI has no railway.
  11. Lovely little model.great detail
  12. would anyone post a few pics of their 800 if they have one.also possibly the cranks and rods etc
  13. wish i lived in cork in the 50s
  14. Ah but ireland will learn from their mistakes.they could have got that penalty try if they had kept it together
  15. A firm letter to CIE dont would be in order dont you think old chap?
  16. Actually their is footage of Macha pounding out of glanmire road. shed does very well by herself on a 1-68 gradient
  17. Cant deny that!
  18. Yeh i said that because I need to let off steamPIMP
  19. We lost.But the welsh did very well.
  20. Blarney i understand.But still if we could get her into the public eye.....
  21. Not really. the problem for me is i cant log out!
  22. How did that happen?
  23. well i wasnt expecting that
  24. they look more like wingless planes
  25. I think we should set up a fund! Get 800 going!
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