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Everything posted by MOGUL

  1. The doors on the Wec boxes have inset handles, that’s why the door looks strange from the inside.. this showed up in Ballina today, 20ft with 8ft 6 in yellow square like your TESU box
  2. Finally finished this one after over 2 years.. Not the tidiest work but was glad to finish it in the end and it was only €7 for the kit.. Completing this one has given me a spur to make a few more kits while waiting for my base boards to be made, so have a Sherman crab in the pipeline also Airfix ME109E in 3/ JG51 livery, France 1940
  3. Makes more sense in terms of time period!
  4. 076 is on IWT, not sure what the second loco is.. 232 is/was in timber
  5. Looks like a standard 20ft 8ft 6 box, 33.2CBM on the door confirms it.. The sign looks like a caution 8ft 6in one, must be a very old box(can't make out on the CSC plate on the door) Were you there hunting strays?
  6. Next ICR centre car deliveries are due to Dublin at the start of December.. First vessel is due 4/12 with 6 cars Next vessel is due 5/12 with 6 more And a final vessel is due 17/12 with 6 more cars..
  7. What's the tank on the tank transporter, looks like a Challenger but in North African camoflage? Fantastic modelling by the way!
  8. Without stirring the pot.. IRM moved some track panels for Maam when they released the As, supported Tailte tours on their inaugural run and dontated funds from the sale of ballasts to the DCDR to preserve the real thing.. Wonder if hattons could be convinced to contribute towards rescuing a 6 wheeler, there is a suitable candidate just down the road from Maam after all!
  9. It's nothing like a scamell scarab, but I think it is a Scamell, the script on the bonnet looks like their logo.. Likely a later design than the Scarab but with similar intended use or for use as a terminal tractor shunting semi-trailers onto the ferry.. What the model name is, I haven't the foggiest, doesn't seem to be much online about their smaller vehicles
  10. MOGUL

    IRM Fert Wagon

    Just got my shipping notification.. Can't wait for tomorrow
  11. Not strange at all, the current schedule has no train in NW from Saturday morning till Monday afternoon.. The weekend sees both sets of flat wagons and normally a timber stabled in Ballina.. This coming Monday is an exception, as due to engineering work in Tullamore the down train will run on Monday instead of Saturday.. Probably the first down train on a Monday in about 9months
  12. Yes it is true, myself and Ciaran Cooney had a good chat about it at the weekend after seeing the diorama at the MRSI show.. Ciaran, who is an expert on these things reckons there are very few photos of trains on the branch, but his excellent article on sidings in the IRRS journal a few years ago included a few.. He reckons the track layout in the mill was limited, with a loop and a siding/headshunt down the side of the brown roofed(intake) shed.. Here are some pics I took by way of a photo survey in May 2021, the mill is up for planning for the dreaded buy to let apartments, so see it while you can! The foliage hides it, but the small brown roofed shed has a sliding door on the side that looks like it would have received H Vans: The end wall of the brown shed looks like it was open, and has been covered with corrugated after closure.. not sure if rail sidings ran in under the roof or not This shot is taken on the railway line side of Canal looking along the alignment into the mill, the parapet looks in decent condition, and a small pillar still stands in the canal for the skew of the bridge.. the bridge itself was an industrial looking arch girder jobby
  13. Aughinish inports it bauxite in large bulk vessels, mainly from Brazil.. It then exports finished alumina by sea in smaller vessels around Europe.. A friends Grandfather was a ships captain with Arklow shipping and a regular run for him was from Aughinish to Blyth with Alumina, from Blyth the Alumina is railed to Fort William and Lynemouth.. Aughinish receives and ships all its tonnage by sea from its own berth in the river rather than the main Foynes operation.. Tara never shipped from Foynes, and have their own terminal in Dublin port so this is unlikely.. However Foynes did ship Zinc that was railed from Silvermines, on behalf of a Canadian company called… Mogul!
  14. Tis a sad scene in my office today, the pride of my bus and truck fleet has been boxed up and will be dropped off to the Post office tomorrow On the plus side, I will be a couple of hundred better off coming into the weekend to fund my IRM ferts and a few more bits and pieces.. It feels a bit like selling my knee caps to buy new earlobes, the things we do for love! Now the only question is, will Paddy take my first born as payment for 141s,as I'm running out of things to flog, soon it'll just be me, a desk and boxes of railway models!
  15. How many models have you released Chris? Without giving away too much detail(not my place to do it), I can confirm this one has some substance to it
  16. They can handle 45ft palletwide containers, but not reefers as they are slightly too wide due to the thicker/double skinned walls.. There is no 5ft add on, the Irish Rail pocket wagons were always 45ft long, and besides their design concept are not related to the UK pocket wagons(KTA/KQA/) that are 40ft only..
  17. Monday's are normally quiet, and the Coca-Cola plant in Ballina had a few shut downs last week for Maintenance to bulk silos and Anniversary Celebrations.. This week is flat to the mat from now until at least next monday!
  18. Have been on the eye out for a Mulgrew Scania for a few months now, they have a depot in Ballycoolin I pass on my twice weekly trips to the office and have a very distinctive orange livery that stands out on the Road.. Hattons had a second hand one that was damaged, with the trailer loose from the metal base.. I haggle with them got me the damaged truck for £19, so I decided to take a risk on it.. Postie arrived with it on Wednesday morning, and a quick check revealed that the model itself was perfectly serviceable, and easily fixable with the issue actually being down to the screw securing the model to the base being threaded and nearly impossible to release! So now I am the proud owner of a perfect Scania, ready to hit the road with another load of Coca Cola from the Lisburn Plant to Lidl's RDC in Mullingar Also, a deep dive into my parents attic revealed some of my old kit bashing attempts, despite over 6 years in storage, the damage seems confined to a loose ladder, a lost coupling and some shifted timber loads.. Hoping to details and decal these to bring them up to scratch!
  19. Love the subtle weathering, and the Tinnelly truck is particularly nice
  20. Watching this one closely, so far, not even close but people are in for a real treat this year!
  21. To be fair to our 071s, the Retales have an extra 4 cylinders, they have a 16Cyl instead of the 12 in the 071s.. Also, although our liners are short, they tend to be heavy as they move a lot of liquid in tanks.. More conventional container traffic like above, even though a longer train would likely weight less..
  22. Barline Transport was founded in May 1998 by Barry and Pauline Maybin and operated from Larne, Co. Antrim in Northern Ireland. Although the company has now ceased trading, at its peak, the distinctive blue and white liveried fleet comprised 30 tractor units and around 75 trailer, including the Volvo FH Curtainside. The company offered a wide range of transport solutions to a customer base within Ireland and across the UK. Both the truck and box are in excellent condition.. Available for collection/meet up in D7/D15 area, or can arrange postage at P&P €35
  23. Yeah, the whole NFT takes it to a whole new level.. No to bomb the thread with youtube links, but this is the best/funniest take on it I've seen..
  24. It's not just video games or railway models, people are buying and selling Pokemon cards, designer clothes and even sports shoes, basically buying them with the intent of flipping them for a profit.. Probably the most notable one in recent years was the PS5, where you had parents desperate to get one for Christmas presents while scalpers tried to sell them for 3x what they paid for them! I'm not sure where the trend has come from, but social media has definitely fuelled the trend and I think some of it generational with Gen Xers preferring to be seen as "Entrepeneur" for doing this shit rather than just putting the head down and doing actual work.. As Stephen said, manufacturers can squeeze out the scalpers by producing more stock/new releases, but some brands are fully aware of what is going on an actively promote it by issuing limited editions on a monthly basis.. Want to know how crazy the world is, watch this, anyone for a packet of Oreos for $91K! https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissakravitz/2020/02/20/supreme-oreos-are-selling-for-4000-on-ebay/
  25. There was an article about Castlerock in the IRRS journal a couple of years back that mentioned and might even had a pic of a 101 and a MV/ c class double heading a fertiliser.. Will see if I can find which journal it was
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