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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. Heading down between 9 and 10pm, shunting and loading generally takes about an hour.. can be later depending on the terminal, Thursday is normally busy so they train heads down for 11pm then
  2. Hi All, I have some OO gauge diecast vehicles looking for a new home, Oxford Diecast Garda Landover, €5 never opened, and mint condition Corgi OOC Leyland PD3 " Queen Mary" Open Top Lallys of Galway Livery, €30 Still in original factory sealed box and includes limited edition certificate, 1 mirror came loose in box but could easily be glued back on.. Available for collection in D7/D15, or can arrange postage at cost Open to offers.. **New Addition** Corgi Collectors Club Limited Edition Scania R and Fridge Trailer in McGeown International Livery €50 In excellent condition and box also excellent
  3. 071 likely to work Saturdays down liner to Ballina
  4. Not sure if it's better or worse than sending them to their deaths in a coal mine
  5. Good Morning, Found the article, apologies about the scan quality, the magazine is about 8 years old now! OPDR had a long and storied history serving the islands, and nice looking containers too!
  6. A close cousin of our IWT containers.. the Canaries has its own unique operators and containers alright, OPDr, Boluda etc.. Ships international had a good article about services to the islands from Seville a few years back, will see if I can find the article.. In my time in shipping, OPDR became part of Macandrews, which then was merged with containerships.. The result is a mixing of fleets, so we occasionally get OPDR units in from mainland Spain, and ship a mixture of containerships, Macandrews and lease boxes out to Tenerife
  7. A new arrival this morning from Hatton's inspired me to get the finger out and dig out some models from the Attic.. Having a trunk order ready to go, I decided to add a pack of Dapols 40ft ONE line containers, which contain 1 Pink and 1 White container(they are a thing apparently, a quick check of matts place proved this to be so before placing the order) per pack.. At only £14 for two containers they seemed like a bargain! Image of a ONE line dry box in white/dove grey livery from Matts place: However, there are a few issues with these, the tampo printing is a little blurry with the container numbers and large one on the side also looking a bit bumpy.. Also, the boxes are labelled as 45G1s, which is a 40ft HC, however the models are for 8ft 6ins(DV) units! Nit picking a little perhaps, but when compared to @Arrans excellent ONE line offering(right height, and razor sharp printing!) they are a little disappointing.. I have numerous Dapol containers(Maersk 40fts, P&O 45fts, ZIM 20fts, CMA 40fts, the list goes on) but these are the first "miss" unfortunately.. I haven't bought the Hornby ONEs yet, as 3 is probably enough for now, but does anyone have any pics of those for comparison? Arran/Crails 40ft ONE bottom and Dapol 40ft ONE on top P&O FMBU 45ft showing dapol's normal high standard of printing Also discovered in the big box of containers while digging out the C-rail one box was a 20ft Bachmann that I started work on to convert it into one of the BLS bulktainers that are seen daily on IWT liners.. The work is a bit rough, but I hope to make new end doors and hatch covers from plasticard in the next few days to finish these..
  8. @ttc0169Noel, just picking up on this conversation now.. Would I be right in saying that the Fert was offloaded on the stub of the Killala line, accross the level crossing? ie in Barretts yard?
  9. Saw those, then realised they are less in euro in Marks Models!
  10. I have a Eurolines bova Futura if you are interested, was going to list it but would rather sell to someone on here
  11. Was 2014, you can see the curtains flapping on the second train in this video.Also of note is the 45ft reefer in a CPW on this train… The Norfolk line units on the first train also look like curtainside units, but watching on a phone so can’t be sure..
  12. Simple answer is no, the Samskip units on the XPO liner are 45ft Dry Boxes or 45ft Reefers, not curtain siders like the model.. DFDS did run curtain siders to/from Ballina one of the summers they had the liner running, think it was 2017(videos on youtube should show these).. This was for export loads of recycled silage wrap.. So the container type has moved on liners but not in Samskip livery. Anyone who doesn't like a yarn/ramble can tune out now! I car share with a colleague(who formerly worked for XPO, but that's another story) who's main job is to move ~300 tonnes a week of coils from Europe to Waterford via Dublin and Waterford ports, about 50% of this is in Samskip curtainsiders like the oxford model.. He has a constant battle to get stock in, and when the weather gets bad in the winter, I’d swear his stress levels triple!
  13. I think Samskip bought Geest, but also Seawheel(who's boxes have been discussed at length on her, Limerick to Waterford baby food) but Samkip are around a long time, they started with the Iceland/Nordics services and grew from there.. You would know better than me Arran, but are the Tesco units not 8'9" rather than 8'6, I remember reading that they were a lower height so they could be routed via the Settle and Carlisle when the WCML is closed..
  14. For anyone looking for some containers suitable for 2020s railway ops, Dapol have another run of P&O 45fts that are in stock in Hattons.. We run 4-6 of these units to/from Ballina a week.. https://www.hattons.co.uk/526512/dapol_4f_028_015_pack_of_two_45_hi_cube_containers_p_o_ferry_/stockdetail https://www.hattons.co.uk/526516/dapol_4f_028_016_pack_of_two_45_hi_cube_containers_p_o_ferry_weathered/stockdetail They also have some of the old Style MOL(Mitsui) containers suitable for 80s/90s and some Maersk 40fts in stock for less than the cost of Hornby containers https://www.hattons.co.uk/351764/dapol_4f_028_103_pair_of_40_foot_containers_mitsui_lines_weathered/stockdetail https://www.hattons.co.uk/220220/dapol_4f_028_100_pack_of_two_40_foot_containers_maersk_mrku_and_msku/stockdetail
  15. My best friends neighbour is similar, has a substantial and very nice mainly Fleischmann layout in his attic.. Was very proud of his live steam, which he said was far ahead of anything Hornby were making when he bought it in the early 2000s.. Was quite impressed when I showed him my IRM bubbles though, again wasn't aware how far Irish modelling had come and is unlikely to make the change at this stage..
  16. You see them more than us Arran.. Dapol did that Argos box as a two pack with a co-op livery also, I bought a pack but again would be U.K. only.. Having said that I have seen Tesco less c02 containers in Dublin port, so models law applies!
  17. I would confidently say never, nice livery though.. U.K. to Scotland only
  18. The kegs and cages by IRM seem to be sold out but just the stacks of kegs are available on accurascale https://accurascale.ie/products/5-stacks-of-kegs-90-keg-version
  19. I think some were converted for use on the Norfolk liner in the early 2000s.. IRRS journal for June 2000 mentions 22 being allocated so would take this as a start date..
  20. Guessing these are gone.. have a zim 20ft if not
  21. As Arran said already, its a Pallet wide 40ft.. They are inter-EU and related area(North Africa, Canaries) only.. In my time in shipping they have only been associated with the Iberian market, OPDR(Canaries Specialists), McAndrews(Spain to Ireland/UK and NW Europe) and also containerships to/from the Baltic, all of those were bought by CMA CGM and merged into their Containerships European Short sea operations.. We used to have about 1 per week to/from Ballina until about 2018, however due to their limited usage for export lanes we stopped that and changed to using standard deep sea 40ft containers instead.. The OPDR Red ones were one of the better looking containers IMO http://www.matts-place.com/intermodal/part4/opdu4111478.jpg In the mid 90s and early 2000s they would likely have been more common as they were the predecessors to the 45ft containers we use now.. I would imagine the containerships units *might* have travelled on liners as containerships seemed to ship into Waterford with BELL Lines, certainly I have seen containerships units(Orange and Green Livery) mixed in with Bells on liners, whether these were 4EG1 pallet wides or standard 40fts I don't know, I was 4 when BELL lines shut! They aren't a millions miles different from the 4CG1 types also, those are also 40ft Pallet wides for the European Markets but seem to have different bottom rails and corrugations.. Seawheel being the most notable operator of that type in an Irish Railways context..
  22. Only pic I could find too Arran.. have you seen one in the flesh yet?
  23. The colours are reversed so the 20ft livery is wrong.. A reefer has smooth sides like the image below.. ONE line is relatively new, it has only existed since 2017. I can't even find images of 20ft ONE reefers online, and have never handled a shipment using one.. So definitely there has never been a 20ft ONE line reefer on rail in this country.. 40ft Reefer and 40ft Dry vans yes, we move 2-4 ONE 40ft dry boxes a week to/from Ballina.. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anfaulkner_iwt-one-activity-6601039549139419137-v3US/
  24. 100%, I know it's not everyones cup of tea, but for a modern era layout having a train with the right containers on it is as important as having the right rolling stock.. They might not be as glamourous as a Pullman, clerestory or even a MK3 but that doesn't mean they arent interesting and it's a while subject in its own right.. The Hornby white ONE box is a dry box tooling masquerading as a 20ft reefer box(reefers are normally always white, OOCL excepted!).. So based on the wrong prototype to begin with but alright for non-rivet counters trying to fill out 7 or 8 bogies Bachmann did a consent leasing using the 13.6m swap body tooling, but they are hard to get now as they were released about 15 years ago now.. https://www.hattons.co.uk/498596/bachmann_branchline_37_300a_po12_2_intermodal_bogie_wagons_with_2_45ft_containers_consent_leasing_pre_owned_wea/stockdetail The consent boxes were around for a long time, from the early 1990s to the mid 2010s, we used to move them on the IWT until about 2017.. But for 45fts dapols tooling is the best so far, as Bachmanns is too low and not quite right for the later LEG1 boxes and is more like a 13.6m European swap body than a 45ft short sea box
  25. Around since about 2012 I think, will check tomorrow.. They carry powdered ingredients in a big bag inside the box.. Not all of them have the BLS livery, some are still marked as unit 20, the lessor https://unit45.com/en/products/unit45-specials/20ft-bulk-25/ And there are some with 6 roof hatches instead of 4, just for a tooling variation! Also they are a bit unusual that they are 9ft high, so that WSI model is even 4in too short! It does mean that the Bachmann 20ft is a decent starting place to kit bash one, I made some progress on this a few years back before it went in the spares box.. They are regulars on rail in Ireland and mainland Europe, not so much in the U.K.. IWT also had a small fleet of 20ft bulk boxes for a few years, but they never got livery stickers and stayed in cronos livery.. Could be a nice what if model if someone was going to tool them though!
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