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GSR 800

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Everything posted by GSR 800

  1. alright sound:tumbsup: I nearly forgot what do you use for grass?
  2. Could you post more pics of the station area please?
  3. Quick update.Cant seem to upload the pics.scratch built platforms and engine shed under construction. Once I have all the track laid I will start putting down the ballast.A through station will now be opposite the terminus while the shed and sidings will be between them
  4. Ah all right,that makes sense.sound:tumbsup:
  5. Does that mean the comments deleted are left in the thread they were posted in or are they deleted from the thread
  6. Could have made a good few bob from that Kev! If you look up the Irish Sea railway tunnel the gauge problem is seen as a very large one.They did not mention multi gauge tracks instead multi gauge trains.Not sure which would be cheaper but I would say the tracks.
  7. The rail tunnel between ireland and england. Been proposed many times but ovious problems (gauge) prevented this. Could they just have a track inside a track(if this is a good idea im putting copyrite on it!)
  8. Yes i think on the cork mainline they should put down the heavier track. not to many 201s going though, if you take a look at inchicore on google maps...
  9. Mine are DVDs! Have you seen the one where they filmed kildare for the day. 800s,400s,might have been a 500 all kinds of express locos. a great piece of film
  10. But dont the 201s still overtime damage the track due to their axel load
  11. Why do they use lighter track/gauge?
  12. If you have not already seen them tom ferris produced multiple railway videos,including Macha roaring out of glanmire rd. tunnel.That pension sounds nice now!
  13. 100mph! that must have been a great site 800 roaring past .You would think track maintinance would be better now.Does that mean the tracks now cant hold as much axel load?
  14. Do you know the fastest an 800 was recorded at?
  15. Sorry i meant a railway yard:rolleyes:
  16. In my opinion i partly agree with you.I believe the 800s were useful engines but deprived of their chance to truly be recondnised as this.The Woolwiches were brilliant locos and were well known for their reliability.As for the 400s i think when the 500s were designed 5-6 of the 400s should have been scrapped to make more 500s because when they were 4 cylinder machines they were notoriosly unrealiable.Yes, their rebuilding hugely improved them,but cost the GSR alot.The steel sided coaches were actually a step forward in irish coach building but the GSR did not have to make such a big deal about them.The purple/maroon livery of the BRs mk1s.
  17. Patrick this layout is just brilliant.in every possible way you could you made this a wonderful irish layout in a very interesting era. fantastic in every way.
  18. Hi John.In my opinion,as my goods yard is serving a terminus it would be large and would possibly need a depot crane.
  19. as i was lifting my old layouts track which had been done in the time honoured painstaking way.All other track had come off with little or no damage..but then it came to the flexitrack........looked like no40014and all the other americans had run over it!
  20. Certainly in my choice Peco 75 or 100.hornby doesnt seem that bad, Although there flexitrack is a bit of a nightmare as for points im at a loss. If you see track in a magazine is probably a dud,no electrical charge whatsoever! Really peco is the best track,worth the extra few bob:D
  21. Thanks Nelson the bachmann hoist crane will be on my to buy list!
  22. Thanks all for your contribution.does any stockists have sheer legs or hand cranes.For the PW hut would the yellow huts in hornbys trackside pack be one with a bit of paint?
  23. would you like it before it was modernised?
  24. No fun for literally hours guaranteed! (straight jacket and hall for being dragged away not included)Also availbile FREE wailing child sound affects
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