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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. The gypsum looks like it's being attached to a LJ to Limerick local trip working.. The YM/Yang Ming containers in the front section were very common in Limerick carrying parts for Dell..
  2. Is that picture recent Arran? Saw this picture of facebook the other day, 30ft Bell heading to the west of Ireland.. So there's is at least one around still in Bell Livery.. Fairly sure that I know who the operator is, next challenge is to get it onto the train, now THAT would be something!
  3. MOGUL

    IRRS Journal 201

    Maybe that’s why the aircrafts ref is EI-AGW.. All going well is should take off!
  4. I have one of the Oxford alone livery reachstacker on my desk in work.. it’s a very good model, and as ttco says nearly identical to both of the stackers in Ballina
  5. The green containers on the bells were Consent leasing boxes.. I think Bachmann did a version a few years ago using their 13.6m container
  6. MOGUL

    Project 42 Update

    Arran, Can you PM me your email.. I have loads of pics of DANAs tanks, in a few different styles.. Will send you over what I have regards Andrew
  7. All customs duty is calculated on what is called the landed value of the goods I.e the total costs up to the point the arrive into the country.. so normally the value of the goods, plus goods in transit insurance and freight.. VAT is payable on the lander value plus the duty.. Luckily, railway models are zero rated so vat would be the only consideration post brexit
  8. Here’s a thread from RM web that may be of some interest https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/83100-the-hairy-viking/ https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/87535-satans-containers-and-stuff/
  9. No, Dublin handles all modes, it's the biggest port in terms of both Lo/Lo containers and Ro/Ro trailers.. Rosslare is Ro/Ro trailers only, handling about 15% of national volumes with Cork handling a small amount and Dublin the remainder.. Container traffic to and from Europe is growing due to Brexit and also driver shortages, fuel costs and environmental consideration
  10. "Most likely its more efficient/cheaper to use HGVs to feed into Ballina Inland Port rather than to drive to Dublin and queue to await unloading. A truck is not earning money when its queuing at a a port waiting to load/unload and eats into HGV drivers hours with a knock on effect on productivity." Correct and the train feeds to and from Ballina.. Dublin Port's container terminals are suffering from congestion due to increasing volumes as shippers changed mode from Ro/Ro to containers LO/LO.. Wait times into terminals can be up to 2 hours, worse at some peak times.. Volumes to other towns in the North West aren't large yet but when complementing existing business, it can be very cost competitive by intermodal..
  11. MOGUL

    RPSI Prizes

    Are you still looking for books? I have a bag in my spare room, may be some of use
  12. Here’s before and after pics from the Dublin port website.. https://www.dublinport.ie/portfolio/alexandra-basin-redevelopment/ The Tara mines conveyor is the browny green structure on the pier extending out into the basin in the “before” picture It has been removed in the “after” artists impression to make space for two new Ro/Ro berths in the foreground
  13. The existing conveyor and pier used to load ships with Tara’s product is being demolished to make space for some of the redevelopment.. A new conveyor in a better location will be installed.. I think the Zinc from Tara is going to be shipped ex Drogheda for a few weeks to facilitate the work..
  14. IE don't directly own Rosslare port, but they run it on behalf of the F&RR&HC, of which they are 50% share holder.. The role of Rosslare port manager is a post held by the current IE Freight manager.. The land bridge tends to be time sensitive and moves in truck trailers, so isn't really suited to rail freight.. It's traffic moving from land bridge Ro/Ro services to direct container Lo/Lo services that provide the benefit and potential for IE to capitalise on Brexit..
  15. The CLDN vessel is a new bigger ship on a service that has been running for a good few years now.. The 'Brexit Buster' tag was just a good marketing buzz word that the press picked up on at the launch party.. The EU-Ireland market has two main service offerings, Lo/Lo containers and Ro/Ro driver accompanied trucks.. What Brexit seems to have done is make people re-examine their options for shipping to their European customers, and realise that their are options that avoid the UK completely already available.. Approx 1 train per week of the current IWT service is product bound for the German market in containers, which is completely unaffected by the whole Brexit scenario.. I would think that a good few of the bigger Irish shippers are in a similar situation.. A lot of the press coverage of Brexit has been influenced by what they are being told, with very few questioning the source or where it's interests lie.. The IRHA have hijacked the narrative, and are steering the conversation to suit their own agenda.. Hence all this talk about Rosslare (their president is from Wexford and would be a big user of Rosslare Port).. In reality, most freight forwarders and shipping managers (the ones who control the mode of transport) are aware of their options and likely have plans in place to avoid the UK completely after March if at all possible.. Hopefully, what this means for rail freight, is more business moving in containers and less in trucks.. That creates a bigger market for moving containers, which rail can be very good at..
  16. Interesting article http://www.munster-express.ie/business/port-bids-to-restore-rail-connection/
  17. The short trains tend to run when Tara is changing from shipping one product to the other.. the two products(Zinc and Lead) are never carried the the same rake..
  18. Jhb, the 071s worked the timber to and from Derry when it operated.. think it was a three month period in the early 2000s.. The Irish rail freight to Adelaide would have ended around this time also.. would have been a mix of fertiliser, cement and keg beer worked in a mixed train
  19. No one have any leftovers after making some tanks?
  20. Would anyone have the haz decals from the c- rail tank transfers that they don’t need.. they’re the small triangular ones at the end of the sheet.. Short two class 5(yellow ones) labels for a container, as two wouldn’t stick and cracked when I tried to apply them
  21. Never been able to fill in all the blanks but here’s my best shot: Taras: 2- 071s from Mon to Fri Timber: 2 -071s from Mon to Sat IWT: 3 -071s or 201s from Mon to Sat Limerick Pilot: 1 -071 all week, wagon transfers on a Thursday Waterford Pilot: 1- 071 all week, wagon transfers on a weds/thurs? Belmond: 1- 201 Tues-Fri, 1- 071 Fri-Mon Enterprise: 3-201s all week Cork: 8-201s all week, when all 8 sets of MK IVs are in use.. Cork line Thunderbird/ stand by: 1-201 Belfast line thunderbird/ stand by: 1-201 DFDS would have been 1-071 from Mon to Weds
  22. IWT normally runs both ways on Saturday, ex NW at 9:35 as per Railers post and ex Ballina at 08:15, arriving into Dublin around 13:00.. At the moment there’s trials taking place so the down trains as deferred to Sunday at 11:30 for the next two weeks Also, new rail trains occasionally run Waterford to Portlaoise on a Saturday
  23. Hi Neil, just noticed in one of your pics from last Monday you mentioned an ICR being used as a shunting set.. is this a permanent duty as I thought portlaoise has a small shunter on site?
  24. Not too sure about the no freight since 1965 JHB.. The Derry timber could have been a success if it ran Derry to Dundalk via the Derry Road.. so you could have 1/2 trains a week of timber flats hauled by a 111 to Dundalk
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