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Everything posted by aclass007

  1. Something else to consider is that the ballast hoppers, (or indeed the dolomite hoppers, if that's what you still intend using the hoppers for), wouldn't have had any of the large stencilled numbers on the sides in that era. I wonder is this a dolomite hopper unloading in the early days of Ballinacourty, before the site work was completed, and health and safety was invented....
  2. Lovely job! Something to be proud of......
  3. Lovely job! Great attention to detail all throughout the build....
  4. Nice photo! Could the photo have actually been taken before the silver window frames were replaced with the IE coloured ones? I don't think the IE frames ever came out again after they were fitted.......but I could be wrong.....
  5. That's well worth doing! Looks much better. Have you test run them yet? How did they behave crossing points, and on tight curves?
  6. If you're doing two others in prototypical colours, by all means do something different or imaginary with the third! Who knows, maybe your livery will inspire the RPSI, when the time comes to paint 3185..... Life imitating art, and all that... Looking at the photos of you build so far, I'm sure they're going to look good!
  7. That's an incredible bit of work! Something to be proud of!
  8. I wonder how soon the repaint of 3185 will happen? My concern would be that if you went ahead and painted the model before the prototype was completed, you might end up with an inaccuracy. That mightn't be so bad if the prototype isn't going to be done for another couple of years, but it would be disheartening to have to alter the livery almost as soon as you had applied it......
  9. I hope to respray some of my MM tippex cravens (IE) the same livery over the winter to make up an RPSI rake. I have enough single stripe CIE cravens for the B&T era so happy to lose a few IE ones to RPSI livery. At the time the RPSI Cravens were released, the RPSI said they intended releasing another set later, with different running numbers, to enable modellers to run a full rake. This release was dependant on the first release being a success...which I think it's safe to say, it was... So, it might be worth holding off on the respray for a while, to see.....
  10. Yes, they're yours Seamus.
  11. I should have them here, if you don't get sorted elsewhere.....
  12. Interesting development! Best of luck with the new venture.....
  13. Brilliant! You more or less cracked it that time! I don't think I'd call it a distraction from proper modelling at all... It's more of a new aspect of modelling, that can be explored and exploited a lot more. It's a wonderful way to tour and view a layout!
  14. Some small alterations, and it would be a great video! I certainly thought the sound was good
  15. That's a nice first attempt. It also reveals what an impressive layout you have! Now my suggestion.... Maybe avoid using the music...The sound of the loco up front seemed to be very life like in the clip...It was just drowned out with the music....
  16. PM sent........
  17. Coach G? I was in that one too.......
  18. Thanks for posting these results from the survey. They make interesting reading.... Personally, I'm delighted to see the bogie container flats at the top of the list! The fertiliser wagons would be high on my wish list too, which got me wondering.... How much, if anything, do both versions of the container flats and the fertiliser wagons have in common? Are bogies and underframes similar on all three, or does each wagon require individual research and development?
  19. A class locos were used on the dolomite trains in the early days of the operation. However, they had problems restarting when they stopped at the crew operated level crossing gates located on the new spur into the factory, so the dolomite traffic became a double headed GM working. So, an A class with a livery from the early 70's would be perfectly suitable.
  20. I seem to remember counting rakes of 19 dolomite wagons back in the day... So, I assume rakes of less than 20 weren't unusual. 18 hopper wagons should make an acceptable length model. An A class hauling a short rake of 8 or 9 oil tank wagons was a very regular movement on the branch, which would be very easily modelled. I think oil trains consisting of 24 wagons were brought from Tivolli to Waterford at times when consumption of oil increased at the plant. These trains were split in Waterford and brought out to Ballinacourty in the short rakes.
  21. Yes, I can confirm. I have bought from him recently....
  22. Did anyone here buy the C class builders plate? I put an absentee bid on it, but fell short.
  23. Mine arrived yesterday. They probably exceeded expectations, even though I had very high hopes to begin with. Well done to those involved. For a first time venture, a quality product was delivered, along with a professional and courteous service.
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