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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. There’s one or two in yards in Stoneybatter also, given the high property values in that area they are likely on borrowed time
  2. One of the IRRS journals had a feature on the Waterford-Rosslare line with pics of BD containers in open wagons.. I have also seen pics of some BD wagons with a label saying they were carrying car parts for BMC, likely for assembly of knock down kits.. I have yet to find pics of BD containers on flat wagons, only later ISO type 20fts on 20ft skeletal flats.. Maybe it was felt they couldn't be sufficiently secured on a flat wagon(no twistlocks/Corner castings).. Will try find that article when I have a chance.. CIE did have later aluminium non-ISO containers, again I have seen pics but don't have them handy right now.. Not sure if they had BD/timber bodied ones, the GNR(I) certainly did as modelled by @leslie10646
  3. remember seeing double deck car transporters with "Blue Dragon" branding during the late 60s Intriguing, tell us more please or even better pics of them!
  4. A few coaches or a few rakes? 8113 going to look great with my IRM mk2s(last year’s Christmas bonus)
  5. I got 8113 DCC fitted on Hattons a few months back, find of the year! and a GSR sentinel with DCC last week.. but missed todays MK2Ds as I was stuck in the usual Friday Dublin traffic, feel destined new to have any of the original mk2 run
  6. 20ft or 45ft reefer load this time?
  7. My recommendation is this also https://www.oxforddiecast.co.uk/products/bedford-j1-ambulance-dundalk-fire-service-76bed007 Can be got east enough for under €10
  8. Linea messina was taken over by Italia I think, who were in turn take over by evergreen.. On another note, Boluda have launched a Santander to Dublin service this week, so we might see some of your weird boxes up this way
  9. Don’t have one of those but I think I might have a spare CIE scamell Scarab in the stash
  10. Hi Brian, Can do, send me a PM with your address Regards Andrew
  11. I still have the first one, yours if you want it
  12. Michael Portillo traveled to the mine(complete with hard hat, high viz and Salmon covered trousers no doubt) in one of his railway journeys episodes.. A long time since I've seen it but I think it showed the shunt.. Also of note, is that Tara mines have a unilok and a shale wagon(last one) that are used to calibrate the scales
  13. Can't make it this year, as I have my own newly tooled arrival due early in October.. First show since IRM was a thing(that one was fun!) that I will miss but can't be helped! I'm sure there will be regular updates on here to keep me in the loop!
  14. I only have the Translink and Ulsterbours tours Irizars at the moment(same as the Marks buses).. But there is a nice EFE translink Wright bus(sold mine to DJ), and also an Optare solo(used for Causeway tours) available also, but hard to get as they are older models.. This thread by @WRENNEIRE is a good summary as it covers most of the Northern buses
  15. I think adding shops like this could be handy, especially for O gauge modellers! We seem to get a lot of UK shops listed on Irish websites as souces, but Brexit has killed that mostly.. So mainland EU shops can be a good replacement source for things like layout materials, vehicles, containers etc
  16. Imma leave this here http://www.britishmodelbuses.com/Britbus.htm
  17. Nah, too small for that, you’d have it cleared out in a week and be looking for more! We only use the20ft reefers to send stuff to New Caledonia(pop 270000) these days.. It’s even more out there islandy than your island @DJ Dangerous!
  18. Looks the job, the container is a highcube, and the extra height does it favours it making it look in scale.. just needs some rust on the corner castings and the tractor unit needs a smear of grease on the 5th wheel and a few breakfast roll wrappers in the cab window!
  19. €250 for a 141 with the wrong box, pass thanks.. Miss getting them in Hattons for £90(not that long ago)
  20. At least we know there is something other than a stapler in the boxes! Very nice, how much did that set you back Dave?
  21. Those look like they would have put a big dent in the bank balance! Any pics of them out of the boxes?
  22. it's more a case of did my wallet survive Check your mail, might be able to help with above!
  23. Castlebar has no loop, so would need to include some form of Runaround.. Likely two sidings off the UP side with a facing point on the Dublin side of Castlebar.. Cunninghams yard is close to the line and already has a reach stacker in operation.. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/brian-cunningham-669940b7_a-massive-thanks-to-everyone-at-harrington-activity-6866470744340123649-11ca?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
  24. DFDS used their own, both dry and reefers(require in winter months to prevent freezing).. IWT hauled for BG and also some CLDNs
  25. The 20 a day figureis misconstrued, the Baxter’s supply chain manager mentioned it but it is their total output, not what is moving with XPO/Samskip.. Most goes via Dublin with ECS and DFDs, both using road haulage..Obviously the proportion may change if the depot in Castlebar gets built
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