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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. Not really, DFDS and IWT have both also transported Baxter loads by rail at various times over the past few years
  2. It's not a new freight flow, it's just 6-8 export loads a week from Baxter to Waterford using the existing XPO train instead of going by road to Dublin.. The article seems to be based off the PR
  3. After 20 months in Portlaoise waiting on the pen pushers to do their thing, the Kirow has been unleashed to the wilds today! Doing a tour of the network this week(likely for gauging purposes)
  4. It just happens that I ran into a man today that might be able to help on this and a few railway models enquiries people might have
  5. One slightly messy coat of black paint done on the cab and chassis.. Need to get some gloss paint to do a better second coat, add back in the lights with silver and get some broken wheel decals for the cab doors.. But happy with it so far, nice little lunchtime project..
  6. Dave, drop me a PM.. might be able to help with the location/customs side of things
  7. Still a bit pricey as it is missing the plastic insert though.. The super train don’t seem to get as much as IE ones
  8. Page 24 of rails through Tipperary shows a scene at Nenagh station in 1974 including two AEC trucks in CIE livery.. Atlas Editions produced a similar truck in Eddie stobart livery, and I picked one up for £7 on hattons a few weeks back.. https://www.hattons.co.uk/1292671/atlas_editions_4649104_po67_aec_ergomatic_6_wheel_tipper_eddie_stobart_pre_owned_very_good_box/stockdetail A few spare minutes allowed me a chance to open it up and have a look.. Once the awkward triangular screws securing it to the plastic base were removed, it was actually very easily to take apart.. And the glazing, tyres and cab interior are all removable meaning no need for much masking while repainting.. Few pics of the disassembled model after painting the wheel hubs silver(were red).. Does anyone know any more about CIEs AEC trucks, or have any pictures of them, trying to figure out whether to paint the cab in matt or gloss black paint?
  9. Sorry Denis, wasn't DJ for once but this one is gone.. Sold it to a guy from Connemara to narrow it down a bit for you!
  10. The chippy looks well Noel, is it the airfix kit with after market decals?
  11. And a herd of Irish inbound to replace them?
  12. Adverts is a bit weird in that you can’t message the person unless you put in an offer.. If they set the minimum offer to €150 then you have to offer them €150 to even PM them! I wouldn’t ever take an adverts offer as binding till you speak to the person for that reason
  13. Very hard to see Foynes going back into handling containers, it's in the wrong place and doesn't have a big enough market to justify regular calls from a container vessel.. It was tried back in the early 2000s with parts for DELL in Limerick as the base load and didn't work out.. Even less likely to work out now that DELL is gone.. If anything we have too many ports handling containers, with Waterford suffering from it's proximity to Dublin and Cork, and recently Rosslare also now that it handles containers and has a regular service to/from Belgium which Waterford lacks(big missed opportunity for them).. To be honest, doubling all the way from Galway to Portarlington and from Kildare to Athy or even Carlow should happen before any more of the WRC gets built..
  14. I have two magazines/one off specials on freight in the UK if anyone wants them.. Trying to declutter my office space/home gym to make space for a small layout
  15. It's prototypical but waay before my time! This website has a pic of one: https://www.classicbuses.co.uk/+Ubus-77-82.html
  16. Hello All, I have a few model buses looking for a new home, might be a good scenic feature on a layout for someone, particularly Northern/Ulster based Corgi OOC Leyland Leopard in Lough Swilly Livery.. Model is in very good condition, box slightly careworn and missing securing screws(Can wrap well for postage).. Looking for €20 plus P&P or collection/meet up in Dublin EFE Leyland PD2 lowbridge in UTA livery, Ballyclare headboard.. Model and box both in excellent condition. Looking for €25 plus P&P or collection/meet up in Dublin B-T models Duple dominant in Ulsterbus tours livery Model and box both in excellent condition. Looking for €20 plus P&P or collection/meet up in Dublin
  17. Will there be a UTA Jinty on the way to haul that Giant wagon?
  18. Never knew a Ballybrophy coat was a thing.. Was it designed with the long wait on a windswept platform for the Nenagh branch line train in mind?
  19. The group is called "Irish Railways Buy and Sell - Models & Accessories, Memorabilia & Books" But the add for the RPSI Cravens has been deleted(think it has been posted about 3 times now).. There are some RPSI Mk2s available at the moment though
  20. Yep works out about €67 for Vat on top, so an extra €22 a coach €85 x 3 + €20(Post)= €275 * 23%= €63.25(VAT) plus €3.50(Admin fee)
  21. How that last post sounded in my head
  22. Payable at the point of entry, so add 23% onto the landed value(cost of goods plus postage) and add on the admin fee..
  23. 161 sold, 142 still available
  24. Have always had a thing for Military railways(Christian Wolmar's book on the subject being a particular favourite), that is fantastic work! Will you be adding an oxford rail Boche buster to your layout to complement this?
  25. Send me a PM, Dublin works!
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