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Andy Cundick

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Everything posted by Andy Cundick

  1. It sounds like a problem with the primer my go to primer is an ordinary grey primer done by Upol it hangs on everything i spray with it from etched brass to diecast as well as full size vehicles from Austin to Land Rover via Jowett.Most good motor shops seem to sell it,Andy.
  2. Thanks its the first of my Irish narrow gauge layouts to get into print,both the standard gauge ones have been in Model Rail,funnily enough my North British layout will be in there shortly and my Welshpool layout has just been photographed for BRM,so theres an Irish a Scottish and a Welsh layout,there has to be a joke in there somewhere.Andy
  3. Just to warn you that Castlederg will be in the next Model Rail(out on the 19th),the photos a good as Chris Nevard did them as for the text nothing to do with me guv,Andy.
  4. My latest Donegal layout Bruckless (the fifth in the trilogy) is out this saturday at Swoons Narrow Gauge bash at Ilton Somerset,and at the the Southampton Show,on the 28/29th.Worryingly i keep finding stock i'd forgotten i had that or they're breeding.Andy
  5. Use it neat and use a sealed container otherwise it'll stink the place out,good luck Andy.
  6. Its one of my claims to fame that in my time at Swindon i managed to set fire to the same DMU two days running,i should point out that it was only a matter of time as when a DMU turned up for overhaul it would go into 19 shop up on the jacks the bogies would be removed and then the cleaners would descend on it to clean the underside so far so good.However this consisted of 2 gallon buckets of white spirit largish brushes and loads of blue paper,now the theory was that this would all be cleaned up however as the lift roads were also pit roads which meant that the pits were sometimes missed in the clearup process plus bear in mind the pit boards were wood it was a fire waiting to happen.Anyway once the fitters started on the strip we were often called out to bring a gas axe to cope with some of the more obstinate nuts and bolts,we always took a labourer with us to fire watch,however this day no problem until we just got back to our gang when the cheering and buffer hammering started,i looked back sure enough the pit boards were going well it ended up with flames up to the units gutter before we sorted out.There was then a meeting of various superintendents,foreman and chargehands with us chipping in with i told you so,the upshot of which that no more cleaning with white spirit would used and a less exciting degreaser would be used.No problem,until next day asked back to knock of a few more bits from the bottom of the same vehicle didnt get more than a couple of bolts cut when the cheering started.Management had forgotten to tell the night shift who had finished the cleaning underneath so there i was with a nice set of shiny new pit boards somewhat singed ,happy days,,Andy.
  7. Or can simply use the Wills kit it regauges quite nicely to 21mm gauge and you can have it whatever colour you want,Andy
  8. Ratio did many moons ago but still appear fairly regularly,theres a couple running on Lochty unlikely place to find them but i like them Andy.
  9. It used to be the practice at Swindon works,if one of your mates was getting married,that on his stag one of us with connivance would get him a priv ticket and after getting well and truly drunk got him onto the first train availablea word with the guard who was usually up for it and off he wold disappearthe record was York though God knows how he managed it,happy days,Andy.
  10. More than slightly reminiscent of the North British empty cask wagons,Andy.
  11. Sounds like not enough clearance between the worm and spur gear,the point to remember is that if the gear is secured using a grub screw the gear the gear will run slightly out of true . just increase clearance between motor and spur gearAndy.
  12. If its any help i've already built Tailte and have all the bits to do Macha if i make a start on her now i can pretty well guarantee ,an 800 announcement within the week. Andy.
  13. That would prove my point having built both of them,Andy.
  14. You can bet your bottom dollar that what ever it is i either won't need it or will have already built one or more,Andy.
  15. The locos are the Golden Arrow kits which shall we say are of their time,Earl in her unrebuilt form is the first of 4 to be built the idea is to have them in both their original and rebuilt GW forms other than that the layout is finished as i have all the rest of the stock. The Cambrian stock is my chief helpers as he is doing the Welshpool in that period and you can judge who has been operating Llanfair by the preponderance of either Cambrian or GW period stock.Llanfair is after all said and done the model railway layout a Great Western branchline terminus.Andy.
  16. The main thing is to have a go,as thats how you learn after all we all started at the same place.Andy.
  17. The loco is probably an SSM kit as it is in its original state,i ha d to modify mine to its 1930s condition.As to the standards for wheels and tracks i don't understand why people immediately assume 21mm gauge has to be to P4 standards ,i've been modelling using 21mm gauge to EM standards for last 40 years with no problems, as for axles for the drivers i use 1/8" steel bar cut to length with the ends squared up with a file,its around an 12" long depending on the depth of the bossfor pin point wagon axles its 2mm steel rod put in a drill and the point ground on old bit of grinding or a file, 21mm w irons are avaliable from SSM and Priclkey Pear or you can just widen MJT ones coach bogies are eay just use the MJT compenstated coach bogies.As for rolling stock the problem with regaugeing British stock is usually they are narrower best to start off with perhaps a couple of MGW convertibles from SSM,its a fact of life that manufacturers seem on the hole to ignore the 100 years of Irish railway history .If you want a quickie loco conversion then if you havn't done it before then a Jinty may be your best bet nice and simple though not very appropriate Hope this helps Andy.
  18. My next project is a tractor shed as my Fordson has been evicted from the garage to make way for my Jowett Bradford van (useful layout hauler) Andy.
  19. The simple answer to that is yes i am,there is a slowly developing model of Marlborough along with several other projects,the sticking point at the moment is the 3 way point,there is also about 20 standard gauge locos not to mention the layout i'm taking to Warley this year is a scale model of Llanfair Caereinion in the 1930's the classic GW branch line terminusAndy.
  20. Just remember GWR stands for Gods Wonderful Railway and not without reason Andy (ex Swindon apprentice)
  21. My go to for paint stripper is Dettol it works well on metal and plastic with no harmful effects apart from the smell ,Andy
  22. Well it looks like it might be in Model Rail soonish as Chris Nevard did the photos a while ago and they're now looking at an interview to do the article.Andy.
  23. Castledergs last trip out this year at Thornbury Gloucestershire Sat and Sunday.Only Warley to after that but with one of the Welsh layouts this year.Andy
  24. Whats more Nonneminstre did a kit for that Hibberd model,and it can be rejigged for 21mm gauge ,been there done it,Andy.
  25. And they were 3 rail as well,Andy.
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